S1 Ep1: And Then There Were 10

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We open up in space, seeing a blue and with green tinted windows seemingly beelining it's way towards earth passing by multiple planets. The ship was being chased by another larger brown ship that had large top deck area, and a equally as large bottom area that had red electricity surging through it. It was firing lasers at the smaller ship with some missing, while others hit their target damaging the smaller craft. The smaller ship was also firing back at the larger ship with more of it's shots landing, but while they did damage the damage seemed to be significantly less than to blast that hit the ship. Inside the large ship we see large humanoid creature with a bald green squid for a head. The humanoid squid headed creature also wore black and red and had shoulder pads with spikes adorning them.

He was sitting in a chair in the middle of the control room of the ship. One of his robotic minions were looking over a computer like contraption before turning to the squid humanoid.

Robotic solider: Hull damage: 20 percent, weapons still operational.

Squid humanoid: I have come to far to be denied. Keep firing.

The larger ship soon blasted the smaller ship destroying it's hull, leaving it floating over earth. The large ship began to approach the the now seemingly helpless ship.

Robotic solider: The ships engines have been destroyed

Squid humanoid: Prepare to board! I want the Omintrix now, along with the other weapon that, that ship is harboring! There is no one in the universe who will stop me!

Unknown to him the smaller ship fire a blast into his main control deck, flinging the Squid humanoid back and almost destroying the large ship's main deck. However the large ship fired one last blast at the smaller ship directly hitting it and leaving it heavily damaged. Inside the smaller ship, we see the pilot slowly limp over to a pod, putting their hand on the glass of the pod looking inside it. On one side there was a black watch, with a dial that had a green hour glass symbol on it.

On the other side of the pod, there was a girl with long blue hair sleeping calmly up against the wall of the pod. The girl had a strange phone like device in her hand. The pilot softly smiled at the girl, before pulling their hand from the pod's window and moving it over to what seemed to be a launch button of the wall. Giving one last look into the pod before pressing the button launching the pod down to earth.

Pilot: Good luck and please stay safe....

A hours before on Earth.....

We see an RV motor home driving down the road in a town heading somewhere. The RV was a Beige with a red and blue strip in the middle of it, multiple satellite dishes also was on the the top of the RV. This RV was known as the RustBucket.

Inside the RV, we see three people in there. The first was a brown hair boy with green eyes, wearing a white shirt with a large black stripe going down the middle of it. He also wore green cargo pants and white and black shoes. This boy was known as Ben Tennyson.

The next was a girl who had orange hair also having green eyes. She was wearing blue shirt with a cat like head on it. She also wore white pants and blue and light blue shoes. This girl was Ben's cousin Gwen Tennyson.

The last was a older man driving the RV. He had Grey hair and wore a red Hawaiian shirt with a white undershirt. Blue jeans and brown shoes. This man was the two's grandpa, Max Tennyson.

Ben soon let out an annoyed groan, while glaring at Gwen.

Ben: I can't believe I have to spend the whole summer with a dweeb like you

Gwen quickly glared back at him.

Gwen: Hey it wasn't my idea to come on this stupid camping trip, someone managed to convince my parents that this would be a good idea

She gives a glance back at their grandpa, who still had his focus on the road but was listening in on his grandchildren's conversation. Soon he speaks up into it.

Max: Hey you two, it's not going to be too bad. I just think it'd be good to get out and explore as a family.

Ben: Yeah being cramped in an RV with this nerd for whole summer will be so much fun.

Max just simply chuckled.

Max: Well, before we head to the campsite for tonight, we have one more person to pick up.

Both Ben and Gwen looked to their Grandpa confused. Wondering what he meant by that. A couple minutes later they stop in front of a slightly larger house compared to all the other houses around it. Recognizing the house both Ben and Gwen immediately grew worried. Their fears were confirmed when they see a girl with wavy light brown hair wearing a white cowgirl hat with a drawstring and a red western style dress, with a button up poncho. A dark brown belt with a golden belt buckle was wrapped around her waist and brown shoes. This was Ben and Gwen's other cousin Mimi Tennyson.(Yes I made her last name the same as Ben and Gwen)

Mimi: Helloooo~

She sang in a sweet sing song voice while approaching the RV, caring a large bag as well.

Ben and Gwen: Uh oh....

She soon makes it to the RV and walks inside, giving all them a smile while placing her bag in a closet of the RV. After doing that she turns and greets her cousins and Grandpa.

Mimi: Hello everyone, thanks Grandpa for inviting me. I can't wait.

Max laughed at Mimi's enthusiasm, while Ben and Gwen sighed and groaned, thinking that summer just got a whole lot worst with her now here.

