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In a space base in outer space, we see five Pokemon running which are a Gardevoir, a Donphan, a Jolteon, a Hariyama, and a Charizard.

they were seen running from guards as they were seen firing lasers at them as they were seen heading to the ships as we see multiple people running to them as a laser hit the Gardevoir knocking her down the guards were coming but a blast of water appeared and swept the guards away as they turned to see we look to see a boy in a ninja outfit as he appeared to be in his teens was seen holding his hand out.

Dimitri: Zara, are you ok?

Dimitri runs to the Gardevoior who is named Zara and helps her up.

Zara: I'm fine.

Dimitri: *To Hariyama* Cayden are Bolt, Tusk, and Flame alright?

Cayden: Yes.

Tusk: What are we gonna do?

Dimitri: We're gonna get out of here, the same with all the others here.

They then looked to see more guards coming but a blast of fire came knocking themdown as Flame the Charizard knocked them down as they then see six people coming consisting of two girls and four boys as they were accompanied with a woman

Bolt(Jolteon): Friends!

Flame(Charizard): We safe?

Andruw: No. More guards are coming, we won't be safe for long.

Heather: *To Cayden* Do we have the key?

Cayden was seen holding a futuristic gun and holding it out to Dimitri

Cayden: You must take it. Keep it hidden, so that it never falls into the hands of Grand Superiority.

Dimitri: But Cayden, we can fight.

Cayden: No, protecting the Nexus Key is all that matters! Go. Use it to escape.

Piper: What are you gonna do?

Tusk: The five of us are staying behind.

Cayden: We'll hold them off, buy you all some time.

Dimitri: Then I'm staying with you five.

Zara: No Dimitri, you have to go.

Cayden: Zara's right, this is our fight. Listen, if Grand Superiority were to get the key, he could open many portals to the Multiverse with no end to the worlds he could bring to ruin. It is now your time to lead the Pokéhumans, Dimitri Rain.

Dimitri: I know. But I can't just leave you here to fight alone.

Cayden: We're not alone. We have each other. And we have the Nexus Key. That's all that matters.

Dimitri: I...I don't know if I can do this.

Cayden: You can. You have to. For all of us.

Zara: Please...

Bolt: Take the key and keep it safe.

Dimitri: Okay. I'll do it.

Cayden: Good. Now go. And don't look back.

Dimitri nods and turns to leave. He takes a few steps, then stops and looks back at his friends.

Dimitri: I love you guys.

Cayden: We love you too, Dimitri.

Flame: Goodbye friend.

Dimitri then ran to them and hugged Zara, Cayden, Tusk, Bolt, and Flame he shed a tear as he then ran with the other Pokéhumans while the doors behind the five Pokemon closed as they turned to see a shadow came as they prepared themselves as they see a Houndoom Pokéhuman.

Mortimer: So you five are one of Master's experiments? Pathetic.

He then stood facing the five Pokemon while they were standing their ground.

Mortimer: Now give me the Nexus Key and my master will spare your lives.

Zara: We'd rather die than let him reach other worlds.

We then see Flame come at Mortimer as he tries to bite him but is grabbed by the jaw and hurled to a wall crashing into it Bolt charged at him firing electricity but was swated away by Mortimer as Zara then came at Mortimer to fire a beam but he dodged it and cae at Zara holding her by the neck and slammed her to the ground as Clayden came at Mortimer and punched him as Mortimer was pushed back a bit while Cayden was hitting him a bit a few times as he was about to throw a punch he was hit in the face by a fire fist thrown by Mortimer as he was knocked down by Mortimer.

Mortimer: Benefits of serving Grand Superiority. *looks at the five Pokemon.* They never learn.

Zara: You're too late...

Cayden: Your master will be stuck here.

Mortimer then looked out in a window showing the outside of space as he saw various spaceships exiting the base we saw multiple portals opening up as Mortimer watched realizing the five Pokemon were stalling him.

Mortimer: No!

In one ship we see Dimitri looking at the base as he looked at it in sadness seeing his friends sacrificed themselves to save his life as well as the rest. We see all the spaceships enter each portal escaping the world they were in as they all closed. In a room in the base, we see Mortimer on one knee as he looks at a man on a metal bed hooked up to medical equipment he was breathing through a tube as he was heard wheezing.

Grand Superiority: *While wheezing* You let them escape?! With the Nexus Key?!

Mortimer: Forgive me, master, the five experiments you had slowed me down.

Grand Superiority: Scour the entire Multiverse... Find where J081999 has gone. When you have the key... Bring it to me...

Mortimer: Yes, master.

Grand Superiority closed his eyes and went back to sleep. Mortimer stood up and left the room to begin his search for the Nexus Key.

Several months later.

In the woods we see the scene show a log and a swift slash comes downward on it slicing it in half as we look to see Dimitri as he was seen holding a sword in his hands.

