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-be a friend-

I WAS ALMOST TOO SCARED TO LEAVE the drop ship. I stood as close as possible and near the surroundings of Wells. I didn't know anyone else, besides Bellamy. But even Bellamy I didn't know at all. Everyone I did know was gone. Just now I began to think maybe it was best to go with the others on the trip to get food.

Maybe they could've used the help, but now I'd never know. The best I could do now is just help Wells.

He sat in the same spot until he couldn't. By my surprise he got up on his own. "Hey, where you going?" I uttered.

"We need to collect some wood. No one else seems to be doing it." He took a look around the camp and I followed his daze. He was right, everyone was doing their own things.

"I'll go with you." I was quick to say.

"Why?" He asked. His question slightly caught me by surprise—only because even I wasn't so sure why.

I shrugged a bit, "It's just who I am, Wells."

He took that answer and just nodded a bit. Even though I was nervous to go out, I found myself following Wells to get some firewood. We didn't want to go too far out so we didn't. He looked around for anything that was easy to grab and he seemed like he knew what he was doing so I did the same.

"Go check if there's anything over there." He pointed to the left, we parted ways but were only a few feet away from each other. I found a pile that I picked up until I couldn't hold any more.

"So, how'd you get arrested?" I commented. Attempting a conversation.

"Came down for a friend." He said as he picked more wood up.

"The blonde? Clarke?" They were obviously close friends so it wasn't hard to figure which 'friend' he came down here for. Especially when most of the camp hates him.

"Yeah..." he sighed. "Let's take this back to camp for now. Maybe we can try to get more some other time. But right now—this'll do."

"Alrighty." I again followed behind him, watching each of my step. Once we reached the camp Wells threw his stack down in a pile. I walked over and tossed mine with his.

"Find any water yet?" A man asked. I brushed dirt off my hands and looked up to see it was the guy that hurt Wells.

Wells was still looking down at the wood we had just collected, "No, not yet, but..." he stopped himself when noticing who was asking.

Wells looked at the wall of the drop ship as he continued, "I'm going back out if you want to come."

I was staring at both the men that stood there, wondering what they were up to. Why they were here. When Wells grew silent I looked over to see him, to see he was still looking at the wall. I moved my gaze over


I can see so easily how hurt Wells was. He looked back at them with a deep stare.

"You know, my father, he begged for mercy in the airlock chamber when your father floated him." The guy explained. Wells said nothing but started walking over.

"You spelled 'Die' wrong, geniuses." Wells bumped into his shoulder as he walked away.

I decided to still follow Wells and as I passed the guys I gave them a look.

I jogged a bit more to finally catch up and be at his side. My breathing was a little abnormal but I tried my best to steady it, "Sorry, that guy is a prick."

Wells chuckled a bit. "Why are you sorry?"

"I don't know, I just am. All these people—they blame you for your father's doings. It's annoying." His expression grew soft, I was right.

"Well, nothing we can do about it." He brushed it off. I could tell he was sensitive towards it, but he shows how very strong he is. People call him many names and try to fight but he doesn't show weakness when it comes down to it.

I decided to change the subject quickly, "I thought you said we didn't need to go out again?"

"I did but—when John Murphy is standing in front of you, you begin to second guess." His comment made me giggle a bit.

"John Murphy, huh?" I thought back at the guy. "What a prick."


Hours have past, nightfall came upon us. It was so unusual to see the moon from here. The moonlight was so beautiful. Wells and I brought back tons of stacks of wood for a nice big fire. Since the sun wasn't here to give us warmth—at night it was a lot cooler. The heat of the fire kept some people warm.

I sat against the outside of the drop ship, far from the fire, just observing everyone. Wells was inside resting after the long day we've had. Especially since he still has a harmed leg.

I watched the flames dance in the wind. My eyes were out of focus and my mind was just everywhere. A figure slowly made their way over and I then realized it was John Murphy.

I pulled my face in a confused expression as he came and sat next to me. "What do you want?" I ask, not looking him in the eyes. I was still watching the flame and the bright colors.

"Everyone's taking their prison bracelets off, I was gonna say I can do it for you, if you'd like." He said so easily.

I pinched my eyebrows together in confusion. I sat up straight and turned over to look him in the eyes, "Now, why would I take off the only thing that tells my sister I'm alive."

His jaw slowly dropped and his eyes widened, he seemed more shocked than confused. "Wait, what?"

