two- catch up

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Dimensional War

Warnings: This is a sequel to the fiction crossover “Monsters with Souls” featuring Naruto and Bleach. If you haven’t read the first story please do so before reading this story picks up right where I left off.  In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold –demons speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-, [translation], =zanpakuto speaking=, ~Hogyoku speaking~, +flashback+

Two- catch up

The phone rang several times before a figure ran to answer the phone before the answering machine could pick up.

“Kurosaki residence…… this is Naruto Uzamaki speaking.” answered a voice.  Ichigo knew that this wasn’t truly Naruto speaking but rather the mod soul who was controlling Naruto’s body back in Ichigo’s home dimension.

“Hey Kurama…..  Is any of my family home?” asked Ichigo.

“Sorry they aren’t.  Karin and Yuzu are due home in the next hour and your dad was called into the hospital.  So when are you two planning to return home?” asked Kurama.

“We were planning on spending some time here before we leap back.  We had just returned back today from the training trip.” Ichigo replied.

“I see.  Well I will tell them that you had called.  They can’t wait to see you two as I know that they are going to want to know how the journey went.”

“We plan to tell them all about it when we get back.  How have things been there?”

“Oh the usual.  Uryu and Chad have been taking care of the hollows.  Orihime misses you and I know that she will be happy to hear that you are coming home.” replied Kurama.  This brought a smile to Ichigo’s face.

“Kay……  Tell Kon to behave himself as we should return shortly.”

“Will do, take care.” Kurama stated before he hung up the phone.  Ichiog hung up his phone before he decided to change out of his soul reaper garb placing his sage cloak along with Zangetsu onto the bed.

Ichigo came downstairs finding Haku making lunch.

“I hope that you made some for me.” Ichigo stated.

“But of course.  So tell me all about your trip.” stated Haku as he came into the large dining room with two plates of food.  He handed Ichigo one of the plates as he joined the older teen at the table.  Ichigo proceeded to tell Haku all about the journey.  At the same time Naruto was telling Hinata about the trip while spending some time with his girlfriend.

“You don’t realize just how much I have missed you Naru.” stated Hinata.  Naruto still received some stares from the older adults but the younger generation and the kids treated Naruto as if he was a friend.

*I am glad to see that some things have changed but yet also remained the same.* Kyuubi stated mentally.

“I have missed you too Hinata.  But you do know that Ichigo and I will have to go back to Ichigo’s home dimension to find out what is going on there.” stated Naruto.  Suddenly Hinata’s all white eyes widened suddenly as Naruto could hear a hollow’s scream.  Naruto turned quickly to see a hollow heading straight towards them.

-You smell delicious.  I bet you taste the same way.- hissed the hollow as he went after Hinata.  Naruto had moved quickly armed with his zanpakuto in his hand.

“I won’t allow you to lay a single claw on my girlfriend let alone anyone else from this village.” Naruto snarled out as he slashed at the hollow’s mask killing it instantly.  But it wasn’t over.  More and more hollows began to appear suddenly.  Naruto slipped Kitsune underneath his arms freeing up his hands to perform a single hand sign.  “Multiple Shadow Clone!” he cried out creating an army of shadow clones to battle against the hollows.  “Hinata get out of here.  Get as many people you can to shelter.” Naruto called out to his girlfriend.  Hinata did as Naruto had asked of her as all of the shadow clones grabbed their version of their zanpakuto in their hands.  “Let’s rock!” growled Naruto as he and his clones lept attacking the hollows that began to appear.

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