DLC one:Stage 2-5

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It eight P.M and both teams Oliver WordPress with team one and Andrew Mainframer with team two.

Team one is on one side of the hallway with the entry of the school Library on their lift and team two on the other side "Player One," says Oliver "to player two come in Player two." Andrew dosen't like the codename thing then says "This is player two reading you long and clear. " Then Hologram begin to phase through the library door "That," says Hally hologram "was a waste of my loading time I saw the Tip-off was about the Headmasters black bag that he had hidden in the library."

Then Oliver give the signal for his team to advance slowly then turn on their gear stealth mode and then Andrew's team does the same with both teams at the ready Oliver says "Ok on three THREE!"

Stage start


Capture Hally hologram

Oliver:Fire his E.M gun at Hally's lift hand.

Hally:Hey what giffs?

Andrew:We are not letting you rat out Annie so Ms.Viral can take Headmaster Steams job.

Hally:So you found out about Annie's pregnancy well ms. Viral did permit me to post confession at the football game in a few days but she also permitted me to delete anyone that illegally found out about this before then and I hate it when things get leaked.

Hally turn into a class seven Poltergeist.

Andew: Marvin now but don't cross the steams.

Marvin fire a E.M Beam at Hally's lift leg.

Hally throw a protoplasm ball at Marvin.

Marvin duck and the protoplasm ball hit the trophy case.

Holly:Hope that washes off.

Holly call in on Carlo K to get the trap ready.

Holly:Hally is barking out of the payment stream get the Trap ready Carlo K.

Carlo K:Got it Holly.

Hally broke free from the steam and make a swing at Andew and make a lift turn down the hallway to Escape.

Holly:Carlo now.

Then Carlo K jump out of the way turns on the vacuum trap and Hally just flew right into it.

Carlo K:That was fun was fun.

Oliver:Ok Good work everyone.

Stage results

Holly:300 xp

Marvin: 300 xp

Carlo K: 300 xp with a 600 xp capture bonus.

End of level two.

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