Chapter 2

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The Little Town#2

A few moments later Ty Look over there, theres another Dimemon to fight! Should we ask if we can battle them!? Max What will we get out of having a battle with them? Ty Excitement? And maybe they might be able to help us. Max Fine, lets give it a shot. If we win they might help us to get to the tree that Gill was talking about. Ty and Max run over to the Dimemon stranger Ty Hey, can we battle you? Stranger I dont feel like battling. Ty Well, would you like to join us on our quest? Stranger Well, since theres nothing to do, I guess. Max Do you know where a very tall tree is? We need to find it so we can see where the closest region is, according to Gill. Stranger I do know about a very tall tree, but in order to find it, its said that, only when the tree is shone upon by the Middle Light, can people see it. Ty Well we better get moving! By the way, whats your name, you never told us? Stranger The names Berry, Berry Hearey. We can stay at mine tonight and travel into the forest tomorrow. Ty Sounds good. Got anything to eat there!? Berry Youll find out once we get there. All three walk off to Berrys house and stay the night The next day inside Berrys house Ty Get up!! Its already 9:00 am, we need to get to the tree before 12:00, REMEMBER!!! Ty shakes Max to wake him up Max Yes-I-remember-but, do you have to shake me? Max gets out of bed Max Whats all the noise! Berry slams the bedroom door open Max Sorry Berry, Ty was shouting at me about the very tall tree. Berry But Ty THE ONLY PERSON WHO IS ALLOWED TO SHOUT IN THIS HOUSE IS ME!!! Berry storms out of the room, stomps down stairs and into the kitchen to make Bulubble berry stew Back in the bedroom Max Well, thanks a lot Ty. Max exits the room and walks down stairs into the kitchen to help with the stew, and a few moments later Ty follows down stairs Berrys dining room Ty Sorry for yelling. I was just trying to make Max up. Berry I know, I shouldnt have yelled at you like that, I was just joking. Max Mmm this stew is delicious! But I do wonder why Trusol is absorbing the life out of everyone in the four regions. Max slurps down the rest of the stew Max Well see you both outside. Max leaves the dining room and exits the house Ty Coming Max! Are you gonna come with us Berry? Berry Yeah, Ill just be a quick moment. Ty exits the house, and a little while later Berry exits the house ready to join the quest Max Ha! Ya! Hoi! Max kicks multiple trees Max: Oh come on! Why cant I kick down these trees! Ty Why are you trying to kick down trees for? Max Im trying to perfect my Ariel Thrust. Max kicks the same tree again but it doesnt budge Ty throws a water star cross at the tree and breaks it Ty Happy now! The trees broken. Berry whispers to Ty Berry Nice idea Ty, you know, for breaking the tree for him. Max Hey! I was trying to break it myself! Max stomps towards Ty & Berry Berry Lets head off to find that very tall tree soon, otherwise theres no way well catch up to Trusol. Max Guess youre right. All three friends than disappear into the forest A while later inside the forest Ty Hey Max, why dont you try to kick down that tree over there. Ty points to a tall skinny tree that could easily be broken Max Ill try. Max runs towards the tall skinny tree that Ty pointed at, kicks it but the tree still stood tall, then Max returns to the group Max Im so weak, I cant even kick down a skinny tree. Max then crosses his arms as the three of them travels through the forest Berry Its not that youre weak because youre not but its probably because you need a new battle style, which only suits you. Max Ok. Ill try think up some styles as we walk. A while later Ty Have you come up with anything yet? I, of course, already have a Battle style you just throw a water star cross in the opponents face! But, in this case, at the middle of the tree. Throws a water star cross at another tree which then breaks and falls down behind them Max & Berry, turn around stop to stare at Ty Max & Berry Thats not a battle style! Then Max and Berry turn back around and keep walking, then Max look at his watch Max Its 11:00 am , weve got an hour to find the tree, hey Berry is there any other details about the tree? Berry Well? Theres not really much else I know about it. Ty Hey, look over there, its the edge of the forest - I think! Max That means either weve walked past it, or this isnt the right forest. The group stopped walking and stood still looking around for the tree Max Cmon theres got to be something else Berry. Berry Oh yeah! I just remembered that the tree has a black trunk with the sun engraved on its bark. Ty Whats the time!?! Berry 11:58. Ty I can sense it, its rightthere!!! With Tys eyes closed, he points at a tree with a black trunk, and a sun engraved on its bark. Max Hurry its disappearing! Weve got to touch it before its gone! The group run as fast as they