Ben: Great now we got the spoiled brat here

Gwen: And here I thought Summer couldn't get any worst...

Getting on the road again the four makes it to the campsite, and takes a small rest. Time passes and we then see the three cousins sitting at a table-bench, while Max was bringing three bowls of wriggling worms. He places them down in front of the three much to their disgust. A worm soon falls out one of the bowls.

Ben: Okay, I give up. What is that?

Max: "Marinated meal worms". Hard to find them fresh in the states. You know, they're considered a delicacy in some countries?

Gwen: Yeah, and totally gross in others

Mimi: Y-Yeah, I don't really think many people have taste bubs like yours Grandpa.

Max: Well if these don't sound good, I've got some smoked sheep's tongue in the fridge.

Ben scratches behind his head while looking at the worms, before looking back over to his Grandpa.

Ben: Um, couldn't we just have a burger?

The three smile towards Max, causing Max to let out a small chuckle.

Max: Nonsense. This summer's gonna be an adventure for your taste buds. -I'll grab the tongue.

Max proceeds to walk away to go grab the sheep tongue. In that time Ben and Gwen lean over to each other and began to whisper.

Ben: Okay I have a half eaten bag of corn chips and a candy bar, what do you have.'

Gwen: Some rice cakes and hard candy

The two then steal a glance over to Mimi, seeing her picking up one of the worms staring at it.

Ben: How much you wanna bet her parents packed her a couple full course meals for the Summer.

Gwen: Hmph, more than likely, since they always treat her like their little "Princess"

Unbeknownst to the two, Mimi did hear them. She was pretending to fiddle with the worm while looking down blocking their view of her face. She held a hurt expression, to their comments of her. Later on in the day night had fallen and we see the three cousins sitting around a campfire near the RV. Ben was on some type of handheld, while Gwen was on her laptop. Mimi was seen sitting on a stump brushing her hair. Max soon exits the RV and looks between his three Grandchildren.

Max: Who wants to roast marshmallows?

He gets no response as the three continue to do what they were doing.

Max: Okay um.....How about we tell some scary stories

Ben: Scarier than spending the Summer with your dweeb of a cousin *laughs to himself*

Gwen: I'd like to, Grandpa, but I'm busy doing a web search on cures for extreme 'doofus-ness'. Nothing yet, Ben, but let's not give up hope.

Mimi continues to brush her hair not responding or adding in on the conversation.

Max: Aww, come on you guys. We're all in this together. You can mope around like this all summer, or we can have some fun. Now whadd'ya say?

Gwen: I vote for moping

Ben: I'm going for a walk, I'll be back in a little bit.

Ben storms off into the forest, causing Max to let out a small sigh.

Max: I uh, think they're growing on each other?

He looks over to Mimi, seeing as she hasn't said anything through out the whole conversation.

Max: Hey Mimi you okay, you haven't said a thing the whole time

Mimi: I-I'm fine Grandpa, just a little tired is all

Max: You sure?

Mimi simply nods at her Grandpa's question. Making our way over to Ben we see him walking through the forest with his arms crossed.

Ben: Ugh, this is going to be the worst Summer ever, not only am I stuck with that dweeb of a cousin but also that brat of one to. I should've just gone to Summer School.

Looking up into the sky Ben soon sees meteor flying over head.

Ben: Woah, a shooting star.

After saying that the meteor's course suddenly changed, heading straight towards Ben. Ben gasped seeing it coming towards him soon making him run from it as it crash down behind him creating a crater emitting bright light. The light of the heat from entering earth's atmosphere soon died down revealing the pod from earlier. Ben looked down into the crater seeing the pod laying there staring at it in amazement. Before he could say anything the ground underneath him collapsed causing him to fall into the crater. Ben rubbed the back of his head hoping to cease the pain from the fall, before looking back at the pod questioningly.

Ben: What is that some sort of satellite?

Getting up he began to approach the pod, when it suddenly opened revealing the strange watch laying on the ground and also a blue haired girl with a strange phone like device laying in her hand. She was seemingly sleeping. Ben looked at the girl surprised seeing her there. He made his way over to the pod and looked at her.

Ben: Hey you okay?

He began to reach his hand over to try and shake her awake, but as he did the watch suddenly opened and jumped onto Ben's wrist surprising and scaring him.

Ben: Ah! Get off me! Get off, Get off!

He tried pull the watch off to no avail, he then proceeds to climb out the crater and began running into the forest, while screaming for his Grandpa. With all the commotion that Ben was making seemed to have awoken the girl. Getting up she looked around the crater confuse and then looked to the strange phone in her hand, before she shrugged putting it in her pocket and climbed out the crater, heading in the same direction that Ben went, seemingly knowing where he was going. We then cut back to Ben trying to pry the watch off with a stick with it simply breaking and the watch not budging an inch. He sighed while looking down at it.

