Final DLC:Stage 2-3

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That night Roy and his Willing a compasses came and see that the teachers outside the school archives room.

"We're here." Says Roy.

"Good to see you three." Says Mr calculus then he gave Mr. WordPress Mr. Rocker Roy Rom and the others some kind of homing device.

"Ok," Say Mr. Calculus "Before we go in let me explain the school archive room have six lines of school records with each having their own cheese slots hidden these advisable Holmen on the key card slot in that room once you find them call me got it."

They all nodded "good let move." He says then the door opens and once they enter the room they see it's a big place.

"Ok everyone take a lane." Order Data Calculus and then each member takes a lane and set their phone to chat mode.

Chat mode

Data Calculus: lane one ready.

Oliver WordPress: lane two sanding by.

Rocko Rocker: lane three sanding by

Roy Rom: lane four good to go.

Terrence Silicon: Lane five standing by.

Rachel rhythm: lane six tuning in.

D:Alright let move.

O:So how are we going to find the key card slot here?

D:The filings go by categories I'm in the fight instance at the right on the right side on the left wall the signs of what categories you are in will be above you.

O: okay I can see that and I'm in the tax file but what size is it on?

D:lane two through five have files on both sides the lines on the floor will be ends of the category.

O: I see now and no dice.

D:No luck on my end.

R.Roc: Well am in the suicide notes and no dice.

R.Rom: Well nothing in expelled students.

T: well I'm in the past performing events and no luck.

R.Rom: negative in the field trip records.

R.Rh: none in the viral students but seems been updated.

O:Hmm guest they added Hally hologram.

R.Rom: hope they let her stay.

D:That less likely to happen.

O:Why that? And no luck in the track and field records.

D: with her being confirmed as a virus she's going to be transferred to the Juvenile Detention Center.

R.Rh: It may not be my place to ask but is that a bit harsh and or even racist?

D: I'm sorry Ms Rhythm but that's the law of the main system.

R.Rh:He or she must be a real tyrant.

T: That my dad

O:That was awkward.

D: hey you can't rewrite the wait a minute getting something on the secondary track and I... think I... got it but nothing happening.

O:Hmm may yo- wait my homing device is picking up something.

D:I'll be right their where are you?

O:Am in the... wedding record? Guest it not the first time it happened.

D:Those thing often happen with users.

O:I can see you coming.

D: good now insert the key card and that might make the two anything on your end Rocko?

R.Roc: Well going to backtrack since I'm at dead end in the film reels.

O: are they in good conditions?

R.Roc: Yeah very old school and still good.

D:We will meet halfway.

R.Roc:Rodger that.

D: The kids may have already hit the glass wall that prevents them from going into more restricted categories.

R.Roc: well back in the field trip and- hold it am getting something.

D:Same here and I can see you.

R.Roc: Good to know and I think the slot in between the main system events and food runs.

D:And... got three down three to go.

R.Rh: Am getting a things signal but there's some kind of force field in front of me blocking me from entering the user category.

D: I'll be right there don't touch anything.

R.Rh: guess I have to wait here and be- ahh.

D: Ms. Rhythm are you okay.

R.Rh: ow just landed on my back and if you ask yes I'm okay.

D: stay right there till I see you when I get there.

R.Rh: Am not waiting on my back for him.

D: stay right there I'll see you when I get there.

O:I'll be checking on the other students.

R.Rom: force fields blocking my path.

T: well they don't allow students into more classified parts no exceptions.

D: I'm here and Miss rhythm is let's say let me do the rest from here.

R.Rh: okay best of luck.

D:Ok the key card sloth is somewhere and Ah ha.

R.Rom: Hey am picking up something.

T: Same here.

O: guessing that's where the entry is at.

D:Seem like it I'll be going to Terrence's lane first.

R.Rom: Hey am picking up something.

T: Same here.

O:Guessing that where the entry is at.

D:Seem like it I'll he going to Terrence lane first.

T:Good am in the past Premier Events.

D:Be right their.

R.Rom: Am in field record.

D: Thank for letting me know.

End chat mode

Data Calculus put the key card into the sloth on each side of the file Shelf which Sheen right at him.

Then they slowly more back when Oliver and the other got to him they see a stay away that leads down words and at the end there's a door.

"So," Asked Rocko Rocker "Who going to go first?"

"How about two go in while one stay and watch the kids." Suggest Oliver WordPress.

"Guest I'll be going first." Says Data.

"Am coming along and Rocko I'll signal you when it's safe to come down." Order Oliver to Rocko.

Rocko a bit nipped that he's going to stay behind then see Rachel rhythm going after them.

"Am not staying behind." Say Rachel.

"Ok," says Oliver "But stay close."

When they got to the bottom the door data sees that also has a key card slot "Maybe we will get lucky." Says Oliver but Data Calculus does not believe in superstitions as he rolls his eyes.

Then he put the key card into the slot and the door open Oliver give the signal to come down and thenRoy Terrence and Mr rocker sees a signal and came down.

When they enter their they see three book shelves.

The room is kinda small as well Oliver look around to make sure there's no seal or something that would trigger a chain reaction and looks like they're good.

" guess it's safe for us to take whatever book we needed." Says Oliver.

"But which one?" Asked Data.

Oliver looks closely at the bookshelves see if the books triggers a trap.

So far from them don't seem to anyway or open a new passageway.

Then Rachel spotted some kind of tablet she picks it up Mr rocker looks in the third bookshelf and see some of interests.

" some of these books may have something worth teaching." Says Rocko.

Data take a look at the books and then says "Interesting maybe we can put them in the Holodeck database."

"I'll see if Andrew can find a way to put them in." Says Oliver.

Roy Rom then see some kind of a cyclopedia that holds a unusual insignia and Terrace pulls a book then the shelf Slide the side and when Terrace looks inside he sees hand scanner that have his name reserved for him.

"So," say Roy Rom "are you going to put you hand on it Terrence?"

Parents don't know if it's a trap or if Roy would just pulling his leg.

Parents then put his hand on the scanner then it scans his hand and jumps onto his hand.

"Hope it worth it." Thought Terrence and when he put his right eye on it a computer voice says " uploading entry code."

Then some kind of data enters his eye it didn't hurt.

It's almost morning and already does need to get back before the school day starts.

"So," says Mr WordPress then turns to Rachel rhythm " Mr Rob asked you if you wanted to try the holiday course."

Rachel reluctantly agreed " yeah," says Rachel " but my stay is only temporary until I get my old body back."

"Well," says Data "We may need to review the book that we found."

Then the Morning Bell rains.

"See you guys is there any lunch break." Says Mr. WordPress then lift.

So dose the rest and as Rachel walking back to her temporary dorm wondering what they may have found?

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