DLC two final week race day:Starting line

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Announcer:Here they are the Digiagest high motorbike race the races are now approaching the starting line most of them are with user drivers but the two that stand out are Minnie positron with a custom bike with a powerful class 3 engines that could have other surprises underneath the hood.

Oliver WordPress: Well one thing she's doing right is being a decoy so the attendance or any other media fee won't see the drones training the other bikes to the Post unless I have something to say about it.

A:Dinan Calculus's bike however is the most technically Advanced Bike by far and the crowd is loving it.

O: there is something I get style and she already got some fans.

Minnie positron:You may have won the crowd but I will have the win.

O:Oh you will get fan of your own but in a comical way after I put an extra chain hook on your ride and see that you get nowhere fast and fall on your face.

A:Racers start your engine.

O: uh-oh get to the first checkpoint and help Andrew gets most of the chains off the other bikes.

Andrew Mainframer: ruff ruff ruff translation: got all the chains off the bikes boss.

O: good Andrew good but I put the chain Miss positron's Ride and see how she can handle starting dead last.
( dastardly cackle)



O: uh oh that's a cover.

A.M: ruff ruff translation: Got it boss.



A:And they're off except Minnie positron who is going nowhere fast because her ride is chained up to a post and her pet crew is getting out to unchain her.

O: if they think the old chain to a postcard is my first trick they have another thing coming.

A:Look like the Shane is electrified.

O:Only for a minute but Dinan seem to have more then enough luck on her side.

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