???: What are you doing?

Surprised Ben looked up and saw the girl standing there looking at him confused. Ben then proceeded to point the broken stick at her, trying to threaten her.

Ben: S-Stay back

Ignoring his words the girl walked over to him and looked at the watch and narrowed her eyes at it, before shifting her gaze back up to him.

Girl: Where'd you get this?

Ben gave a nervous stare, while a bead of sweat went down his forehead.

Ben: I-It was in that satellite you were in, but I-I promise that I didn't just take it. It jumped onto my wrist and now I can't get it off!

The girl continued to look into Ben's eyes trying to see if he was lying. Beginning to process the information that he gave her soon letting out a sigh, seeing that there was no holes in his story. If the watch was now attached to his wrist and there was seemingly no way to get it off there was just one more question to ask him.

Girl: What's your name?

Ben: Huh?

Girl: Your name, what is it?

Ben: O-Oh, Ben.....Ben Tennyson.

The girl just nodded before looking around the forest in wonder. Soon looking back towards Ben.

Girl: Hey is this Earth?

Ben: Um....yeah

The girl again just nodded and the two stood there in silence for a couple minutes. Ben then broke it looking back at the girl.

Ben: Hey so do you have a name?

Girl: Hmm, oh yeah my name is (Y/N)

Ben: Just (Y/N)?

(Y/N): *nods* Mhm mhm

And again they stood there in silence. (Y/N) looks down towards the watch on Ben's wrist. She points down at it.

(Y/N): You wanna try it out?

Ben: What do mean by that?

(Y/N): What I mean is do you wanna see what it can do

Ben: But, wouldn't you already know what it can do?

(Y/N): *shrugs* Not really

Ben: What do you mean not really, it was in that satellite with you!?

(Y/N): Sorry it's just everything's a bit hazy, I can't recall all that much.

Ben just let's out a small sigh, before looking down at the watch and proceeded to press the button on it causing the dial to come up and the hourglass symbol to change to diamond symbol and showing a silhouette of a strange humanoid with what looked to have fire for their head.

Ben: Woah

(Y/N): *excited* Keep going

Looking down at the dial Ben put his finger over it and began to push it back down. Once the dial was fully pressed down he was completely enveloped by a green light. When the light subsided instead Ben standing there, there was a tall humanoid seemingly made out red rock and magma. His hands and feet were a bright yellow, while his head was a big flame with some of those red rocks made a face for him and a watch symbol adorn his chest area. This was Ben's Pyronite form, Heatblast.

Heatblast looked at himself and began to freak out.

Heatblast: Ahh, I'm on fire!!! AHH!!!

(Y/N) began to try and calm him down.

(Y/N): Hey, hey calm down, your okay, are you feeling any pain or anything.

Heatblast soon calmed down and looked at himself.

Heatblast: N-No I feel fine, I'm on fire and I'm okay....

He smirked and looked towards (Y/N).

Heatblast: Check it out I'm totally hot

(Y/N): *smirks* Flaming

The two laugh at their jokes. Heatblast then looks over to a tree and points his finger at it, a fireball shooting straight at it burning a hole straight through it, amazing both him and (Y/N).

Heatblast: Now that's what I'm talking about

Heatblast then cupped his hands together and created a large fireball. Looking back over at the tree smirking, though (Y/N) looked a little concerned.

(Y/N): Um, Ben maybe you shouldn't do that

Heatblast: Don't worry I have this completely under control

He flung the fireball at the the tree exploding on impact and spreading fire all over the tree, while it also spread to other trees.

Heatblast: Wait! Stop.....uh oh.

(Y/N): I told you it was a bad idea!!!

He looks over to her seeing her stomping on a patch of fire trying to put it out. Heatblast rushes over to another patch of flames and began to stomp on it, but instead of putting it out it just erupted into more flames. (Y/N) looked towards it completely freaking out at this point. Heatblast looked at the flame and simply said one thing.

Heatblast: Oh man, we are going to get so busted for this.

Back over at the campsite we see Max and Mimi sitting by the campfire, while Gwen exited the RustBucket, seeing smoke in the distance in the forest. She pointed to it getting her cousin and Grandpa's attention

Gwen: What's that?

Max stood up, along with Mimi looking in the direction that Gwen was pointing, seeing the smoke as well.

Max: Looks like the start of a forest fire. We better let the Rangers' Station know. Probably some darn fool camper out there, messing around with something he shouldn't.

A moment of silence spread across the three, before a sudden realization was brought to the three.

Max, Gwen and Mimi: Ben!!!

