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It took me a solid minute to finally open my eyes. When I had, after realizing I was alone, I decided to take in my surroundings. I was in a darkened room in which four black walls contained me. Gray curtains hung on the wall, over windows I'm sure was just painted onto the wall. I was lying on a bed with a twisted black frame, holding a bed with gray comforters and red pillows.
Taking a deep breath in, I stand up, and walk to the door.
I jiggled the doorknob but received no response. The door was locked shut. There's also no other way out of this room.

No matter how many seconds; no matter how many minutes; no matter how many days went by, the round clock on the wall refused to tick. I was trapped in a timeless room.

Trying to fall back asleep was near impossible for some reason.

"Sean?" I slightly yelled out into the room's warm air.
"Anti? Hello?" No response dare spoke back to me.

After a few moments that were pointless to count, the door opened and a familiar face appeared.

"Hey babe." Anti smiled as he walked into the room.
'Babe'? We aren't dating, why would he call me that?

Where was he?

Where are we now?

Why was that door locked?

I have so many questions.

"Anti, where are we?" I asked before he got the chance to sit on the bed beside me.

"You don't have to worry about that."

"Okay, well where were you then?"

"Don't worry about that either." He waved it off as if it were nothing. I have a right to know where I am!

"Listen, I took you away. Just like you wanted. Now, we can be here happily together forever! We don't need that bastard Sean interrupting either..." He laughed darkly as he leaned closer. I laughed as well, but more in an awkward sense as I leaned away from the direction he was coming from.

"(Y-" I almost pushed him away as he stopped himself from saying the worst word to ever hit the drum of a human ear.
"Signe. Look I'm sorry. I still see you as both. But c'mon, (Y/n) is a pretty name."

"In your eyes it may be pretty, but it certainly isn't mine." I crossed my arms and turned my nose from him. He sighed out and stood from the bed, walking toward the middle of the room. He twirled his fingers in the air as he fell back, so a black leather recliner appeared behind him for him to land on.

Anti pinched the bridge of his nose as he groaned out.
"This is definitely gonna take some getting used to..."

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