Prolouge: Meet the People

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Date: June 2nd, 2017, 9:05AM

Location: Omaha, Nebraska in a neighborhood 

(This one...I know its Gmod get used to it...)

Narrator: Here in this neighborhood lives the main protagonist for our story today. 

(Neptune: Hey I thought I was the main protagonist!!) 

(Narrator: Not for this book, get out of here *throws her out the door* Sorry about that, now where was I, oh right.)

In the bedroom of this house there is a retired US Marine named Mitchell and he was sleeping soundly in his bed when his alarm started going off. 

(He looks like this...Picture him sleeping on the bed)

(Like this....)

As the beeping from the alarm clock keep going on and on Mitchell then opened his eyes slowly and looked at the clock with a annoyed face. The scene then switches back to the alarm clock still going off like no tomorrow and then gets shot off its stand with a very loud *BANG* and then broke to pieces. Then the scene switches to Mitchell laying up straight in bed with a M1911A1 in his right hand still smoking from the shot.

Mitchell: *Yawns and stretches out his arms* Well time to get up.  

Mitchell then got up out bed and started to walk downstairs a little bit wobbly as he was still a little tired. Soon he walked by the living room and into the kitchen and then popped in a Keurig coffee pod into the coffee machine and soon it started pouring a nice hot coffee for a morning beverage to drink.

Mitchell: *takes a long sip  from his cup

Mitchell* he walks outside to pick up the morning news paper  then take a long sip again then a explosion happens down the street Mitchell startling him and he spits out his coffee 

(Like this... not my video!!)

Then he yells 


Then the house from the end of the neighborhood that was still on fire and then the window to the second floor flung open and out popped a person with old style circle frame glasses and where a doctor uniform. This mans name was Fox and he lived at the very end of the neighbor hood to stand clear of everyone else house's to avoid people getting hurt. 

(Like this is what Fox looks like roughly...not my picture btw!)

 Fox: Oh sorry, about that my good sir, I was currently working on an experiment to test If any jet fuel can melt steal beams.

Mitchell looks at him with a confused face and then turns to annoyed.

Mitchell: Why would test something like that if you know it will blow up in your face time and time again!?!

Fox: Its the process of progress my friend! 

Mitchell: *Sighs and face palms* Oh my god your hopeless...WHEN WILL YOU LEARN THAT WHATEVER EXPERIMENTING WITH WONT WORK!?!?

Fox: to make progress on this, there has to be a few sacrifices! *He goes back inside with loud tinkering noises going on in the house*

Mitchell then facepalms and sighs, this was the 3rd time this week that Fox has blown up his house again. But for Fox it wont be a problem as he is a architect engineer so he can rebuild his house when he has spare time, but is also a mad scientist at times. Mitchell was about to go back inside to make breakfast but then spots his good neighbor Ross.

(This is what Ross looks like roughly...Not my picture BTW...)

Mitchell: Morning Ross! 

Ross : Morning Mitchell, *looks at Foxes house* so Fox blowing up his house again?

Mitchell: Yep, 3rd time this Week...ugh

Ross: what's the experiment this time?

Mitchell: He was testing to see if jet fuel could melt steel bars, where he got jet fuel in the first place I'll never know.

Scene cut...

Scene cuts to 2 guys fueling up a passenger jet and they walk away to work on something else and Fox sneaks up and steals the truck and drives away.

Back to the characters... 

Ross: I'm gonna check up on him if there's any permeant damage on his house what is on the agenda for you today?

Mitchell: Nothing much really, just head to the market to get supplies as today is shopping day, what about you?

Ross: probably gonna say home clean up and try too catch up on RWBY latest season.

Mitchell: Your still not caught up yet? You have all the time in the world to watch it! 

Ross: Yah I know I have just been to busy helping keep his place in one piece.

Mitchell: Right...well have fun with that! 

Ross then starts over to Foxes house while Mitchell goes back inside to start breakfast, he turns on the stove and starts cooking some eggs while he puts bacon in the oven to cook to make it crispy. But then the doorbell rang and Mitchell looked over in the direction of the door and then zoomed over accidently hitting the wall next to the front door and stood up straight and opened the door to reveal his neighbor Jade from next door. 

(This is what looks like roughly... not my picture again...)

Mitchell: Oh hey Jade what's up?

Jade: Was it just Fox blowing up his house again? *Sligthly annoyed*

Mitchell: *Sighs* Yes, it was just Fox blowing up his house again... For the third time this week.

Jade: GRRRRR and I got in my uniform and got my gun for nothing! I thought we were being invaded!

Mitchell: Well, I'm not sure if I want this country invaded at all...

Jade: But wouldn't it be interesting to happen in the world as nowadays the time we live in is nothing but peace.

Mitchell: Sure, but I don't want innocent people to die because of war going on and tears families apart.