Max quickly grabbed his camping-kit grabbing three fire-extinguisher and giving one each to both Gwen and Mimi.

Max: Better take these!

And with that the three rushed into the forest. Back with Ben and (Y/N), the two were trying their best to put out the fire to no avail.

HeatBlast: This would be so cool, if it wasn't so-uncool

(Y/N): I told you it was a bad idea

HeatBlast: Then why didn't you try stopping me!

(Y/N): I did try!!!

HeatBlast: Then why didn't you try harder!

With Gwen and Mimi, Gwen was shooting the fire with the extinguisher, while Mimi was having trouble using it. Gwen taking notice and glaring back at her cousin.

Gwen: Have you ever even used one of these before?!

Mimi: No, I never had the need to!

Gwen: Oh, of course you haven't

Gwen soon turns and shoots what she though was another patch of fire, but it was actually HeatBlast. The blast from the fire-extinguisher causing him to turn and face Gwen. Gwen and Mimi screamed upon seeing him facing them and he tried to calm them down, while (Y/N) looked at them confused on who they were.

HeatBlast: Look... I know I look weird, but there's no reason to be scared-

Before he could finish Gwen hit him with the fire-extinguisher and began spraying him with it.

HeatBlast: Hey *coughs*

Gwen: I don't know what you are- but you'll stay down there if you know what's good for you!

HeatBlast looked down and pointed at Gwen's shoe as it was on fire and started chuckling at it. Gwen quickly took notice to it and began jumping on one foot, eventually putting it out. She then glares at him.

Gwen: I warned you! *Raises the extinguisher over her head*

HeatBlast: Don't even think about it freak!

Gwen stopped what she was doing and looks at HeatBlast, along with Mimi.

Gwen: Ben? Is that you? What happened?

HeatBlast: Well, when I was walking, this meteor fell from the sky and almost munched me, except that wasn't a meteor or a satellite, but this strange pod that had this cool watch thing in it that jumped up onto my wrist, and this girl right here*gestures to (Y/N), who just softly waved with a smile* was also in there too. Me and her began messing around with the watch, and I suddenly was on fire, only it didn't hurt when I was and I accidentally started this mega forest fire.

They then heard running coming toward them, looking over they see Max running towards them.

Max: Gwen, Mimi are you two alr-*Looks over at HeatBlast* what in blazes.

Gwen: H-Hey Grandpa....

Mimi: Guess who.....

HeatBlast: *waves* It's me Grandpa....

Max: Ben, what happened to you?

HeatBlast: Well, when I was walking, this meteor_

(Y/N): Can we explain this later, we still got a large scale fire on our hands

HeatBlast: oh yeah, what do we do?

Before anyone could speak up, Mimi was the one to speak.

Mimi: Backfire, start up a new fire and let the old one burn into it. They should cancel each other out.

Everyone specifically her cousins and Grandpa stared at her surprise, on this type of knowledge she knew. Seeing them all look at her made her look down embarrassed.

Mimi: I-I read a lot in my free time

Max: Yeah, what Mimi said will work. You think you can do it Ben?

HeatBlast: Shooting flames? Yeah I can defiantly do that.

Running off HeatBlast made it to the other side outside of the current fire and started up another fire. The two fires soon met and true to what Mimi said, the two soon burnt each other out. Later a park ranger came and saw the remains of the the burnt part of the forest. Back up in space we see the humanoid Squid's ship being repaired by drones. Inside the ship we see the Squid humanoid in critical condition as he floated suspended in a tube in the middle of the damaged control deck. He glared down angrily at one of his robotic soldiers.

Humanoid Squid: What do you mean neither the Omnitrix or the other weapon was on the ship. This battle nearly costed me my life and you say that neither of them are no longer there!?

Robotic Soldier: Sensor indicate that a probe was launched down to the planet below, before we boarded.

The squid humanoid looked back to a drone behind him.

Squid Humanoid: Bring it to me.

Back on earth, we se the group of five sitting around a campfire. HeatBlast having finished telling Max about what had happened to him and how he was now this fire creature.

Max: So you say that, that watch latch itself onto you and that this girl was in this same pod as it.

He motions to (Y/N) who just waved.

(Y/N): Hello, again

Gwen throws HeatBlast a marshmallow, to which he catches and roasts it in his hand before eating it.

HeatBlast: Hey it's not my fault this time. I swear.

Max: I believe you Ben.

Gwen: So what now? Is he going to stay a monster forever.

Max: He's not a monster, he's an alien

HeatBlast, Gwen, Mimi and (Y/N) all looked at Max suspiciously.

Max: I mean look at him

HeatBlast: Well what ever I am, I don't want to stay fire guy forever. How am I suppose to play Little League this fall, if I charcoal the ball every time I catch a pop-fly?

