Final DLC: Stage 1-3

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Later that night in the dorms Roy Rom is working on some school work that's been given to no other than Oliver WordPress Digiagest high most unorthodox teacher and his homeroom teacher then Terrence comes in.

Dorm chatroom

Roy Rom:See your back from the Silicon tower how was it?

Terrance Silicon: oh it's good Roy got the family armor but no lead on your folks.

R:Well keep trying but your dad could be trying to take you off course.

T: I know that but I think he wants me to find someone else and I'm seems be getting closer to who knows what.

R: whatever it is it's been not make any more drama than before.

T:Yeah first dad mark you as a Maverick.

R: well that's his problem.

T: so does Miss viral I heard she's going to be back tomorrow and she's going to make sure miss a WordPress doesn't want him to meddle.

R: hey he's the best teacher we have in the school.

T: if you mean creating Underground faculty blowing up her office and making Minnie positron lose the race she may disagree.

R:Hey not letting user push NPCs around when I signed up look like bullies and mean girls and don't get me started on the gangs they are forming.

T: as much as I don't like it my dad can't hold he uses countable.

R: guess the main system ain't as powerful as everyone thought he is.

T: that's how the way things are.

R: well if that's how things are I rather go Maverick.

T: you're already Maverick by my dad.

R:Then I made the right choice.

  -End chatroom-

Later that night while the rest of the school sleep Terrence is playing a game app on his it's my phone can't sleep too much on his mind the choice he made from putting a wrench in the works on gaming day and let him bruise and Annie keep their kid and when he about to hit sleep mode for the night what seem to be a growing orb pop out of his phone.

"Follow me." It says then Terrence follow it through the warp jole that the orbit made.

After going in Terrence find himself in a unfamiliar part of school and then sees a mirror at the end as you walked towards it a voice calls out from that mirror when the ark went in it.

"My my." Says the voice in the mirror " who do I have visiting me?"

It is Roy's aunt. Parents never seen her before till now and trying to think of what he's going to say.

"So Ms. Ah" he say "please call me Ms. Bookwood" say Bookwood.

"Oh well then it nice to meet you Ms. Book." Replied Terrence.

"So your the son of the main system you must have the luck of draw to inherit that findsuit of armor." Says Ms. Bookwood who has a way to get something out of anyone.

"So," Asked Ms. Bookwood "What being you down here?"

Terrence walk close to see her better and then says "Well if I didn't know any better you call me here."

" guilty as charged." Says Ms. Bookwood.

"Now the only question lift is what to do here?" Thoughts Terrence.

"I can help you with Roy." That made Terrence's ear Park and then he shouted "How?!"

Ms. Bookwood step back a bit while Terrence is looking into his main menu.

"Well you ca-" but when Ms. Bookwood is about to finish that sentence Terrence aimed at her mirror with a class three laser firearm.

"You may want to step back." Says Terrence and then fires but the laser bounced off the mirror and ricocheted all over the place however that little mishap Terrence tried to replace the mag but the thing pops out him and he left eye and breaks the mirror.

Missed and comes out of the remains of the mirror and outcomes Miss bookwood with a very irritive look on her face like someone woke her the wrong way.

"Terrence," say Ms. Bookwood " you only need to tap the class or hit it with a hard object so don't you do that again."

"That go for the both of us." Says Amanda Viral who came out of the Shadow with a burnt hole in her hair.

"Ms.Viral is it now." Says Ms. Bookwood like know her from a longtime ago.

"Indeed it been a longtime." Says Ms. Viral then Terrence knows a strange gun in Miss virals left hand then she points it at him then pulls a trigger and as the thing finds Miss Brookwood jumps a lot of Fire the lady that did hit the heart and when she fell she started to Glow a purple over and turn to some kind of young robotic body.

"Just as planned." Says Ms. Viral with satisfying look as Terrence sees results of her action.

"What did you did you do to her?" Ask Terence with a horrifying look on his face.

"Well I do intend to aim at her but even at you and have her Leap into the line of fire to save you is to make things more dramatic." Say Ms. Viral with very satisfying look and then make her leave back in the shadows.

Terrence tries to get Miss Bookwood back on her feet but she says "That won't be needed." As she is getting herself up but when she got back on her feet she realized she looks like something out of a J-pop music rhythm game.

Terrence tries to help Miss bookwood process what happened as he tries to put his right hand on her reacted extremely and burned his hand a bit with some kind of dangerous music notes then says to Terrence " guess I'll need a name to go of this weird body."

"Actually," says Terrence " your conscience have been transported into what is called a Gameanoid."

Then Ms.BookWood picked up a piece of the mirror and sees what she became in the reflections and says " whatever this body is I think I'll call myself Rachel Rachel Rhythm.

Then Terrence raise a left eyebrow and says "Rachel Rhythm?"

"Rachel is my first name," says Rachel then put her right arm around her Terrence and then "So ready for this my new PT (Player two) time to go back to high school by Kicking It Old School so let's do this"

Terrence cringe and disgust and Rachel said " I really embarrass you with that."

-level one clear-

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