humari adhuri kahani

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"Mommmmm", Ansh calls out.

"Come fast. Faster. Mommmm",Ansh screams.

Shivaay is irritated. Why is he screaming.

"My mom you know is amazing. She is so beautiful and khidkitod that even a sulky person like you might fall in love with her", Ansh giggles.

Shivaay is angry.

"She can never be as amazing , beautiful and khidkitod as my Anika" Shivaay says.

Ansh is shocked.

Anika comes out.

"Ansh you could have come inside. Why do you always trouble me? ", Anika says.

Anika sees Shivaay. They both freeze. There is an intense eyelock.

"Ansh what are you doing with  this man", Anika asks.

"Nothing mom we just went out for lunch", Ansh says.

"Without informing me. How many times have I told you not to talk to strangers", Anika says.

"Ansh did you call her 'mom' .", Shivaay asks suddenly.

Shivaay looks at Anika.

"Why can't she be my mom?", Ansh asks.

"Ohh so you are jealous. I told you na that no one is as khidkitod, amazing and beautiful as her. Not even your wife. ", Ansh teases.

"Wife. Who", Anika asks.

Has Shivaay moved on and married someone else she thinks.

"Arrre his ex-wife. Someone called Anika. He claimed that she is more khidkitod, amazing and beautiful than you. But looks like I proved him wrong. ", Ansh giggles.

Anika's eyes are filled with tears. Shivaay is still staring at Anika trying to recover from the Shock.

"Now don't tell me Mr. Oberoi that you have fallen in love with her", Ansh teases.

"I...I .. actually", Shivaay stammers.

"Ansh stop it. Go inside", Anika says.

Ansh goes inside.


"There is no other girl or what", Pinky shouts.

"Pinky, please relax.", Dadi consoles Pinky.

The matrimonial site person gets scared and left.

"Water", Gauri offers to Pinky.

"Can Shivaay ever be happy", Pinky cries.

"He was. He was very happy until...", Om says.

"Om pls. Not now", Gauri says.

Pinky leaves.

Dadi is upset and Gauri consoles her.


"Anika he is your son", Shivaay asks.

"Yes why. You will kill him too. ", Anika taunts.

"No way", Shivaay says.

"Than leave", Anika says and goes inside the house.



Shivaay: "Khanna get me the DNA reports of me and Ansh."
Khanna hands him the reports.The test is positive.

Shivaay:"Ansh is my Son".

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