(Y/N): What's Little League?

HeatBlast looked over at her shocked.

HeatBlast: You don't know what Little League is!?

(Y/N) stuck her hand out to him, seemingly for him to shake, and sarcastically said.

(Y/N): Hi I'm (Y/N), an alien that landed on Earth ooh about an hour ago.

HeatBlast apologetically shrugged.

Max: Don't worry Ben we'll figure this out.

Suddenly a beeping was heard, looking down they see the watch badge emitting the sound while it flashed red. Soon a red flash surrounded HeatBlast, and when the flash dissipated, Ben was then seen back to normal. Standing up he looked at himself excited.

Ben: I'm me again

Gwen: Aww too bad. I liked you better when you were a briquette.

Ben then tries to pull the watch off only to see that it still wouldn't come off.

Ben: Still won't come off.

Max: Better not fool with it anymore until we know exactly what we're dealing with. I'll go check out that crash site. You guys stay here until I get back.

Minutes later we see (Y/N) outside the RustBucket looking at it in wonder. Until she was brought out of her thoughts by Mimi coming up to her.

Mimi: This is the RustBucket

(Y/N) looked over to her before bringing her gaze back on the RV.

(Y/N): All four of you live here.

Mimi: Well, for the Summer at least. By the way I'm Mimi

(Y/N) looked at her with a smile before holding her hand out to Mimi to shake.

(Y/N): Nice to meet you Mimi, I'm (Y/N).

Mimi let's out a small chuckle, before taking (Y/N) hand and shakes it.

Mimi: It's nice to meet you too (Y/N)-

Mimi is interrupted when Ben and Gwen walked out the RV with Ben still messing with the watch.

Gwen: Grandpa said not to mess with it, plus we don't even know what it is

A sudden shiver ran up (Y/N)'s spine as she soon closed her eyes afterwards, sudden flashes ran through her mind before she. The three cousins were looking at her, in Ben and Gwen's case confusion while in Mimi's case concern. (Y/N) suddenly started to speak.

(Y/N): It is known as the Omnitrix, a level 20 tech DNA alterer device, that gives the wearer the ability to transform into different alien species.

Surprised by sudden info that (Y/N) had given them. Seconds later she shook her head and let out a small shiver after.

(Y/N): Woah, that felt weird.

Looking up she saw the three looking at her surprised.

(Y/N): W-What?

After info that (Y/N) gave out, Ben turned and smirked at Gwen.

Ben: Well now that we know what this is and once I figure out how to work it I can help people like really help them.

Looking back over to (Y/N), and quickly remembered the phone that she had back at the pod crash site.

Ben: Hey (Y/N) you still have that strange phone on you right?

(Y/N): I think I do *reaches into her pocket* oh yeah here it is

Taking it out of her pocket, she flips it open. She presses a button of the side of it causing an image of a cat with a striped tail, who wore a pair of strange gloves, to appear on the screen. The hand that was not holding the phone immediately began to glow while a ring appeared around it as well. She stood there staring at her hand and the phone seemingly in deep thought. Ben smiled while he goes back to messing with the watch.

Gwen: So, what did it feel like going all alien like that?

Ben: It freaked me out at first. It was like I was me, but it was also like I was somebody else. *the Omnitrix pops up, showing more silhouettes as Ben touches it* Hey, I think I figured out how I did it. Should I try it again? Just once?

Gwen: I wouldn't.

Ben: Of course you wouldn't *he looks down at the omnitrix before looking up at (Y/N)* you wanna try this together.

(Y/N) snapped her gaze away from whatever was happening with her hand and the phone, looking towards Ben giving him a smile and nod.

(Y/N): Yeah, let's do it.

Before Gwen or Mimi could protest, Ben slammed the dial on the watch down causing him to be enveloped by a green light, while (Y/N) slid the ring that appeared around her hand on the bottom part of the phone causing her to be enveloped by a blue light. When the light died down where Ben was standing, there was an orange dog like creature that had no eyes and gill like appendages on the side of his head. He had large under teeth sticking out from his mouth. He also had black nails and lips. The watch badge was on a sort of black shoulder guard. This is Ben's Vulpimancer transformation Wildmutt.

In turn (Y/N) had transformed into small white cat like creature. It's ears were long and had purple tuffs at the top of them. She also had a long tail that was stripped in purple and white, with another purple tuff at the top of it. She also wore yellow gloves that a cat paw print on the inside area of them, with them also having black nails. This was the digimon known as Gatomon.

Gwen looked at Wildmutt disgusted, while Mimi had stars in her eyes while looking down at Gatomon. Immediately picking her up, hugging her and rubbing her face into the white cat's cheek.

