Chapter one

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My team still didn't know my identity yet, and I was still under Batman's order to not tell anyone so only Wally knew who I was.

Bats popped a gasket when he found out that I told Wally, but that was years ago.

I had just finished school and was heading to the zeta tubes to bring me to the mountain. 

On the way I saw Artemis at the zeta tubes, she doesn't know that I know her family situation.

I waited about five minutes after she left to follow in the zeta beam. If she wanted to keep her secret that was fine with me, she'd tell the team when she was good and ready, and I wasn't going to rush her, after all I have my own secret.

I arrived at the cave, the team was sitting on the couches.

Once the team noticed that I had arrived, wally jumped up and practically mobbed me.

"Robin, when's our next mission because I'm about to climb the walls." Wally complained.

"Walls guess what I don't know when batman will assign a mission"

"Can't you hack the computer or something"

"Last time I did that he made me scrub the batcave floor!! No way I'm hacking it again."

"Come on Rob, give me something here"

"Really Wally I have zero idea. Besides didn't you just come from school, you shouldn't be wanting a mission so quickly."

"Fine" he threw his hands up and walked back to the couch dramatically flinging himself on it.

I myself had just sat down, amused at Wally's antics, before "Recognized Batman 0-2" played throughout the cave living room.

The team jumped up, eager to do a mission, and formed a half circle around Batman, where he was standing, typing and pulling up what I assume to be our next mission. Klarion's face appeared on the screen and I could barely contain my groan.

Last time I faced the witch boy, he hexed me and sent me to a pocket dimension, I was stuck there for three days!!

"Klarion has been spotted in the warehouse district in Gotham, you are to do recon only, if you need to engage, contact the league for assistance. You are dismissed."

Batman exited towards the tubes, leaving without another word.

"Recognized Batman 0-2" the robotic voice of the zeta beam reported.

"I believe we should start moving" Kaldur'ahm announced.

We started towards the bio ship, and M'gann opened the hatch.

"After you babe" Wally flirted towards Artemis and M'gann. Although I don't know why he tried with M'gann she obviously liked Connor and he liked her back so, there wasn't really a chance for him but maybe with Artemis.

"Shut it baywatch" although she did stomp ahead, dropping into her seat while the others boarded.

On our way Kaldur started talking.

"What is our plan?" He asked towards me since I'm the team strategist and resident hacker.

"I think M'gann, Artemis and I should go inside the actual warehouse because we're the most stealthy, you, Connor, and Wally should be on standby Incase we need back up, because with our track record we don't really do recon very well."

There were hums of agreement throughout the cabin.

M'gann put the ship in camouflage mode, and the three pre-chosen teammates snuck into the warehouse.

Once inside M'gann set up the mind link.

'Everyone online' M'gann asked.

Five variations of yes echoed through our heads.

With that task completed we finally spotted Klarion, he was talking with someone, and I could just make out what he was saying.

'Robin have you found Klarion yet?' Kaldur asked.

'Yeah he's saying something, he saying that there's just one piece that they're missing, and he should have it soon'

'Try to get closer, and figure out what he is after, just be careful' our fearless leader suggested.

'Ok, arty, and M'gann stay here I'm going to try and get a closer look' they nodded at me as I slowly approached the witch boy.

"I'm so glad you decided to join us boy wonder" Klarion stated without even turning around, I froze in my tracks. "You're gonna hate this, have fun" I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Now Klarion think about what you're doing" I warned hoping it might slow him down from doing what ever he was gonna do to me. "Remember the last time you made me disappear and bats put you in that bubble jail, and you hated it because you couldn't cause chaos"

Klarion turned around and scowled at me. "I remember just fine, but I'm going to send you to a place where there aren't any heroes" he laughed evilly.  "And I'll escape where the big bad bat won't be able to find me" he finished with a sinister smirk.

Before I knew it I was being wrapped in a warm blue light, and then darkness hit me like a bag of bricks.

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