Chapter Three

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Madleomon covered his face, dodging their attacks without care. He punched Prairiemon, sending him crashing to the ground, then grabbed Beastmon tossing them into a tree. Bao Hackmon dodged a grab and chomped down on the evil Digimons arm, only to be thrown into a half broken wall. "Hackmon!"Clark yelled. Dart flew past his head, causing his eyes to widen as his younger brother hit the ground, tumbling to a stop. "DART!"Clark shouted his eyes widening more in shock. Dart coughed, pushing himself up, getting to his feet. "Dart!"Beastmon yelled running towards him. Madleomon punched Beastmon in the stomach, sending them flying backwards just like their partner. They hit a tree and fell to the ground, turning back into Mikemon. "BUDDY!"Dart gasped running over to him, holding his side.

Pulsemon kicked Madleomon outside the head, Witchmon flying around overhead on her broom, before diving down towards them. "Baluluna Gale!"Witchmon called flying towards as Madleomon swiped at her. The gale sent the large Digimon stumbling backwards, Pulsemon kicking him right in his stomach, knocking Madleomon over as Prairiemon out him in a headlock. "Nice job!"Josiah grinned. "Not a good enough job!"Madleomon grinned. He threw his head back, hitting the Digimon behind him in the nose, then leaped up, grabbing Witchmon. "Give up or else she gets it!"Madleomon commanded squeezing Witchmon. "Don't give into him Pulsemon! He's beatable! You had to defeat him in order to face the true leader of this army!"Witchmon yelled. "True Leader, so Madleomon is acting as the real leader!"Clark gasped.

"THIS GUY TRICKED US! THE NERVE!"Dart shouted furiously. He coughed, almost falling over if it weren't for Josiah catching him. "Give up Pulsemon or else!"Madleomon commanded. "BALULUNA GALE!" The gale smacked Madleomon right in the face, several cuts appearing across his body. Witchmon took off back into the air on her broom, looking back at the angry deputy leader. "We have to retreat!"Witchmon called. "What about the gate!"Dart demanded. "I have it! Catch! Twisted it twice to open it!"Witchmon yelled tossing the circle shaped item to Clark. Clark caught it, and twisted it once. Demidevimon rammed into his side, sending him crashing to the ground, starting to claw at his arms as he shielded the device with his body.

"DART, CLOAK!" Ivy ran towards them, her eyes wide. "Ivy!"Pulsemon yelled. "So there's the brat!"Madleomon grinned turning to the running girl. "BEAST BLASTER!" Ivy stopped her eyes wide, starting to fall backwards alarmed. "IVY!" Witchmon threw herself in front of the girl, using her broom to try and deflect the attack, her eyes wide. "It'll kill us both"Witchmon mumbled. She spun and knocked Ivy out of the way with her broom, the girl hitting the ground. "AH! WITCHMON!"Pulsemon yelled running over, his eyes wide. Witchmon laid on her side, starting to slowly turn into data. "Witchmon, are you okay!"Ivy asks looking horrified. "Are you alright..child"Witchmon asks placing a hand on the girl head, looking concerned.

"Yes....but what about you..."Ivy stared. "I..I will be fine...I'll just turn into a digiegg back in the Digital World...but it'll take a while for me to hatch with this war going on"Witchmon smiled. "What if you don't make it back, it'll be my fault because I came here without permission"Icy mumbled. "Nothing...will be your fault child, I chose to protect you, the same way I would've protected Pulsemon if he were the one in your place...don't blame yourself, for what I did"Witchmon chuckled. "Witchmon..."Pulsemon muttered tears falling down his cheeks. "Pulsemon, I'm glad I joined this army, otherwise I wouldn't have become your best friend, you're more important to me than this stupid war"Witchmon smiled. "This isn't goodbye, it's simply a see you later"Witchmon says.

She vanished, the rest of her turning into data. "Witchmon!"Ivy cried reaching towards the data, tears falling down her cheeks. She lowered her hands, looking down. " you trust me..."Pulsemon asks. "Yes....I trust you Pulsemon"Ivy says grabbing his claws. Pulsemon started to glow, Ivy's Digivice glowing a bright yellow. "He's digivolving!"Josiah smiled. "NOT SO FAST!"Madleomon yelled throwing a large boulder at the two. "IVY, PULSEMON, MOVE!"Clark gasped running towards them. Pulsemon grabbed Ivy, changing shape as he slid around. "Pulsemon Digivolve to...." He started to grow larger, getting down on all fours, as a tail lashed, growing into view. He growled, his claws growing larger. The light vanished, Ivy sitting on the back of a new Digimon. "Runnermon!"

Runnermon glanced at Ivy, before lowering his upper half, letting her slide down. "You're a thunder dog..."Ivy stared amazed. He smiled at her and nodded, before turning to Madleomon, lifting his upper half back up. "Let me handle him...if it is true he isn't the real leader, he is not that strong"Runnermon says. "But he managed to defeat all of us, and we nearly beat him before as well!"Josiah retorted. "Because you let him escape....he has learned your movements and knows how to find out your next that I'm here...he can't beat me"Runnermon growled. "Be careful!"Ivy ordered placing a hand on his flank. He nodded and took off, dashing at full speed. "Come at me!"Madleomon snarled. "Heartbeat Impulse!"Runnermon yelled leaping up.

He spun midair, blades of energy flying forward from his tail. Madleomon swiped his claw, letting out a roar, his eyes widening when his arm fell to the ground. "What..."Madleomon stared shocked. Runnermon landed and glared at him. "Have you had enough or do you want some more!"Runnermon demanded growling at him. "Little monster"Madleomon stared shocked. "Lightning Rush!" Runnermon dashed across towards Madleomon, aiming right for his weak spot. He opened his jaw and leaped forward, letting out a roar. He leaped out of the way of the deputy leaders claw and swiped his own across the side of Madleomons neck. He landed, running to a stop, and flicked his tail. Madleomon roared, turning into a storm of data.

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