Mimi: Your so cute, can you stay like this forever.

Gatomon: H-Hey let go of me.

Struggling in Mimi's hold, Gatomon eventually got out of it landing on the ground. Gwen was in front of Wildmutt, holding her nose while looking at him.

Gwen: Eww! This thing's even uglier than you are normally! Bow wow, put a flea collar on this mutt.

Wildmutt: *roars*

Gwen waves her hand in front of Wildmutt.

Gwen: And no eyes? What good is this one? It can't see.

Gwen smiled getting an idea, she walks over and grabs a stick while Mimi and Gatomon watching her as she moved behind Wildmutt about to swing the stick at him. But before the stick made contact Wildmutt dodged by jumping up and landing back on the top of the RV.

Gwen: Okay. So maybe it's not a total loser.

Wildmutt then jumped and landed in front of Gwen slobbering in front of her causing her to cover her nose from the smell.

Gwen: Eww two words. Breath. Mints.

Wildmutt: *roars*

Wildmutt huffed and runs off into the forest, with Gwen calling after him.

Gwen: Get back here! Ben! I'm gonna tell Grandpa that you turned into some freaky-animal-monster-thing and went swinging around the forest when he told you not to! *realizing what she just said* Oh, this is a majorly weird day.

Mimi: *sighing* You can say that again.

Gatomon: I'll go after him and make sure he doesn't get into any trouble.

Getting on all fours she sprinted after him, leaving both Gwen and Mimi at the RV. With Wildmutt we see him swinging through the trees of the woods until he runs into a drone. Sensing that it was hostile he dodged out of the way of one of it's blast and jumped on it beginning to rip it apart, soon leaving it in pieces. He soon timed out and was back in his normal form.

Ben: *Fist pumps* Yeah

But his celebration was cut short as another drone appear and primed its cannon to fire upon Ben.

Ben: Uh oh

Before it could fire however, Gatomon appeared jumping from different trees towards it, before she jumped up high and primed one of her claws. The claw began to glow as she rushed down at the drone.

Gatomon: Lighting Paw!!

Slicing straight through the drone cutting it into three pieces. She turns and smirks over to Ben. Suddenly she felt a strange feeling through out her body and began to glow, when she was then enveloped by a white light. When the light disappeared (Y/N) was seen there back to her normal self while holding the phone in her hand. Looking at herself and then the phone, she just smirked while turning her gaze towards Ben.

(Y/N): Your welcome, Ben.

Ben: I could have taken him.

(Y/N): Sure you could've, anyway let's hurry and head back.

The five were now seen sitting in the RV, after Max had returned from the crash-site telling him about what had happened in the woods.

Max: I was worried that you might get popular with that thing on your wrist. That's why I asked you not to fool around with it until we know what the heck it is.

Ben: Well we kinda do know what it is now, thanks to (Y/N). She said that it was called Omnitrix and I figured out how to work it. All you do is press this button. Then, when the ring pops up, just twist it until you see the guy you wanna be. Slam it down, and bam-mo! You're one of ten super-cool alien dudes!

(Y/N): Mine works kinda the same. Except it being a phone and not having to slam a dial or anything down, also I have plenty more than just ten

Ben: Really?

(Y/N) just nodded to his question.

Ben: *excited* Awesome

Mimi chuckled at Ben and (Y/N)'s interaction, while Gwen rolled her eyes at them.

Gwen: Yeah and what about **staying** a super-cool alien dude and not transforming back into plain old pizza-face?

Ben: I haven't figure that out yet

Gwen: Mhmm hmm

Ben: Hey (Y/N) has the same time out function as I do.

Mimi: Well at least she can transform into something cute.

(Y/N) for some reason felt heat rise to her cheeks, when Mimi said that.

Max: *sighs* With a watch and phone as powerful as those in your guy's possession, we're gonna need to help you two learn to control them....and fast.

Ben and (Y/N): Alright/Got ya

The radio in the RV picked up a ranger outpost.

Ranger: *Over radio* Mayday! Mayday! Somebody help us! We're under attack by some sort of - I know you're not going to believe me, but... robot!

Ben stood up after hearing the radio broadcast.

Ben: That sounds like one of those things that attacked me. Must be looking for the Omnitrix. Those guys are in trouble because of me. I need to help them!

(Y/N) stood up as well.

(Y/N): Your not going in there alone I'm coming too. I have a feeling this is my fault to.

Both Ben and (Y/N) stared at each other before nodding in understanding. With that the two quickly sped outside the RV before the others could say anything. When they made it outside they both activated their devices and quickly cycled through their transformations, and quickly transformed. Being surrounded by a green and blue light respectively . Once the green light died down Ben was replaced with an adult size humanoid made out of green diamonds. Two spikes chuted out of his shoulder blades. While he wore a half black and half white outfit. With a black patch over the shoulder area resting the watch badge there. This was Ben's Petrosapien form Diamondhead.