Dimitri: *Sighs* I was 2 millimeters off. I really need to work on that.

Dimitri then picked up the pieces and threw them over to a pile of sliced pieces of wood we saw Dimitri grab a new log as he placed it on the stump Dimitri held his sword firmly as he looked at the log.

Dimitri: Focus Dimitri, focus...

He takes a deep breath and swings his sword down on the log. This time, he cuts it perfectly in half. He smiles in satisfaction.

Dimitri: There we go. That's more like it.

Dimitri then walks over to a Japanese house, opens a sliding door, and goes inside. He sits down on his knees and grabs a teapot. He holds his hand out and creates water, which flows into the pot. He then starts a fire and places the pot over it. He grabs some herbs and leaves, grounds them together, and places them in the pot. He waits for the tea to brew, closes his eyes, and begins to meditate. As he was meditating we see a flashback start to begin as we see in his eyes as he was strapped down to a lab table we see scientists working on him as they were injecting syringes with serum in them as he was screaming in pain as Dimitri opened his eyes panting as we see a peregrine falcon fly to him and landed on his shoulder and nuzzled closely to him.

Dimitri sees the falcon and smiles and pets her.

Dimitri: Thanks, Zara.

???: Brother?

Dimitri turned and saw his sister Piper as she was seen looking at him in concern.

Dimitri: Don't worry, I'm fine. I was just talking to Zara.

Piper nods, but she still looks worried.

Piper: Are you sure? You looked like you were in pain.

Dimitri smiled at his sister to reassure her.

Dimitri: I'm fine, Piper. Really. Just a little sore from training.

Piper: (sighs in relief.) Okay. But if you need anything, you know you can always talk to me.

Dimitri: I know. Thanks, Piper.

Piper smiles and nods, then turns and walks away. Dimitri watches her go, then turns back to Zara.

Dimitri: Thanks for being there for me.

Zara chirps in response and nuzzles Dimitri's hand. Dimitri smiles and pets her again, then turns and walks away, feeling a little bit better Dimitri then takes the kettle off the flame and begins to pour the tea as he takes it and blows it to cool it down as he begins to drink it. Dimitri is seen sitting on a branch of a tree as he looks out to see the sun setting as he sees it.

Dimitri: It's that time again.

Zara nodded at Dimitri, later at night time we saw Dimitri and Piper both leaping from rooftops as they were seen going to a shop as they saw a man closing and locking the doors and leaves.

Piper: Brother, how are we going to get inside?

Dimitri looked at the roof of the store and saw a vent shaft.

Dimitri: We go inside the vents, once we have what we need we need to leave before any of the humans would respond to any alarms. But remember Piper.

Piper: I know, stay in the shadows.

Dimitri: That's right.

They both then leaped towards the rooftop and Dimitri and Piper entered the vents Dimitri and Piper crawled through the vents and we saw a vent grate was removed carefully Dimitri looked out of it to see they were in the camera room as Dimitri went to the controls and shuts off the cameras.

Dimitri: Now that the cameras are off, we can grab what we need.

They walked through the aisle, looking for anything useful. Piper grabbed some canned food, snacks, and candy. Dimitri picked up some bottles of water, medicine, and batteries as they both started placing them in their backpacks.

Piper: Brother, why can't we let the humans know of our existence?

Dimitri continued to place supplies in this backpack as he looked at her with a sad expression..

Dimitri: We are pokéhumans, we were once Pokémon but were converted into humans. However, humanity sees us as only monsters. They would hunt us down, capture us, or kill us if they found out. So we cannot let them know we exist, no matter what.

Piper nodded sadly, understanding what her brother had said. She knew he was right. She had seen how humans treated pokémon and pokéhumans like them. She wished they could live in peace and harmony with them, but she knew it was impossible.

Piper: OK, I understand.

They both finished filling their backpacks with supplies they needed as they both began to head back as they ran from rooftop to rooftop.

???: Hello brother.

Dimitri turned and his brothers and sisters Andruw, Elliotte, Grayson, Everette, and Rowan

Dimitri: Andruw, what are you and the others doing here?

Andruw: Mother sent us to make sure you and Piper didn't get into any trouble.

Dimitri: We're fine. We just managed to get food for ourselves.

Elliotte: Well that's good to know.

Grayson: Did you encounter any enemies?

Dimitri: No, we were careful. We avoided any confrontation.

Everette: That's boring. You should have had some fun with them.

Rowan: Don't say that, Everette. We can't let people know we are here remember?

Dimitri: Rowan is right. We don't want people in this world to know we exist.

Grayson: Then let's go.

We then see the siblings all move out to return home they are seen running from roof to roof as they are seen head to their home as they are seen head inside and they look to see their mother Heather.

Heather: Kids, are you OK?

