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"I'm sorry sir, you're all the traceable family she has. That makes you her health care proxy. It is your choice."
"But I haven't seen her or even talked to her in months! I'm, not even with her anymore, I have a fiancée!" I heard a familiar voice that filled me with fear, but I can't understand why.
I've been laying in the same bed for months. I can hear everything. I can smell everything. I can taste everything.
I can feel, everything.
I just can't see.
I can't open my eyes, I can't scream. I can't eat. I can't cry. I can barely even think. I've been lying in this bed while people talk around me saying there's no chance I'll "wake up", but I am up. I just can't open my eyes.
I haven't seen Anti for forever, or at least that's how long it's felt. I'm quickly drawn from my thoughts when I feel my hand getting picked up. I feel like I'd start shaking if I could move.
"(Y/n), what the fuck were you thinking. How could you have let this happen. How could you have let it fall on me?" The male voice angrily sighed out.
Who is (Y/n)? Why do people keep calling me that?
I feel my arm get dropped lazily. It almost scared me how easily I was let go of.
I hear a clicking, almost as if to press a button. A few minutes later, I heard approaching footsteps, then another click.
"Can I help you, sir?" A woman's voice softly asked. "C-can I just get the doctor, please?" The make voice slightly hesitated. "Of course." The woman said, footsteps echoing away.
Moments later the voice of another male entered the room. "Hello, I heard you asked for me. What seems to be the problem?" The voice was deep. "I would like the papers, please." "Are you sure? Her reports show brain activity, she's not necessarily brain dead, even with the length of time she's been in the coma."
I'm not in a coma, I'm not brain dead! I can't open my fucking eyes! I'm willing to bet it was PewDie again! Where's Anti?!
"We could change or increase her meds? There have been several cases where-" "Doctor, respectfully, please go get the paperwork." Silence filled the room. What paperwork? What are they gonna do to me? "As you wish." The doctor left the room.
A lingering sense of danger filled the room and I felt my heart rate go off, which sent a screaming alarm through my heart monitor, which from the sound of it, soon got clicked off.
Footsteps approached once again and I heard the shuffling of papers. "Thank you." The everlasting make voice stated. Pens scratched on the pages for a few minutes before a final sigh was let out.
"I must legally remind you that removing care means Ms. (l/n) will have her feeding and breathing tubes removed." I'm sorry, is this man trying to kill me?!
"She cannot breathe properly on her own, she will eventually lose all of her available oxygen and suffocate-" "I understand what this means, Doc. Just get it over with." I can hear footsteps walking closer to my bedside. I can feel a tube in my throat slightly move.
"One more thing, I'm also legally required to remind you that her brain remains active. She is not brain dead-" "Do it. Please. Just make it stop." There had been a sigh out. The tube began to move again, even rougher this time. I caused a burning feeling in my throat, and then finally it came out. I had the urge to cough, but still could not move. "Her tube is removed, it may take minutes to hours for her take her last breath. Will you be staying with her?" "Yes, please, just go now." After that, I could hear the clicking of a screen being shut off. I could no longer hear the electronic beeping of my heart on the monitor.
My lungs start to feel like they are on fire. I can hear myself wheezing with every breath.
"Why did it come to this. What happened?" The man's voice forced out. "I don't need you in my life, I hate you for turning me away, but I love you for the childhood you gave me. I missed you, I mourned you when you weren't even gone. Now look where we are. I'm killing you. I'm killing you..." the voice trailed off and I hear a whimper.
It's getting harder to brea...
I can.. can't thin... think...
It hu... hurts...
The last... thin... thing I hear... the man.. cr... crying...
He's... he's screaming... he's hit... hitting my ch..chest...
"I want her back! Give her back! Hook her up again! Do it before it's too late! Please! Please! Help us! Plea..."


It is dark, and I'm alone. A territory I've grown familiar to.
Which can only mean one thing...
I turn to see a glowing door frame, once more.
I walk towards it, it instantly comes to me.
I reach for the handle, but the door opens on its own.
I look up and see a familiar face.

Dark eyes, red hair, black gauges.
My favorite demon smiled and held out a hand.

"Hey babe, did you miss me?"

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