After (Y/N)'s light died down she was replaced by a large quadruped wolf creature. It's fur was a combination of both dark and light blue. They also had red sharp claws and large fangs. This was the digimon known as Garurumon.

They looked at each other with Diamondhead smirking upon seeing (Y/N) transformation.

Diamondhead: A giant wolf, huh gotta say looks pretty cool

Garurumon: *smirks* What, jealous?

Diamondhead: You wish.

Mimi: Sooo?

The two look back at Gwen, Mimi and Max.

Gwen: What exactly can these two do

Diamondhead began clenching and unclenching his fist, while Garurumon lift her head up in determination.

Diamondhead/Garurumon: Only one way to find out.

Over in a campsite full of RVs, we see a large Drone attacking them. The Drone grabbed the park ranger and got ready to crush him, But was stopped when it heard Diamondhead call out to it. Looking down and seeing both Diamondhead and Garurumon standing there.

Diamondhead: Leave him alone! You want someone to pick on? Try us.

From the Drone's point of view it was scanning the two until it landed on Diamondhead's watch badge and quickly scanned over Garurumon seeing that she had altered DNA. It then tosses the ranger away who was saved by Max, Gwen and Mimi. The robot fires a blast at the two with Garurumon jumping above it and Diamondhead being blasted back into a nearby truck. Garurumon lands and begins sprinting towards it. Dodging out of the way of some blast being sent at her before jumping towards it. Back with Diamondhead we see him cut his way out of a pile of scrap metal from the truck, before examining his hands seeing them now being blades.

Diamondhead: Cool....

He was brought back to the fight by hearing the sounds of Garurumon and the Robot fighting. Looking over to the fight, he sees as she climbs and claws at the Robot's arms, before she jumps to try and attack the head, but gets grabbed and tossed away by the Robot. Seeing this Diamondhead got up and rushed towards the Robot attempting to slash at it with his blades, but misses as the Robot jumped while spinning it's legs and then dropping on top of Diamondhead pinning him underneath.

Diamondhead: Uh oh

The Robot raised it's hand down at him preparing to fire, but was again cut off this time by Garurumon.

Garurumon: Ice Cannon!!!

A large ball of ice struck the Robot causing it to stumble back and off Diamondhead. Taking the time that the Robot was stunned, Diamondhead got up, while Garurumon ran to his side.

Garurumon: Looks like I'm, an Ice wolf

Diamondhead: That's pretty *smirks* Cool

The two chuckled at the joke before they nodded to each other and then rushed the Robot. As the battle continued the Robot attempted to blast at them again, but this time Garurmon began to emit icy blue flames in her mouth. The Robot blasted at them while she fired the blue flames towards the blast.

Garurumon: Howling Blaster!!!

The blast from the Robot was soon over taken by Garurumon's blast with it being sent straight into the Robot's hand that fired the blast freezing it over and soon exploding. With it stumbling back after it exploded. Over with the with Gwen, Mimi, and Max seeing them help the ranger to safety.

Ranger: What is going on here?!

Gwen: You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you. Now come on.

The ranger was hesitant at first but soon followed, after seeing Garurumon being thrown into a truck near him. During the battle a stray projectile hit a tree and began to fall, onto Mimi. She looked up at it, frozen in place by fear. Garurumon rushed toward the tree with her body glowing a brilliant blue.

Garurumon: Body Blow!!!

She tackled the tree completely splintering and breaking it in half saving Mimi. She than turned and faced her looking concern.

Garurumon: You okay Mimi?

Mimi: *slight blush on her cheeks* Y-Yeah thanks.

Garurumon gave her a small smile before rushing back into the battle, seeing Diamondhead thrown into a storage area. Getting an idea, she rushes over to Diamondhead. As he was standing back up Garurumon came from behind him and ducked underneath him, hoisting him onto her back. He looked down at her surprised, before smirking at her. And with that Garurumon rushed toward the Robot, while charging another cluster of icy blue flames. The Robot meanwhile started charging another blast in it's remaining hand.

Garurumon: Howling Blaster!!!

She released her blast at the Robot's legs and began freezing them in place . The Robot soon fired it's blast towards them, but it was reflected by Diamondhead as they continued to rush it. The ice soon spread to the rest of the Robot completely freezing it over, everything except for the head. Taking this oppurtunity Diamondhead jumped to his feet on Garurumon's back before leaping off her to the head of the Robot. Turning his hand into a blade again he slices straight through it's head cleaving it right off. Soon landing next to Garurumon.

Gwen and Mimi: Alright!!

Max: Way to go *He sees people staring at him and the girls* Ice-Wolf and Diamond-headed guy

Diamondhead was celebrating a bit, while Garurumon looks at him shaking her head with a smile.

Diamondhead: Oh yeah who's bad. Yeah!!

Garurumon: *sighs before laughing* Okay big guy

Garurumon than looked into the crowd and sees Max, Gwen and Mimi motioning for them to get out of there now. Looking back to Diamondhead seeing him still celebrating, causing her to sigh again. Seconds later beeping was heard as she began to get that odd feeling again while she glowed. With her eyes widened now she quickly hoists Diamondhead onto her back again.

Diamondhead: H-Hey!!

And with that she rushes off into the woods with him. All the campers looked to where they had ran off to. Meanwhile the humanoid squid had gotten a report of the failure of the Drone and was not happy in the slightest.

Humanoid squid: Failure!? Unbelievable!! I will have the head of who ever is keeping me from the Omnitrix and the other weapon hanging on my trophy wall.

Back down on earth, it was the next day and we see Max, Gwen and Mimi packing up their campsite with no, Ben or (Y/N) in sight.

Gwen: Has anyone seen Ben or (Y/N)?

Max: I haven't seen them since breakfast.

Suddenly they heard a large amount of wind coming their way. Getting up Mimi looks into the woods and seconds later a blue humanoid seemingly wearing blue clothing and a white scarf. They also yellow lighting bolts pultruding from their eldows. They also had ice skies on. This was one of (Y/N)'s Friendship armor digimon form Rinkmon.

They landed on top of Mimi bringing both of them down to the ground.

Rinkmon: Ha, I win!

Seconds later black and blue blur followed behind before stopping. This creature had visor like thing for a head that opened. They had black lips and green eyes. They had black three pronged claws at the end of their blue arms. Black legs, that lead down to blue feet, that ended at balls at the end of their legs. A black and blue stripped tail. With a watch badge on their chest. This was Ben's Kineceleran form Xlr8.

Xlr8: How was that fair, I literally lose track of you.

Rinkmon: Oh don't be such a baby.

Mimi: Uh umm.

Hearing this they both look down under Rinkmon seeing Mimi laying there looking up at Rinkmon. Rinkmon began to glow, while XLR8's watch badge began flashing red with the time out beeping being heard, as the two were then surrounded by their respective time out lights which soon disappeared showing (Y/N) and Ben back in there normal forms. After the time out, both (Y/N) and Mimi's faces were kinda close causing Mimi to burst into a large blush. (Y/N) just smiled down at her before standing up and offering a hand for her to get up.

(Y/N): Oh hey Mimi, sorry about that.

Mimi took her hand helping her up while she was still blushing.

Mimi: I-It's fine

Her face still red, she takes (Y/N)'s hand getting up looking down.

Mimi: *a small smile graces her lips* It's just fine

They stood there in silence for a few seconds before Gwen decided to break it.

Gwen: Are you two just gonna keep holding each other's hands or what.

Mimi's eyes widen thanks to Gwen saying this and immediately pulled her hand back looking completely embarrassed.

Mimi: *waves her hands in front of herself* S-Sorry about that

(Y/N): *Looks at Mimi with a confused smile her face also being a slight shade of red* It's fine.....?

Max: Well, the campsites all packed up, we should get on the the road.

(Y/N): Huh well, guess I should be going then, bye until we meet again.

She turned and began to walk away from the group, but was then stopped when Mimi grabbed her wrist. She looked back at her confused as Ben and Gwen also stepped up beside Mimi.

Mimi: W-Wait, you can't just leave.

(Y/N): Huh, why?

Mimi: Well for one, you're a alien creature that doesn't know her way around.

Gwen: Plus we have to keep an eye on you with that phone of yours.

Ben: And finally it'd cool to have another person with superpowers with us and you make a very good teammate

(Y/N): Well I don't want to intrude on your guy's vacation and I don't want to be a bother either.

Ben: No way, it'll be great to have you. Plus it will be nice to have someone other than these dweebs to spend all summer with.

Mimi: Please, (Y/N).

She looked between the three, thinking of what to do before she looked towards Max. He just chuckled while scratching the back of his head.

Max: Sorry to say, but when they put their mind to something it's basically impossible to change it.

Hearing this she again looked back at them and sighed. Then giving them a sharp tooth smile.

(Y/N): Okay, you got me. I'll come with.

The three smiled back at her, before dragging her back to the RustBucket and going inside. Max watching this smiled.

Max: I can tell this is gonna be an interesting summer.

With that he heads into the RV as well, with it soon starting and driving off down the road, waiting to see where this road trip takes them next.

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