fifteen- rage

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Dimensional War

Warnings: This is a sequel to the fiction crossover "Monsters with Souls" featuring Naruto and Bleach. If you haven't read the first story please do so before reading this story picks up right where I left off. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it as I am using my own attacks and/or attacks from other series for this story!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold –demons speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~, +flashback+

Fifteen- rage

The black cero ripped through Ichigo's chest leaving a large hole.  Ulquiorra's tail unwrapped from around Ichigo's neck throwing him off the pillar that they were on.

"No!" screamed out Orihime as she ran activating her shun shun rikka [6 princess shielding flowers] to catch Ichigo.  Tears streamed down her face.  'No.....  He can't be dead.  Please......  No!' Orihime thought to herself.  Ulquiorra landed blocking Orihime from healing Ichigo.

"Don't bother...... You're not strong enough to save his life." Suddenly a loud blood curdling u echoed out as the two turned to see Naruto wrapped in red chakra that took the form of a fox complete with three tails.

"Shit!" hissed out Gaara as he moved to Orihime's side erecting a dune of sand to protect them both.

"You've killed him......  You've killed him......" Naruto chanted over and over again.

"What are you going to do about it?" Ulquiorra questioned.

"We will kill you!" Naruto roared out transforming instantly into a six tail state.  Both Naruto and Kyuubi were pissed.  Ulquiorra looked surprised that Naruto was able to take on this other form.  Kyuubi Nartuo let out a loud sonic roar causing the sand to ripple like waves.  Both Gaara and Shukaku could feel Kyuubi's and Naruto's rage like it was their own.  It was causing Shukaku to manifest through Gaara.

"What's happening?" Orihime questioned in concern when she noticed one of Gaara's eyes change into Shukaku's.

"Naruto and his inner demon Kyuubi are in rage.  You need to heal Ichigo quickly as I am not certain how long I am going to be able to remain in control over my own inner demon." Gaara stated.  Part of the sand moved to show Kyuubi Naruto unleashing several rasengan at the fourth Espada.  The barrage of raseagan hit Ulquiorra hard throwing him back several feet. 

"He must have been truly important to you more so than the others.  But you will learn just as he did that your fight with me is futile." stated Ulquiorra.  Kyuubi Naruto gripped Shikon Kitsune hard in his claw-like hands.

"Hikaze Bakuha [fire wind blast]!" growled out Kyuubi Naruto as he unleashed a blast from his zanpakuto that combinded his wind scar and fox fire together.  The blast seemed to hit Ulquiorra but did very little damage.  A large black cero shot out hitting Kyuubi Naruto as he was thrown back several hundred feet.  Ulquiorra began to walk up to Orihime and Gaara as the sand ninja used to sand to try to keep the fourth Espada away from them.  Tears streamed down faster from Orihime's eyes.  She could see another black cero form from Ulquiorra's fingertips.

"No....... Please help me......  Ichigo!" she screamed out.

Ichigo despite looking dead was still very much alive as he was within his mindscape with Shiro.  He needed to get up.  Everyone was depending on him.

"King......  I am taking control over our body.  Rest for now." Shiro stated.

"We are going to do this together Shiro.  Can't you feel it?  Kyuubi and Naruto are enraged.  I refuse to die." Ichigo replied.  Shiro understood Ichigo's desire better than anyone as he willed Ichigo's body to move transforming it into a hollow form similar to a vasto lorde.  A sudden burst of power caused everyone to turn looking in Ichigo's direction.  Even Ulquiorra looked surprised to see him standing as he didn't even look human anymore.

"Ichigo?" Orihime questioned.  Hollow Ichigo knelt down next to Orihime's side gently wiping away he tears from her eyes.  He then rose extending his hand out causing his zanpakuto to fly to his hand.

"This can't be possible.  You can't be alive." stated Ulquiorra. Kyuubi Naruto's eyes widened when he saw Hollow Ichigo.

"Ichigo?" Kyuubi Naruto questioned.  Hollow Ichigo just shook his head.  Kyuubi Naruto seemed to understand as he readied to attack Ulquiorra again.