Dimitri: We're okay mom.

Piper: Yeah, no one saw us.

Heather: Good, we don't want anyone to know we're here.

Andruw: We know Mom.

Elliotte: It won't happen.

Heather: Good, now head to bed, please.

We then see the siblings nod as they head to their rooms Dimitri was seen lying on a traditional Japanese bed as he was seen looking out in the window and wondering what would be out there as he closes his eyes he begins to have a dream which was a memory of his past as it was seen in a cage as he was seen looking around as his tongue was long and was wrapped around him like a scarf as he looks to see there were five pokemon in the cage which was his pokemon friends Zara, Tusk, Bolt, Flame and Cayden as they see him.

Tusk: Hey, it's a new guy? What kind of thing are you? You've got like a scarf on your neck.

Bolt: Is he a new friend?

Flame: Scarf, neck, eyes, face. Does it words?

Dimitri then looks at them with a bit of fear but turns to see Zara come to him and sees she has a reassuring look.

Zara: It's okay friend. Don't be afraid.

Cayden then came to Dimitri as well, having the same look of reassurance as Zara.

Cayden: She's right, we won't hurt you.

Dimitri: (Clenching his chest) ...Hurts...

Zara looked to see Dimitri had a cut on his chest seeing he was hurt she looked concerned as Cayden handed her a rag and Zara took it and brought it to Dimitri's wound to clean it.

Zara: It's okay, you're gonna be okay.

Dimitri smiled and closed his eyes, grateful for Zara's kindness. Dimitri then woke up as he thought about the five Pokemon he had met who were his friends and then sat up as his eyes began to shed tears as his hand clutched his heart.

Dimitri: I miss you guys...

Dimitri then went back to sleep as he knew the next day would be ready for him. The morning then came as Dimitri woke up he walked out of his room and was seen going to the living room Dimitri looked to see his mother was there as well as a man with white hair sitting next to her on the couch the rest of the siblings came in and saw them.

Everette: Who's that man, mom?

Heather: This is Kiriya, he knows our secret and will help us keep it safe.

Kiriya: Yes, I have heard from your mother that your brother Dimitri has taught you all to use ninjutsu and the ways of the ninja.

Dimitri: Yes. It is true.

Kiriya: Well I am here because I want to have you and your siblings enroll in my class in Hanzo Academy.

Dimitri looked at Kiriya and felt unsure if he could trust him or not.

Kirya: I understand you don't trust humans much from your personal experiences. But rest assured I will help you train to be stronger.

Dimitri: So you know of my past?

Kiriya: Your mother had explained it to me, and I want to earn your trust.

Dimitri: Well we will learn in your academy, but if you reveal any of our secrets, I will be very disappointed.

Kiriya: I won't. You have my word.

Dimitri: Very well.

Dimitri saw Kiriya hold out his hand, wanting him to shake it. He hesitated for a moment, but then he took Kiriya's hand and shook it firmly.

Kiriya: I will be looking forward to having you and your siblings in my class. But you all must not tell anyone about the shinobi.

Dimitri: We won't. As long as you do not tell anyone about our secrets.

Kiriya: We will not tell a single soul.

Dimitri: Glad to hear it.

Everette: So does this mean we're going to a school?

Kiriya: Yes, and I was hoping to show you who you will be fighting along side.

Dimitri: Ok.

They were seen leaving the house as they were later seen heading to a school as Dimitri was seen looking at it

Rowan: Whoa.

Everette: Wow...

Elliotte: *Whistle* Pretty nice.

Andruw: Amazing.

Grayson: Neat.

Piper: Cool.

Dimitri: This is truly amazing.

Kiriya: Welcome to Hanzo Academy.

Dimitri: Then it is an honor to learn from you.

Kiriya: Thank you, now let's go.

We then see then going to the school as Dimitri looks at it and smiled seeing how he is having a chance for something great in his life. We then go to another place at a space base as we go to a room which was a laboratory as we see a man in a robotic suit of armor as he was seen looking at five tubes.

We then see a Ursaring Pokéhuman come to the room and took a knee to the man.

Gritzner: Grand Superiority.

Grand Superiority then turned to face Grizner.

Grand Superiority: What is your report?

Gritzner: We have not discovered the whereabouts of J081999 yet sir, but we are doing all we can.

Grand Superiority: When you find him, get the Nexus Key and bring J081999 to me.

Gritzner: Yes, my lord.

Gritzner then walked out of the room as Grand Superiority looked at a screen showing a picture of Dimitri on it as he looked at it.

Grand Superiority: You cannot hide from me forever J081999, I will find you.

He then clenched his fist as he then punched the screen shattering it as he leaves the room.

Grand Superiority: Just you wait...

End. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and stay tune for more coming in the future next time on Dimitri Rain: The Human Greninja.

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