Home Sweet Home

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Dipper's Point Of View
I'm at Gravity Falls. (Well, my mind is.) Everyone is here. Old Man McGucket, Lazy Suzy, even the "Get m" man. Mabel and I are mystery hunting. She even brought along Waddles. We weren't halfway through the forest when Stanley called.
"Aww. I wanted to see if we could Really find me a vampire boyfriend." I laughed.
"Mabel. The sun is out, I'm preaty sure they won't be out now."
"Anything could happen in Gravity Falls." That got me thinking. Will I ever be back at Gravity Falls? Stanley and Stanford took us to Lazy Susan's dinner. The four of us sat in a booth. Susan came by and gave us menu's. I ordered a burger and fries. Well, we all did. Was my mind craving a burger and fries? I zooned out until we got our food. Mabel noticed and asked me what was wrong.
"I'm just wondering how my real family is holding up."
"Hey Dipper. Why don't we all get ice cream. Stanford's treat!"
"What!?" That made Mabel and I laugh a little. But I still wanted to know how they were.
Mabel's Point Of View (Real Mabel)
The doctor finally came out with some news. It was 12:00am, but no one wanted to go home yet without a answer on how Dipper was doing. Pacifca and I cried all that we could. