Movie Part 1

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It was a hot summer's afternoon as two kids one with a black coat on was watching tv with her little brother named Zander as he jumped up and down in the same spot

Zander "boom, pow, kaboom!"

Mira "*giggles* "you're so cute "

Zander "heh heh, pretty" he leans up and kisses her cheek and giggles

Mira "no I'm not."

Zander "pretty, that final!" They hear the door open

Jenny "kids I'm home."

Zander "mommy!!" he jumps off his spot and runs to Jenny as she picks him up and kisses his cheek

Jenny "did he behave alright?"

Mira "yes"

Jenny "That's my good boy."

Zander "heh heh, boop" he pokes her nose and giggles

Jenny "aw."

Mira "so, how was the photoshoot?"

Jenny "perfect as always"

Mira "Well you are a gorgeous mom."

Jenny "and so are you honey"

Mira "I look ugly like this mom, why can't doctors find a cure for me?"

Jenny 'I wish I could tell her' she walks to Mira and hugs her close

Jenny "everything will be alright sweetheart, I promise"

Zander "I promise big sis, we'll get you back to normal." He crawls into Mira's lap and hugs her tightly

Jenny "besides, if a man marries you it'll be about love and not looks."

Zander "ooh, can I marry big sister?"

Jenny "no that is incest, besides I promised a friend that I would try to get you together with her daughter"

Zander "aye aye captain mommy"

Jenny "now, time to pack up you two."

Zander "oh we're going in a box?"

Jenny "no , you two are gonna stay with my friend for the weekend especially with what you two did to the last babysitter."


The babysitter was in a large barrel of cream cheese as they cry while Mira and Zander high five

End of Flashback

Mira "do I have to go?"

Jenny "yes, relax, I met them before, they're nice kids."

Mira "fine"

Zander "I'll be there to cheer you up."

Mira "ok pumpkin" They pack up as after ten minutes Jenny was driving them

Jenny "trust me Mira, everything will be ok"

Mira "that's what you said about school."

Jenny "Mira, trust me, please"

Mira "alright but I want chocolate every day." Jenny throws a couple chocolate bars to Mira

Mira "love you mommy."

Jenny "I love you too sweetie" they arrive at the apartment building as they get out

Zander "I'm so excited!!"

Jenny "you'll love Yuuko's daughter Kari, she's the same age as you, fair warning, she always has a whistle in her mouth so she speaks in whistles"

Mira "like how Zander used to speak to us with a kazoo?"

Jenny "exactly, so he'll be able to understand her also Yuuko has a son your age Mira"

Mira "hmm. I'm unsure." They make it to an apartment as Jenny knocks on the door as a woman answered it

Jenny "Yuuko"

Yuuko "Jenny" the two hug each other tightly

Kasai "hey mom is it aunt Jenny, did she bring me presents?!"

Jenny "nope but I did bring new friends, this is my beautiful daughter Mira and my wittle baby pumpkin Zander"

Kasai "hmm." Yuuko bonks him in the head as his head hits the floor with a steaming bump as a bell was rang

Kasai "ow"

Yuuko "manners Kasai, I'm so sorry Jenny."

Jenny "it's alright Yuuko, so where's little Kari"

Yuuko "she should wake up at any second, so, you two ready to spend time here?"

Zander "mmhmm mmhmm mmhmm!"

Mira "I guess"

Kasai "hmm, aha, I knew you were cute, I just have to look from under you."

Yuuko "Kasai!!" She bonks him to the ground again with another bump

Zander (laughing) "they're funny!!"

Jenny "well my babies, I have to go"

Zander "bye mommy."

Mira "take care." Jenny kneels down as Mira and Zander kiss her cheeks as she stands up and leaves

Yuuko "I think Kari is finishing her nap, Kasai, take them to your room"

Kasai "ok!" They walk to Kasai and Kari's room as they see her waking up on the bottom bunk as Zander takes out a white kazoo and puts it in his mouth

Zander (kazoo) "wake up, please new friend."

Kari (whistle) "who are you?"

Kasai "Kari, these are aunt Jenny's kids, Mira and Zander, Zander apparently speaks the same instrument language as you"

Mira "hello."

Kari (whistle) "hi"

Zander (kazoo) "hey Kari what's your favorite anime?"

Kari (whistle) "my hero academia"

Zander (kazoo) "mine too!" he hugs her tightly and laughs

Kasai "you two into health food?"

Zander and Mira "bleh"

Kasai "guess I'm burning the food while she's not looking again"

Later that night

Kasai was walking from using the bathroom as he looks to see Zander and Kari in the computer room staring at the computer

Kasai "huh, guys what are you doing, Kari, you know dad doesn't want us to mess with his computer"

Kari "but it's doing something weird" two big digital egg of code starts emerging from the computer

That morning

Kasai "that was a strange dream, I really need to stop watching scary movies before I fall asleep." He climbs down the bunk bed as he almost fell from missing a step

Yuuko "Kasai, I'm heading to the health food store"

Kasai "alright! Huh, the egg is real?!" he sees Kari and Zander hugging two eggs

Mira "what is all that noise?" She jumps from the top bunk putting her hood on

Kasai "I don't know but I need some coffee and breakfast before I can handle this." He heads to the kitchen and starts making breakfast

Mira "make me a cup too please"

Zander (kazoo) "good mythical morning Kari, weird eggs that appeared from a computer."

Kari (whistle) "morning"

Zander "I smell something good."

Kari (whistle) "let's go" they get up and grab the egg as they head to the kitchen and sit in their highchairs with Kari holding the egg and Zander holding the other

Mira "where did those eggs come from?"

Kasai "I don't know but do you think that will make a good omelet?" He puts breakfast on their high chairs

Kari (whistle) "no!!"

Zander (kazoo) "ours!"

Kasai "I was joking."

Mira "not funny Kasai"

Kasai "hey, we can tell everyone that our chicken coop is in a nuclear waste dump."

Kari (whistle) "fine" she grabs her sippy cup and hears something drop so she puts her sippy cup down and sees the egg gone as she looks down only to see their cat Miko

Zander "where's the eggs?" they start looking as they see the egg standing in a corner

Mira "over here."

Kari (whistle) "ah ha" Zander and Kari get down and go to grab it but the eggs roll away as they go after it

Kasai "what are you guys doing?" the two chase it into Kari and Kasai's bedroom as they see it in front of the bunk bed as it stands up while Kasai catches up to them

Kasai "guys, stand back." The eggs crack as a black creature pops up

Kasai "aw it's cute, come here little baby" the black creature attacks Kasai's face as Zander and Kari giggle

Mira "ha!" a yellow cat with a purple striped tail jumps on her face and starts kissing her

Kasai and Mira (muffled) "get off us!!!" They pulls the creatures off as they starts moving around as Zander and Kari try to grab it but miss until it went under the bed

Kasai and Mira "their breath stinks." Zander and Kari look under the bed and smile at the creatures who growls

Kasai "stay away from them!" He and Mira looks under the bed and sees it as Kasai takes off his goggles and throws it at the creature as it blasts him away with bubbles

Kasai "huh?" Kari and Zander play a tone as the creatures does the same with bubbles

Mira "it's taking a bubble bath" bubbles go everywhere and went outside the window

Zander "can we keep it?!"

Mira "are you nuts? Mom would freak out"

Kari (whistle) "please."

Kasai and Mira "no way, hey stop feeding them our chocolates you'll make them sick!" Kari and Zander feeds the creatures Kasai and Mira's chocolate

Kasai "hey those are ours!"

Zander (kazoo) "hmm, what name should we give him."

Kasai "we're not keeping them "

Kari (whistle) "yes"

Kasai "fine." He hears the phone ring as he picks it up

Kasai "hello?"

Sora (phone) "this is Sora, Mimi told me you were the one who threw up in my hat"

Kasai 'it had to be Mimi.' The call ends as everything electrical started malfunctioning

Kasai "thank you strange glitching" he puts the phone down and walks back to the bedroom

Kasai "what did you two do, it's bigger!" the two toddlers see the black creature bigger and pink with long floppy ears and the cat creature a black puppy as they were hugging them

Zander "we just gave them a love filled hug."

Mira "I'd say too much love"

Kari (whistle) "it's never too much love."

Zander (kazoo) "exactly"

Mira "they just grew when all the lights flickered, something is up."

Kasai "well, the only thing left is for them to talk."

Zander "I bet they're hungry" he and Kari leave and take Miko's food bowl and comes back to see the pink creature jumping in place while Kasai counts the jumps while the puppy back flips while Mira counts the flips

Kasai and Mira "1,008, 1,009, you should put your ears back so it doesn't get on the food." Zander puts the bowl down as the pink creatures smiles and waddles over with a big smile on his face

Zander "eat up." He jumps and starts kissing Zander with the puppy licking him

Mira "hey cut it out, stop kissing my brother you" she starts pulling the creature off as she was successful but the creature starts kissing her

Kasai "get off her!" He throws the pink creature and puppy while he and Mira pull Kari and Zander

Kasai and Mira "that's it, they're out of here." the creatures starts eating as they see Miko as he meows

Kasai, Mira , Zander and Kari "uh oh" Miko pounces at the creatures as Kasai pulls Miko away

Kasai "bad Miko" Miko scratches Kasai's cheek and runs to the creature and scratches his face and takes back his bowl and walks away as Zander and Kari close the door

Kasai "we don't make a good team do we?" He was holding his cheek looking at the pink creature who groans

Mira "you alright pup?" the puppy groans as Mira pets her head


Yuuko "kids I made your favorite, fish sticks"

Kasai "in a minute! Thank Mavis she isn't cooking healthy again."

Kari and Zander "so do you have a name?"

Pink creature "Koromon"

Puppy "BlackSalamon"

Kasai "huh"

Kari "I'm Kari, Kari, this is Zander, Zander, and my brother Kasai, Kasai and Zander's brother Mira, Mira ."

Koromon and Blacksalamon "hi Kari Kari, Zander Zander, Kasai Kasai, Mira Mira "

Kari "never mind."

Zander "what are you two?"

BlackSalamon "we're Digimon, short for digital monster, we're from the digital world"

Kasai "so, you're from a world in our computer?"

Koromon "no, you four are the best friends I've ever had" he kisses Kari for a few seconds then stops and kisses Zander for a few seconds

Koromon "thanks for saving me from that scratching furball" he kisses Kasai for a few seconds until he lets go

BlackSalamon "you are an awesome friend!" she jumps licking Mira

Kasai "ok, just, warn us when you're going to do that." a fart sound was geared as Kasai lifted up Koromon and saw a turd

Mira "let's have a warning for this too"


Kasai was sleeping with Mira as Kari and Zander start shaking them

Zander (kazoo) "whistle Kari" Kari and Zander blows their whistle and kazoo loudly

Kasai and Mira "we're up, what?!"

Zander "something is wrong with Koromon and BlackSalamon!" They head to Kari's bunk as Kasai sees Koromon and BlackSalamon shaking with white eyes

Kasai "you two gave him your fish sticks didn't you?" Koromon and BlackSalamon starts getting bigger until Koromon breaks Kasai's bunk

Kasai "that's gotta hurt"

Kari "he's bigger than uncle Fred." Kari opens their window door as she and Zander get on Koromon's back

Kasai "wait, what are you doing?!"

Mira "don't do it!!!!" Agumon tries to go through the door but is too big so he pushes through the door while destroying it

Kari and Zander "piggy back?" Agumon groans as Kari and Zander get on his back as Agumon jumps while BlackGatomon jumps landing on Zander's head


Zander and Kari "wee!" Agumon lands on Yuuko's car and walks away from the building

Kasai "mom is going to lose it." the two start running after them

With Zander and Kari

Zander "look both ways before you cross the street" Agumon looks both ways

Kari "see any cars?"

Agumon "mmhmm."

Zander "do you even know what a car is?"

BlackGatomon "mmhmm."

Zander "just be careful then" they start walking until they stop at soda machines

Kari "ooh, soda, do you two want one?"

Agumon "mmm" he sticks his claw in the machine which breaks it while dropping soda

Zander "mommy usually puts money but that works too, just one each, oh" he accidentally drops the sodas as Agumon starts walking away

Zander " hey wait for us."

With Kasai and Mira

Kasai and Mira "Zander, Kari!, Zander, Kari! How hard can it be to find a dinosaur?" He starts running until he sees the vending machine with soda on the ground as Kasai grabs one

Kasai "Zander! Kari!!"

With Zander and Kari

Kari "you know we really shouldn't be playing in the streets" they see a truck heading towards them as Koromon jumps and lands behind it

Driver #2 "did you see that?"

Driver #1 (sleepy) "no I was sleeping."

Driver #2 "But you're driving!!"

Kari "can we do that ride again?"

Agumon "PEPPER FIRE!!" He shoots a fireball that hits a phone booth besides the truck

Zander "I'm scared" Agumon starts walking until he stops in a corner preparing to shoot a fireball at a bus

Kari "why are you looking at that bus, please don't blow it up, I know my mom says they're always late but they can't help it, don't be a bad boy, ahh!" he gets ready to fire until he hears a helicopter and looks up

Zander "we wanna go home now ok?" He starts walking following three red dots as Agumon shoots three fireballs at them but misses

With Kasai and Mira

Kasai "I hate to see the chicken that egg came out of" he sees a giant egg in the sky as a giant green parrot emerged from it

Kasai and Mira "Polly Want a cracker? A really big cracker." He sees a fireball pass the parrot and looks to his left

Kasai and Mira "Koromon?,Zander, Kari!" He sees them as he runs up to them

Mira "we have to get out of here now!"

Zander "Koromon, BlackSalamon come on!"

Koromon "PEPPER FIRE!!" he fires a fireball at the parrot as it did nothing

Parrotmon "hahaha my turn, SONIC DESTROYER!!!" he fires lightning from his antennas as it hits the bridge causing it to collapse on them

Zander "Koromon! Mira! He won't wake up!!!"

