Chapter thirteen

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Mama Nat made a beeline for me.

"Hey mama nat" I whispered.

"Hi маленькая малиновка, how's your trip?"


"Why on earth would it be so annoying?" She asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk

"Because you guys keep trying to embarrass peter and I" I said folding my arms.

"Aww is my little birdie getting embarrassed?"

"Yes" I hissed.

Then some idiot yelled "look it's the black widow."

The class quickly gathered around us.

MJ just straight up walked up to me and punched me in the arm, Mama Nat's eyes narrowed, and overprotective fire ignited in her eyes.

"Relax, she's a friend" I whispered to her. Then I turned to MJ "why did you punch me?" I hissed.

"Because you haven't introduced me to the Natasha Romanoff. Duh"

I rolled my eyes. "Really, so you punch me?"

"I have to regrets" she says nonchalantly.

Mama Nat smirked approvingly.

Her phone buzzed and she took it out of her pocket. "I've gotta go, emergency in the kitchen, have a great trip guys!" She called over her shoulders.

"Hey loser how come she talked to you and not me?" Flash asked crossly.

Maybe because if she found out that you bullied her маленькая малиновка then she'd destroy you?

"Like I said peter and I intern here, sometimes we cross paths with the avengers" I shrugged noncommittally.

My phone buzzed as the group dispersed to go continue touring the museum. I opened it to see the group chat basically exploding. I sent a glance to peter who also looked worried before opening the app to see why everyone is talking so much.

Tony - hey, FRIDAY notified me that our two resident teens are being bullied in the tower.

Mama Nat - someone is bullying my маленькая малиновка, they're so going down, also peter too.

Steve - Peter and Dick is this true?

Bucky - yeah do we need to have a chat with someone?

Tony - I swear if neither of you answer this group chat right now I'm going to come down there myself.

Me - hey, hey, hey everyone cool your jets, Peter and I are fine, nobody is bullying us.

Mama Nat - I know you're lying

Me - ok first of all that's not even logical this is a group chat, and second I'm not.

Clint - Peter is oddly quiet

I looked up from my phone and spotted peter looking at a captain America case.

Me - peter is currently looking at the captain America case thingy, plus I wasn't trained by ninjas FYI

Clint - then how are you so good at fighting and disappearing and stuff?

Me - i was trained by someone who was trained by ninjas there's a difference.

Thor - what is this FYI?

Peter - it means For Your Information, it's just easier to text that. It's "teenager speak"

Thor - Ah Well then FYI that makes sense.

Peter - Thor that's not how you use it

Tony - Ah there you are peter, first, ouch that hurts that you'd go to capsicle's case instead of mine and second are you and dick being bullied?

I looked up and saw peter starring at me, I shook my head vigorously.

Peter- no?

Dick - 😅🤦🏻‍♂️

Tony - kid you hesitated.

Dick - the tour guide is calling our attention, just please guys don't do anything rash.

Mama Nat - oh we're having a long discussion after the field trip young man.

Tony - yeah!

Clint - mamaspider And irondad for the win

Mama Nat - shut it Clint

Clint - or what

Mama Nat - I'll...

I locked my phone before I could see her threat, she reminded me of Talia so much that it freaked me out a little.

Michael actually hadn't been trying to get our attention I just didn't want to answer mama Nat in that second.  I knew I'd pay for it later but as of the moment we didn't have to answer anything.

I made my way to peter who was now looking at mama Nat's widow bites.

"So what are we gonna do?" I asked

"I don't know"

"Well I know one thing, flash is gonna die"

"True, I mean unless we can stop them, which will be difficult"

"If I can deal with a psycho clown, I can deal with a couple of overprotective heroes"

"If you say so ninja boy"

"I do bug boy"

Eventually Michael got everyone's attention so that we could go to the intern labs.

This should be interesting.

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