Final DLC: Stage 1-1

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Roy Rom enter Headmaster David Steam office to see that Amanda is in his chair.

"Oh Ms.Viral," Say Roy "Nice to see you are you still suspended?"

Ms. Viral take the clipboard out from underneath the desk and says to Roy "Am only filling in for Mr.Steam who will be back around noon."

Then Roy signs the sheet on the clipboard then Ms.Viral says "Now you know the rules Mr.Rom."

Then she push the button behind the desk and the bookcase opens up a passageway to what seems to be a basement entry but when Roy is in the doorway Roy Rom says to Ms.Viral  "Tell Mrs. Negatron to hide in a better place other then behind the curtain when though she's behind."

Then he enters Amanda turns around and sees the window curtain that Heather Negatron is still hiding behind.

"Mrs. Negatron," says Miss viral " you can go now." Then Mrs Negatron leaves meanwhile Roy Rom descent to the bottom of the stairs and when he hits the bottom of the stairs he sees a long haul and starts walking the hallway torches starting to light up as he progresses at the end is a door with a hand scanner on the right.

"Ok Roy it only a visit you can do this." Says Roy Rom then he put his hand on the scanner and then the door opens and shows a big room with a mirror into Center and when Roy enters the room upon entry new shows a woman in the mirror.

"Oh hey Aunt. Says Roy Rom

Mirror room chatroom

Roy's Aunt:Roy so nice to see you again how school?

Roy Rom:Oh thing are good Terrence broke up with Minnie.

R.A: that's nice to hear but can I still make you think of changing schools?

R.R: This again.

R.A: You were almost got what that word killed by your own friends if you can call them that.

R.R: they were under the control of the main system I have to defend myself.

R.A: I know that but your school is starting to remind me of my old school.

R.R: Digiagest High is not like the school that you know and Terrence is going to help me find out what happened to my real parents and this school may have the answers to what happened to them.

R.A: shhhhh l:(

R.R:Oh I didn't mean it like that.

R.A:No if your school hold the key to find out what happened to your parents I'll let you stay as long as you keep your grades up.

R.R: don't worry I have a separate wall in my dorm.

R.A: I believe you but our time is almost up and let's end it here for now.

R.R: Thank hope to see you again next visiting day.

Then Roy leave the chatroom

R.A: You may not have a separate wall but your roommate have one and it may drive him crazy and I may help the time comes and have a feeling it may be sooner than I think.

Then the mirror Fades into black but unknown to both Roy and her aunt someone else was listening.

Amanda Viral: having Roy changing School may take a load off my mind but I don't see it happening anytime soon nor his grades lowering but knowing his aunt she may help with this mystery and when she do I'll be waiting for a little something that that I made in 3 months during my suspension and it will end at midnight.

-End chatroom-

End of stage one

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