Kari "watch out!" the rubble falls towards them as they don't feel it as they see a giant orange dinosaur with blue stripes and a brown skull helmet with BlackGatomon on his head

Kasai "Koromon?"

Greymon "I'm Greymon now"

Kasai "you can call yourself want Ever you want, big guy." Greymon lets out a big roar as a white light shines from his mouth

Greymon "NOVA FLAME!" he fires a white fireball at parrotmon as he falls while Greymon charges towards him

Parrotmon "ahhaa!!" They clash hands trying to push each other and get the edge on one another

Kasai "don't quit" Parrotmon throws Greymon towards them

Parrotmon "SONIC DESTROYER!!!!" he blasts Greymon with lighting as Greymon falls back knocked out

Zander "Kasai, Kari he's hurt" Kari starts to whistle as she starts to cough

Kasai and Mira "it worked on me." Kasai grabs the whistle while Mira grabs the kazoo and play with all his strength as every kid in the neighborhood heard it

Sora "come on Kasai" Kasai and Mira stops playing the kazko and whistle as Greymon wakes up and lets out a large roar

Kasai "go get him buddy."

Greymon "NOVA FLAME!!!!" He blasts a white beam of fire consuming both him and Parrotmon

Zander "Greymon!!! Where are you?!!!!"

Kari "Don't you wanna play horsey with us anymore?!!!!"

Zander and Kari "Where are you?!!!!"

BlackGatomon "he went back to the digital world."

Zander "at least you're still here" he hugs BlackGatomon tightly

Mira "now, you two, you two worried us sick!!!"

Zander and Kari "we're sorry"

Kasai "I'm just glad you two are ok."

Mira "me too" The two hug them tightly as the little ones hug them back

Kari "did you stop on the way to kiss?"

Kasai and Mira "no!" the little one's giggle

Zander "I hope mommy will let us keep BlackGatomon"

Mira "she'll freak out that's for sure."

BlackGatomon "I'm actually your partner."

Mira "huh?"

BlackGatomon "you'll understand sooner or later."

Mira "um ok?"

Kasai "we should go home before mom wakes up, I can already imagine the punishment."

Mira "let's go then" They start walking as Kasai starts thinking

Kasai "I knew I recognized you, you are the quiet girl in my kindergarten."

Mira "I didn't think you would"

Kasai "well with that robe and cloak on it's hard to tell who you are"

Mira "I want to keep it that way" Kasai looks at Mira with a blank look as he takes off the robe

Mira "give it back, don't look at me!"

Kasai "you look, amazing"

Mira "no I'm hideous"

Zander "big sister pretty, that final!"

Kari "super pretty."

Kasai "I wouldn't change a thing."

Mira "r-really?"

Three "mmhmm."

Mira "o-ok"

Kasai "hmm, I decided."

BlackGatomon "decided what?"

Kasai "marry me Mira!" Mira blushes deeply as Kasai grabs her hands


Jenny "besides, if a man marries you it'll be about love and not looks."

End of flashback

Mira (blush) "you truly love me for me?"

Kasai "yup"

Mira (blush) "I do." They share a kiss as Zander and Kari smile while singing out a tone

Kasai and Mira "hush you two!" They see a dark portal open as a hand reaches out and grabs Mira and BlackGatomon

??? "you'll be my greatest soldier!" he pulls Mira and BlackGatomon into the portal as it closes

Zander "Mira!!!!"

Kasai "NOOO!, bring her back, bring her back!!!!!!!!" He starts shedding tears as Kari hugs a crying Zander

Jenny "Zander!!" They look up as Jenny who had angel wings lands on the ground and hugs Zander tightly

Jenny "where's your sister?"

Zander (crying) "a giant hand pulled her and BlackGatomon into a portal, she's gone mommy!!!"

Kasai "I'm sorry, I should have done something, It's all my fault." Jenny grits her teeth glaring at him in anger

Jenny "we're leaving Zander"

Zander (crying) "but but but."

Jenny "no buts! We're leaving and that's final!"

Kira "will I ever see him again auntie?"

Jenny "sorry Kari but no"

Kasai "please, if you're mad at me then j-"

Jenny "don't say another word" she spreads her wings and flies away

Kasai "*sniff* I'm sorry, *sniff* this is all my fault Kari"

Kari "no it's not" Kari hugs him as they start crying


Mira "where am I?"

BlackGatomon "you're in the digital world Mira"

Devimon "and you are now my loyal slave."

Mira "never!"

Devimon "you have no choice, FEEL THE TOUCH OF EVIL!" he grabs Mira as she screams while Devimon laughs

BlackGatomon "why is my male counterpart always an asshole?"

End of chapter

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