Jade: Oh, I see what you mean. I guess peace isn't too bad I guess.

Mitchell: Good and lets hope it lasts for a very long time. (A/N: you jinxed us all...)

Jade: But some people say 'Give War a Chance', well see ya! 

Jade then waved good bye as she went back to her house as Mitchell shut the door and went back to cooking breakfast. But as he was just about to put down the bread in the toaster his phone started to ring. Mitchell quickly put down the bread in the toaster and then when over to his phone and saw the picture of the person that was calling him.

(You all can probably guess who these guys are... incase you don't check out my Marines in Remnant book!)

(Just picture this on his phone when it is ringing...)

Mitchell: Hellllllloooooo?

Nick: Hey Mitchell its me.

Mitchell: Oh hey Nick how are you this morning?

Nick: Just fine, and it would be better if Fox stop blowing up his house every week.

Mitchell: Well you can't blame him for what he tries to do with science.

Nick: Still it awoke the rest of the team and Alex isn't too happy about it

Alex: It disturbed my great dream I was having!

Mitchell: Nick are you on speaker right now?

Nick: Yeah so the others can talk as well.

Mitchell: I see, so why did you call me?

Nick: To see if that explosion was just fox blowing up his house again.

Mitchell: *sighs* yes, it was just fox blowing up his house again...

Ryan: Man, if he keeps up with his experiments he is gonna set his house on fire like Napalm in the Jungle!

Nick: Well, he says he is making progress but is he thought?

Michael: A small part of says he is and the other part says no, and I reset the number of days that an explosion went off.

Nick: Thanks Michael! So Mitchell doing anything today?

Mitchell: I think me and my brother are going shopping today as we need to buy more supplies as we are running low.

Nick: Oh okay, want to go to the shooting range with me and the team later?

Mitchell: Maybe if I have time.

Nick: okay cool! See you then maybe!

Mitchell: Yeah see you then.

Nick: Team MARN (Marine) Out! *Hangs up*

Mitchell then put his phone back down on the counter and went back to making breakfast as he then buttered the toast and then pulled the bacon out of the oven and placed it on the top of the stove. But as the eggs were nearing completion Mitchell noticed that his brother still wasn't in at the kitchen table and figure he was probably still sleeping.

Mitchell: Ugh... do I have to do everything this morning?

Mitchell then left the kitchen and started walking upstairs to go to his brothers room and saw his door was slightly opened. Mitchell then opened the door and saw his older brother Taylor still sleeping soundly in his messy bed. 

(Like this...)

Mitchell: *Sighs then pulls out an air horn*

Mitchell then walks up next to Taylor bed as he was still sleeping softly, Mitchell then pointed the Air-horn in Taylors direction and then pressed on the button and the air horn did its job.

(Like this in a way... just picture Taylor waking up angry... Not my video BTW!)

Taylor then fell out of his bed in shock still surprised at the loud sound that awoke him from his sleep. But he then calmed down to see it was just his younger brother holding an airhorn and to say the least he wasn't too happy from the way he was awoken. 


Mitchell: Its time for breakfast Taylor, also we need to go to the store today and get supplies. 

Taylor: Ugh... did you have to use the air horn thought?

Mitchell: Knowing how you sleep a lot, yes I do need to use it.

Taylor: Give me a few minutes to get dressed at I will be down to eat.

Mitchell: Good, because breakfast is ready and it is not going to taste good if it is cold.

Mitchell then closed the door to the room as he left leaving Taylor to find clothes he could wear for the day. But as Michael was heading back to the kitchen he then thought about what Jade had said earlier. Sure Earth was in a time of peace but to have another war break out would be interesting but also bad at the same time.

Mitchell: Give war a chance huh? Heh, I just don't know about that...

However at same in a another Dimension....

In a very dark poorly lit chamber with blue flames lighting the room sat a dark haired woman that had black angel wings coming out of her back. She sat in her throne chair looking at her magical orb on a stand while having a drink in her left hand (A/N: I think its wine...yeah). 

(This is what she looks like... not my picture!)

But while she was looking her orb she then came across a planet of green, blue, tan, and white planet. 

Evil Angel: Well, well, well, what do we have here? *She sips her drink*

She then looks over the planet and saw that people are just going around doing normal business and nothing more. She also sees the troubles the planet is going through like one nation is a mess another country is over pollution everything. But one thing that stood out to her the most was the amount of mana-energy that surrounded the planet and none of the Humans seemed to notice it at all.

Evil Angel: Hmm, I think this planet has something I need, that could be useful.

She then sipped from her drink again and then started to evilly laugh for a few seconds and then calmed down.

Evil Angel: But to pull this off, I am going to need some allies.

She then snapped her fingers and a portal in front of her chair opened up.

The planet Earth is soon to be in danger. 


To be continued....

Let me your guys thoughts on this! I hope you all liked it!

And I hope you all like the characters that are in it!

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