DLC one:Stage 1-4

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During Football practice coach Fred Madden is pushing the Digiagests Ram beyond their limits for the first game of the season but he also noticed that Bruce hard drive has been missing for a few practices in the last week and it's against school by law to interact with students during school hours and she noticed that he have to set up game plan to find out why but until then he also noticed that any Spinning Wheel have been watching Bruce practice up lately and she may be the cause why with her wearing a mid-autumn codes on a lovely they do the leaves or not fall yet and coach Madden still wonder about Oliver after school activities.

"Hm I always want to know what Oliver does after school hours." Thought Fred Madden when he see Oliver watching the practice game.

Lunch period faculty Lounge chat room.

Dora:I got the clearance for you to enter the school library tonight.

Oliver:Good but I think we should keep tonight under the radar for now.

Fred Madden:Hey Oliver WordPress is it?

Oliver:please call me Oliver.

Fred:I just like to get to know you better that all.

Oliver:So what do want to know about me?

Fred:Oh just some simple things like with your friend Movie music TV newscaster those kind of things.

Oliver: well I'm unfortunately a crown sticker so I don't follow those kind of things.

Fred: Some of the main system best worker are put in cryosleep in case of poor or low employment rates some of us, folks like you blue necks because those that were in cold sleep for a long time due to the side effect of blue cold spots around the neck.

Andrew:I been put into cryosleep for tutorial reasons as a temp teacher for other schools.

Fred: well the cold but what happened as soon as I put into cold sleep for more than a year while on Andrews case the hands or if not properly clothed the whole body put in cold sleep multiple times but that's just if the body temperature is at the lowest.

Oliver: well I've been in cryosleep for so long I can't remember why I was in there in the first place.

Fred:Well I hear rumors that some that were put in cold sleep got the members are moved no one knows where they put them to this day that's only the class 5 or higher war criminals and you don't look like one Oliver.

Oliver: Thank I think.

Andew: lunch is almost over anyway nice talking to you.

End chatroom

School Library:afterschool

It almost Midnight Oliver and his team just enter the school Library to find what ever they are looking for what ever in their.

"Ok troops," says Oliver "this is it the key card seem to point somewhere in this Library but what we have to find out."

Then he pull out the key card Headmaster David Steam gave him.

"Are you sure that cards will lead us to what we are look for?" Ask the nervous Andrew.

"Well yourd said by beeping but it may be different with mys." Replied Oliver then he feel that powerful vibration coming from his key card in his hand.

Then he says to Andrew "We must be getting close."

Then they find themselves at the very back of the school Library then Oliver's key card started to blink when he moves the Key card around what seems to be a bookcase and start to move around and found the book that have a hole in it.

"That must be it." Says Data

"One way to find out." Replied Oliver then he put the key card into the slot and then pull it out and then book case slide open and then there was a short hallway with a door at the end.

"So what behind the dark gray book?" Asked Data.

"Only one way to find out." Replied Oliver and grab a nearby Pole and Shakes the first step forward towards the door an opposite halfway and push the pull through but something grab it and pull Oliver in.

"AHH! get away get away I'm warning you!" Shouted Oliver then the rest brushton and when the light came on automatically they see their jerk of A Faculty Commander Marlene when they ran in.

"Rr you always pull these dumb jokes on me on others does just mean even for you." Says Dora with a I know I did look on her face.

"Yeah I don't mind a good joke but you know I don't like being sacred." Replied Andrew Mainframer.

Data calculus however is looking around the hidden room and is intrigued on material and resources it has then says to Oliver "Well I did not like your joke but we may found the solution to our predicament."

Then Oliver and the other see what he talking about then Andrew says "Well at least we know where the proton packs are."

"Actually those are electromagnetic Pack the School use them if M class students get into fights with lower class students."

"Well they do look like them." Says Replied Andrew.

Then Gwen spot a round area in the room kit Manor curious when she steps in the whole thing came on with holograms that can eject whatever they are thinking.

"Must have a auto switch on this thing." Thought Gwen.

"Hmm seem to be a thinking spot." Says Data when he walk in with the others.

"Seem to be some kind of hologram check the thoughts to help get some ideas and maybe we can use this find solution to this problem." Says Andrew when he got the idea.

Thinking spot chatroom

Data:The Joyce and we got here at the school is that Amanda viral is going to expose any spinning wheel and Bruce hard drives a little secret at the first game of the season we'd find a way to prevent This Disaster that can ruin the whole school.

Dora Reddel: well all we know about Miss files planet is that she will have Hally Hologram to air Annie's gaming day confession to Bruce so we have to find a way to prevent her from doing it.

Andrew: well she does have ghost like powers so is out something to Wrangle her she's going to be hard to contain.

Gwen: yeah electromagnetic beings may not work like proton packs.

Oliver:Um I'm I the only one that think Hally not a ghost.

Gwen:We know that it just that she can tune her into a hologram when she can walk through walls the only thing she can't phase thought I- you found Hallys weakness and not tell us.

Oliver:Hey you never asked what I think anyway.

Data:Well the electromagnetic packs are outdated so maybe with some imagination we can create more update designs.

Oliver:can Andrew join?

Andrew:As long I don't have something dangerous to test.

Data:Before we can do that mind if I can tell you have they work.

Oliver:Ok knock yourself out.

Data:Well the electromagnetic Paxil what were used during the first era of the main system Back Then There are 3 types of class and students that goes from E to M with the E's being the safest and M's well you have to keep a eye on them there we're many a 47% death toll so Travis silicon have to take inspiration from a movie She Knows about to make the equipment over there and the detention containment unit only if you have made them sooner back then.

Andrew:I did not know someone you know was Bully so bad it lead to suicide

Data:I was the one that made the prototype want to stain and the trap to go with it.

Dora:Did something went wrong?

Data:Well the Packard work but with a trap open and unfortunately it only Frank's Flash to brain him bone dry it was meant to trap the whole person.

Andrew:Those thing are ment for ghosts not for humans.

Oliver: well that never happened the movies but it could blind someone who looked at the trap.

Data:Two weeks after that incidence I was given an audience with the main system with Theodore silicon as my defense he managed to keep me in the school but only if you mix the packs for the school but led to decrease in high-level student attendance rates and almost shut down the school if not for the increase four uses tunes for dmmo economy made by positron.


Gwen: the company that funded the school and currently run by Henry positron minis dad unless you know about her mom the better.

Oliver:Well if we can redesign the E.M pack can I call them E.M pack maybe we can hold Hally accountable.

Data:Hmm possible but how?

Oliver:Well we can give the E.M pack a Amy scope to give my 100 shots and a little something for the kickback.

Andrew:Good idea and their enough here to make and we need someone to make the plans I bet Oliver wood have the imagination Megan but only one can build though is currently astro-theology teacher.

Gwen:You mean Orion McCould he be great for the job.



Data:Sound like a plan just don't cross the steam's.

End of level one.

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