"I'm good." I rolled my eyes and sat back up against the wall of the drop ship. The only thing that this thing around my wrist gives purpose for is telling Sonia I'm still alive. Now, although I have no idea what has happened to Sonia, or what she's been up to but if she can somehow know—I'm not risking it.

"These things—" he attempted to argue but I cut him off, "I said no, John."

"Alright, you know where to find me if you change your mind." He put his hands up in defense and got up to walk away.

I rolled my eyes again and just crossed my hands over my chest. I watched as they began the cycle of one by one, each and almost every one of them take their wristbands off. I scoffed to myself, how were they all so easily persuaded?

Soon enough everyone was gathering around the fire and cheering, they cheered loud enough to get Wells' attention. He walked over and I hopped onto my feet to go check it out myself. I hovered behind him and I watched as Murphy pried it off a girl.

They cheered once more when it was off her. As they tossed the little device into the fire, I looked over at Wells.

"Who's next?" Bellamy cheered.

"What the hell are you doing?" Wells spoke out.

Bellamy stopped stopped in his place to look over at Wells, "We're liberating ourselves. What does it look like?"

"Looks like you're playing 'Grown up'." I joked, but not many found it funny.

"Looks like you're trying to get us all killed. The communication system is dead. These wristbands are all we got. Take them off, and the Ark will think we're dying, that it's not safe for them to follow." Wells elaborated.

"That's the point, Chancellor." Bellamy said. A few people giggled causing me to make a sour face. "We can't take care of ourselves, can't we?"

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered in unison. I looked around at everyone—aware of how many people followed Bellamy.

"You think this is a game? Those aren't just our friends and our parents up there. They're our farmers, our doctors, our engineers. I don't care what he tells you. We won't survive here on our own..." His little speech sends chills up my arms.

"And besides, if it really is safe, how could you not want the rest of our people to come down?" Wells questioned.

"My people already are down." Bellamy motioned to the crowd. "Those people locked my people up. Those people killed my mother for having a second child. Your father did that." He peered closer to Wells.

"'Those people' huh? Says the guy wearing a guards uniform." I hissed in anger. Bellamy shot me a death stare.

"My father didn't write the laws." Wells replied.

"No, he enforced them, but not anymore, not here. Here, there are no laws."

"Yeah." People agreed all around.

"Here, we do what we the hell we want whenever the hell we want." Bellamy's voice was loud and sharp. "Now, you don't have to like it, Wells. You can even try to stop it or change it, kill me. You know why? Whatever the hell we want."

"Whatever the hell we want!" Murphy shouted.

Starting the chant of everyone saying "Whatever the hell we want." Over and over again. I watched everyone chant it and just looked over to Wells. He was staring Bellamy down.

A random outburst of thunder startled us all then immediately rain came falling down. My mouth dropped in shock. I was smiling and being drowned in the rain at the same time.

Everyone was now cheering in excitement from the rain. I walked off away from Wells as I threw my arms up in the air and let the rain just hit me. The feeling was so nice and rare. Not looking where I was going I trip over someone. I fall to the ground and land on my butt.

I look up only to have water drops hit me in the eyes. I put my hand up to try to shield some of the water away. Once I was able to see, I see John Murphy standing over me. Of course.

"Are you okay?" He called out over the loud cheers and put out a hand to try and help me up.

I didn't take his help and got up on my own, "I'm fine." I bluntly replied. Just seconds later someone elbows me in the back causing me to fall into John and we both end up on the floor.

I laugh a bit as we hit the floor and I see him smile once he noticed I was laughing. "You do smile."

My smile disappears once I realize he's noticed. I push myself off of him and get up on my feet. I was no longer smiling or laughing. I didn't bother to check if he got up or if landing on top of him hurt in anyway. I just got up and left. As fun as the rain was, I quickly was drenched and it no longer felt good. It was cold and I was shivering in my clothes. I ran off into the drop ship, by myself.

I laid off in a corner and let my jacket cover me like a blanket. I didn't want to leave till it was light out and I was warm.

Word Count:

Authors note:
I wanted to go a different route with Callie not going with the main group, and create a small dynamic with Wells, because I think he's a great character and didn't deserve all that hate. And didn't deserve to die ✊😞

Ima start putting memes at the end of each chapter now so enjoy !!!

Callie when she's having a cute moment with Murphy:

Callie when people would laugh at Bellamy's jokes and not hers:

Calliope easily coming to Wells' defense:

How Murphy expected Wells to react if he didn't spell 'die' wrong:

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