Chapter three

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There were things I needed to figure out if I was in an actual alternate dimension, like are there any heroes? Are there any villains? How do I get home.

When the doctor left I immediately got up and checked the window. Unfortunately it didn't open so either I'd have to risk going outside or wait until later to see if I could crawl through the vents or something.

Sitting on the bed I pulled up my holographic screen.

I googled 'heroes of New York' that got a lot of info. Apparently there's a team of heroes that from what I gather are much like the justice league, called the Avengers

There was also another hero that looked slightly separate from the avengers, this hero was named Spider-Man, from what I can tell a newspaper called the Daily Bugle, is that he's a vigilante and they don't like him.

I'm going to have to find this person, maybe they can help if the avengers can't.

Footsteps sounded down the hall, they were heavy, like military sounding boots, so I shut down my holoscreen and laid back on the bed.

My door opened seconds later, and what looked like soldiers in a black outfit which would lead me to conclude they're either from special ops or an agency.

They were followed by a girl that I recognized from the avengers, I think her name is black widow, there wasn't a whole lot of info on her, at least not as much as a tony stark, but he kinda seemed like this world's Bruce Wayne.

The woman folded her arms across her chest. "Hey kid we can do this the easy way or the hard way either way you're coming with us"

"Ok" I shrugged and she seemed a little taken aback, but she quickly regained her composure.

"Alright" she brought out a pair of what looked like our metahuman handcuffs, "put these on"

I held out my hands and she seemed shocked once again that I was cooperating.

The only reason I was doing so was because I wanted to see if she'd bring me to the avengers. 

We headed out of the hospital room, and once we were outside there was a jet waiting.

We stepped aboard the black jet, that reminded me slightly of the batwing.

We were up in the air in seconds.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"Up" came her cryptic answer.

The plane started to land, and we got out, we seemed to be on a massive flying boat, which I presume is someone's headquarters.

We walked down the hall, and she put me in a room with a one sided mirror.

I rolled my eyes under my mask, how cliché these people were about to interrogate me.

She sat me down, and attached my cuffs to the silver table.

Then she left.

A few minutes passed, and in stepped a man dressed in all black with an eye patch.

"Hello, would you like to tell me your name?"


"Last name?"


"Is Robin your hero name?"


"What's your identity"


"Where did you come from"


"What is in your belt?"

"Classified" this guy seemed to be getting annoyed with me. I smirked at the knowledge.

"Does your mask come off?"


"Care to explain why there was a massive power surge, and you were the aftermath?"


"Son this isn't a game, you need to answer my questions"

"Not really"

He just sighed. "Listen kid, we need to know if you're a threat, are you a threat?"


"On what"

"If you're a bad guy or not"

"Do we need to neutralize you?"

"You mean will I join you because you want to be able to give me orders and you don't like that you have a hero on your hands that doesn't answer to you?" I finished with a smirk.

The eyepatched man threw his hands up in frustration and walked out of the room.

Avengers room no POV

Nick Fury marched into the room.

"How'd it go?" Steve Rogers asked.

"How'd it go? The little twerp won't answer any of my questions, all I managed to get out of him was that his name was robin and he was only a threat to bad guys" nick was fuming.

"Aw come on nick it's not like you aren't the world's greatest super spy or anything, come on a kid is nothing." Tony Stark

"he absolutely refuses to answer anything it's always one word answers or classified"

"How old is he anyway?" Clint Barton asked.

"I don't know but he looks like he's a teenager" Natasha Romanoff replied.

"A kid! He's too young to be doing this!" Bruce Banner remarked.

"The real question is what do we do about him, I mean obviously he thinks he knows what he's doing so do we just take him in?" Steve asked.

"Yeah he could stay at avengers tower with us, and we could send him to school, with someone we trust" tony added.

"How do we even know he'll be here that long I mean he just what appeared out of nowhere" Clint asked.

"Well we'll take care of the kid until he goes back to wherever he came from introduce him to peter" tony happily said

"Alright fine it's decided" nick finished

"Aw don't be such a sour puss we'll take care of the little guy" tony teased, receiving a glare that quieted him down.

Meanwhile in the cell

So they've been gone a long time, I flicked out my lock picks, and started picking the locks, fortunately these cuffs aren't as complicated to crack as our metahuman cuffs so, I cracked them in record time.

Flipping up my holoscreen, I immediately started hacking whatever this base was.

Apparently this place is called S.H.I.E.L.D. A Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division. Wow that was really a mouthful, I'm glad they went with an abbreviation, from what I can tell these people are the good guys, and eyepatch guy is the director. I quickly downloaded all the info I could find including their 'Avengers Initiative' files and all their villain profiles, Incase I ever needed them.

Shutting off my holocomputer I slipped back into the cuffs and tried to look innocent, while the door opened revealing a blond guy with blue eyes.

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