Final DLC: Stage F-4

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With Norton terminal now in the group they now enter the 9th floor which seems to look like a maze.

Oliver WordPress: Hm like a blind fight.

Norton Terminal: Yech but we can't be to sure what in their.

O: Dinan can you do a over head Scan of the maze?

Diana Calculus: Understand.

Dinan Calculus scan the maze and pick and up two Seeker drones.

D: looks like there are only two so if you can send someone to take them out the walls will come down.

O: so who are going to send in?

Andrew Mainframer: Maybe we should sent in three of our best to go in and take them out.

O:Terrence and Roy are the strongest and Lois Newspress as back up.

Roy Rom Terrence Silicon and Lois Newspress enter the maze.

Turn one

When Roy Rom got to the crossroads they split up to cover more ground.

Roy Rom: Ok keep in touch.

Terrence Silicon: Ok Roy.

Lois Newspress: Understand.

Each member will go you to ten space's a turn.

Lois spotted one of the Seeker drones giving her the opportunity to take it out but when she's about to have it in the back Norton came in on her com.

N:Hold it are you really going to do that?

L:It the only way.

N:Do that and the other will come when the distress Beacon comes on and lays to you and you are open for attack.

L:Well what do you want me to do?

N:For now go back a few spaces and put your back to the wall when the drone that near Roy he will make his move to take it out and that will draw the attention of the  drone that near you when and it get close that your cue to take it out.

O:Sound like a good plan.

Harley Silicon: Oh don't get excited all of his plans work when they sometimes result in massive Soldier casualties.

When the first drone move downwards that when Roy Rom ambushed it and this element but sets off the distress Beacon making the other drone respond but Lois Newspress stabbed it in the neck when it came by and down it went.

N:Good works kids.

L:Thank hey the wall are coming down.

O:Is it me or is the calm before the storm?

A:That big door could hold that storm.

D:Can't seem to get any read from what behind the door to much interference.

O: looks like we are going in blind on this one.

Rachel rhythm: And into the fire.

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