"What in the world are you?" Ulquiorra asked.  Hollow Ichigo glared at the fourth Espada.

"Your....  Death......" he replied.

"Really?" questioned Ulquiorra as a black cero formed at his fingertips.  Hollow Ichigo countered at the same time with a cero of his own from the ends of his horns.  The two blasts collided as Hollow Ichigo's attack.  But the Naruto was much quicker as he caught Ulquiorra's arm when the Espada turned as he cut it off completely.  Orihime's eyes widened when she saw the brutality that both Ichigo and Naruto were capable off.  A part of her felt sorry for Ulquiorra.

"There is no way that those two can be Ichigo and Naruto." stated Orihime.

"It is and it isn't them.  What you are seeing is what is within them.  Their inner halves the demons and hollows that lie within them are working with them to defeat Ulquiorra." Gaara stated as he kept the sand around them to protect Orihime.  Even with Shukaku in him Gaara wouldn't be able to fight Ulquiorra on equal terms.  So he did the only thing that he could do and that was to protect Orihime.

Ulquiorra landed panting wildly as his blood dripped onto the ground.  He simply looked at his wounded arm causing a new one to regrow in its place.  Both Hollow Ichigo and Kyuubi Naruto tilted their heads a bit surprised that Ulquiorra was able to heal just as quickly as they could.  Ulquiorra flexed his healed arm.

"I don't know why you were able to take that form.  But no matter how your attacks have been boosted, you will have to do more than to tear off one of my arms to stop me.  There's no way that I can allow you to defeat me." Ulquiorra stated as he brought his hands together as lightning crackled in between his palms.  Ulquiorra stretched out his arms causing a lightning to form into a lance.  "Lanza Del Relampago [lance of lightning]!" Ulquiorra stated as he handled the lightning like it was a regular weapon.  Ulquiorra then threw the lightning lance aiming for Hollow Ichigo and Kyuubi Naruto.  The attack missed terribly as it exploaded off in the distance causing a large shock wave.

Another lightning lance appeared in Ulquiorra's hands.  Both Hollow Ichigo looked at Kyuubi Naruto as the two nodded their heads.  The next second Kyuubi Naruto was right behind Ulquiorra.

'Impossible.  How could he have slipped through my pesquisa [vision]?'  He moved much faster than shunpo [flash step] and sonido [sound] combined.' Ulquiorra thought.  Kyuubi Naruto threw Ulquiorra his cut off arm.  Ulquiorra swung his lightning lance swatting away the arm.  "Did you think that would make me hesitate?  Don't make me laugh!" stated Ulquiorra as he swung his lightning lance aiming for Kyuubi Naruto.  Hollow Ichigo had caught the attack with his bare hands causing Ulquiorra to look surprised.  Hollow Ichigo crushed the attack in his hands causing a loud explosion close range.  When the blast cleared, Hollow Ichigo swung his zanpakuto cutting Ulquiorra completely in half.  Ulquiorra went down hard fearing for the first time the end.  Both Kyuubi Naruto and Hollow Ichigo went up to Ulquiorra as the fourth laid on the ground panting.  "Damn beaten by a human turned hollow and a human turned demon.  Go ahead and end it." stated Ulquiorra.  Both Kyuubi Naruto and Hollow Ichigo shook their heads no as their bodies began to transform back into their normal human forms.

"No..... You are much like us Ulquiorra.  You are afraid of getting close to anyone and admitting that you have feelings.  Aizen is clearly using you and the other Espada like pieces in a chess game.  Easily replaceable and highly expendable pieces to be used as he wishes.  You are clearly capable of so much more.  Work with us Ulquiorra.  Help us defeat Aizen.  Allow us to help you understand that there is so much more to life than following orders." both Naruto and Ichigo stated in unison before their eyes rolled back into their heads and the two of them collapsed in sheer and total exhaustion.  Their inner and other halves had run their bodies beyond their limit.  They needed to rest before they could continue on.

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