Chapter 1

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<Faith's POV>

I pull up my hood a bit more to hide my purple eyes. Purple eyes means you have an ability and I was unfortunate enought to be one of those people. I am so unlucky that I have two powers; flying and enchantment. Some would think 'Oh! I have powers! YAY!!!' but no. We aren't love or worshiped, the oppisite is true.

We are hated and feared. Exiled from every town. They call us the Naik. No one likes us. Not even Herobrine likes us. But I must go into town. No one knows about me yet and I need more food.

I wandered the streets and find a store. I buy what I need and run to the forest as fast as I can. I fly the Naik base and bring the food to my room. We all live in one place except a few, but we have support ourselves food and water wise at least.

No one knows I can fly. No one. My best friend doesn't even know about me being a Naik thanks to something called contacts. Her name is Fio. If she finds out I will end up in a lot of trouble. We are worse than hybrids according to humans.

I put away the food and grab a inadvisability potion then go outside. I drink the potion and fly up. I fly over to the town near by and hover. I just look over it and see everyone doing daily activities. I fly over to the main base and look through the window and see the king or something doing the usual 'stop the Naik!' campain. Yay... I fly back to the base and sit outside.

I sit for a while and a begin to hear the sound of horse hooves. I run inside knowing that could only mean humans are coming. I grab my backpack and shove as much stuff in there as I can. I run out of my room to the main room.

"The Humans Are Coming!!" I yell before running outside and run farther into the forest. Once I got far enough from the base I drink a invisibility potion and fly up. The only place I think I could go was Fio's house. I flew there and drank some milk and put in my blue contacts. I knock on the door and she answers the door with a happy look on her face. We didn't see each other that often.

"Hey Faith!" Fio greets me "Whatcha doin' here?" She asks

"Oh, just thought I would come over!" I reply happily knowing I will have to leave soon

"Oh! That's good! Come on in!" She tells me and leads me to the guest bedroom. I set down my stuff.

"I think i'm going to sleep now Fio." I say she leaves and I remove my contacts and sleep.

<Fio's POV>

"I think i'm going to sleep  now Fio." Faith says and I leave quietly. I look through the lock to see if she is actually going to sleep knowing that she didn't last time. I see her remove some conacts and I see the purple eyes of a Naik. I back away from the door and walk to my room not knowing what to do. My best friend is a Naik. I should report her, but I don't really wanna. I decide to sleep on it.

I awake the next morning and go to Faith's room only to find she wasn't there. In her place was a note. The note read:

Dear Fio,

For reasons I can not explain currently, I must go. I wish I could have stayed longer but I'm afraid I can't. I wish you well and I hope I will see you soon. If there is ever an emergence just come to the Emerald Mountains and I will be there to help.


I close the note and place it in my pocket knowing exactly why she had to leave. She must have fear me or someone else turning her in. I didn't know what to do: Go to Faith or turn her in or just leave her be. I walk back to my room and decide to pack. I'm going the the Emerald Mountains.

<Faith's POV>

I drink my invisibility potion and fly out my window into the night. I hope the note is sufficient. I fly to Emerald mountain and find a cave to call my own. I take out my belongings and place them down. I drink some milk. The Emerald Mountains used to be home to hundreds of emeralds before they were all mined so it's unlikely anyone would come here.

First Chapter of this book! Yay!!

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