his weird behaviour

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Happy reading ❤

Avni's pov

My life is screwed. I am screwed. My fate could not see me happy and normal and he came back to snatch my peace and freedom. Yes abhimaan came back from his trip that night. I was unaware of it sleeping peacefully away from all the chaos and dreaming about HIM but next moment when I opened my eyes, my worst nightmare, the biggest enemy of my life was smiling lying beside me on the same bed. I jerked off from the bed having a scowl on my face. He must have figured out it and gave me a hard glare clenching his jaw.

" I missed you my honey but seems like you did not " abhimaan said coming near me. I sensed it and quickly got down from the bed and stood like a scared child, ready to be scolded by his teacher.

" it's nothing like that. I did not know you are gonna be come today so just got surprised " I said lowering my eyes. My voice sounded unfamiliar to me also. He smiled in return making me relieved and held my hands playing with my fingers. Gosh why he had to do all these stuffs. It makes me uncomfortable and his touch makes feel creepy. I stood silent trying to be normal but from inside I was sick nervous.

" I want to take you out today you know just you and me somewhere alone " he said and dropped a bomb on me. No no no I don't want to. I tried making him understand that I could not take a leave but he said he would manage. Next moment he took my phone and asked me to dialed to my boss's phone.

He wanted to talk with him for approval of my leave, I could not let neil know about him. He doesn't knew anything so I dialed mr.Patel's number and abhimaan talked with him. I was praying from inside to not let that happen but again my fate betrayed me. Mr.patel agreed and granted me a leave. Like seriously! Why this happens to me always!?

Abhimaan grinned widely looking at me and told me to get ready fast. I did keeping a stone on my heart. A whole day with him! The thought itself is a scariest thing I could imagine.

We both got ready and abhimaan's mother was so happy. Seems like Her only wish is to see me bounded with him. This time dadaji was also on abhimaan's side and he told us to enjoy and live the moment. Enjoy and with him? Huh never in my wildest dreams!

He took me to several places flaunting his ever so luxurious life style but in that moment I was only thinking about neil. He must have been thinking why I didn't come or he did not even care? Don't know but I was missing that to the core. I was not at all enjoying with abhimaan but had to behave like I was happy. That drama continued till whole day at last at evening he took me to the club. His friends were there waiting for us.

He introduced me to some business owners and his friends. I was feeling so awkward and uncomfortable around unknown people. On top of that he was sticking to me all the time making me cringe at him. I was so lost, unable to comprehend anything and I felt his lips on my cheek. He freaking kissed me! This day could not be more bad. I sensed someone's gaze on me like someone had his eyes on me. I turned around but found none and again got back to my task that was to survive there in the crowd of so many unknown creatures.

Next day finally I got my lost confidence and happiness back. I was getting ready to go to the place where I get peace. Yeah you guessed it right, my work place. I really get attached to that place, to the people working there. Don't know what would happen if by any chance I could lost all these things.

I shrugged off my thoughts and hurriedly went from there without speaking to abhimaan. I don't wanted to make my day more bad. I reached there and breathed a sigh of relief reaching to his cabin.

He was still not there. I stepped inside and stood beside his chair taking the feel of his presence. I could imagine him and could smell his musky scent that gave me a peace of mind and heart's consent knowing I am at a safe place now. Yes I feel safe here, near him. And finally he came making my soul tingled by his presence.

My face was adorned with a huge grin and I could not help lessing it. My heart was finally at ease now. But he stood there unmoved and having a blank face. He didn't even reciprocate the smile. My lips automatically curved down fearing about his reaction.

He started moving towards me still gaping at me. Our eyes got locked his was blank and mine was filled with lots of questions. He moved passed by me and settled down on his chair completely ignoring me.

I stood there dumbfounded by his behaviour. Is he angry on me for not taking his permission? But mr.patel would have told him or he did not? I was looking at him still thinking about all this. He handed me a file without sparing me a glance and told me to do some changes and complete the left over work in one hour.

I tried initiating some general conversation like giving him the reason behind my leave previous day but he didn't listen saying he doesn't care. Yes of course why would he care. I was only mad for thinking he would be happy seeing me after whole one day.

I started moving from there but could feel something behind my back. I turned around glancing at him but he was as it is busy in his work. Shaking my head I got myself back to the work. He had given me a deadline to complete the work. I should not let that affect my mind but honestly I could not stop thinking why he is behaving like this? Should I say sorry to him? I Sighed not finding any solution and looked at him once. He was talking with someone on phone and was smiling wholeheartedly. Must be with his wife. God this is so complicated and worse situation I am in right now.

To be continued.

Hope you liked it.

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Please ignore the grammatical mistakes.

Z ❤

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