can to the Black trunked tree Berry Yes! I stopped it from disappearing! Berry jumps over and over again in joy with her paw on the engraved sun Max Ill climb up and see where the tree is pointing to. Max jumps onto the tree trunk and climbs to the top A while later and Max hasnt come back down yet Ty Hey Max, are you okay up there! Max! Max Yeah Im fine! Why dont you come up!?! Ty disappears in a puff of smoke and then reappears at the top of the tree next to Max At the top of the tree Max Theres no small town as far as I can see, even with my binoculars! Ty Well, the tree is pointing that way, so lets climb down and Ill teleport us left from it, and see where it takes us. Max and Ty climb down Berry So whats happening? Ty Max couldnt see a town with his binoculars anywhere near it, so were just gonna see what happens, so All of them hold hands, and Ty taps the teleporting device with his tail and poof, they were gone Outside the forest in a little town Max Oh, well that was lucky. Berry Yeah, super lucky. The group look around them to see what Dimemon live here Ty See, your binoculars are trash, when trying to see things 5km away. Max turns to Ty and sticks out his tongue then turns back Berry Look over there! That looks like a place to rest for the afternoon. Berry points to a blue building that has a sign on the top that says- Loolions Hotel Max Well at least its somewhere. The group walk into the Hotel Inside the Hotel Ty I wonder why its called Loolions hotel. Ty looks up at the counter, and see a bunch of Loolions. Ty Ah, now it makes sense. The group walk towards the counter and stop in front of one of the Loolions that was on the other side Max We would like a room with three beds please. Loolion Okay, how long will you be staying? Berry Just until tomorrow at 6:00. Loolion Okay Loolion types on the keyboard thats in front of him then looks at the computer screen Loolion Thatll be forty-six dimemon coins please. Max Okay, here you are. Max drops a pile of dimemon coins on the counter in front of Loolion Loolion And here are your keys, you have room twenty-five, up the stairs and the sixth door to your right. The group leave the counter, travel upstairs and enter through the sixth door on their right Inside the room Ty Well that was expensive for a room with three beds just until tomorrow at 6:00. Berry Yeah, but at least we have somewhere to stay right? Ty Yeah, I guess. Ty disappears in a cloud of smoke and appears in his bed Max Good night. But Ty and Berry dont reply Later that night Whoosh Max What was that? Max hops out of his bed and shakes Berry then Ty to wake them up Ty What? Berry Why did you wake us up? Max Someones outside and Ive got a feeling on who it might be. The group exit the room, pace down the stairs and exit the Hotel door Ty What!? Why is Trusol here!?! All the towns people run everywhere panicking and screaming in fear Max Look, Trusols making that red light again! Max points to Trusol who is creating a red orb in front of Trusol Max Get back inside! The group sprint back inside the Hotel, but everyone else is outside still screaming in fear Flash, then Trusol flies away Inside the Hotel Ty That was a close call. If we didnt get back in here we wouldve ended up like Lisa and Niki. Max Yeah. But now no-one can help us to find Liesoo. Ty We still have Berry though. Max But where is Berry? Max looks around for Berry Berry paces towards Ty & Max Berry Here I am I went to the bathroom. Berry stops in front of Ty & Max Max We thought we lost you! Berry Well sorry but when a lady needs to go, a lady needs to go. Ty Now that Trusol is gone, maybe we should explain to Loolion that were leaving now. We need to stay ahead of Trusol, not behind. They walk back towards he counter but no-ones there Max Umm Loolion, where are you? Max looks around the counter in search for Loolion Loolion then jumps up from hiding behind the counter Loolion Yes, how may I help you? Berry Were leaving now so here are the keys back and can we get some of Maxs money back? Berry places the keys in front of Loolion on the counter Loolion Sure, here you aretwenty dimemon coins. Loolion places a stack of dimemon coins on the counter and takes the keys. Max takes the twenty dimemon coins of the counter and shoves them into his wallet Berry Bye! The group exits the Hotel Outside the Hotel Berry Well that was a good refund, wasnt it? Ty Yeah, we nearly got half of the amount we paid back. Berry Ty, is the teleporting device charged yet? Ty checks the teleporting device Beep Ty Yep, it just finished. Max Yeah, and where do you plan on porting us to? Berry Well if we use the device at the towns gate we should be able to travel directly into the Scotro region. Ty Then lets get to the gate as fast as we can! The group start sprinting towards the gate but a stranger grabs Tys arm and takes the teleporting device'

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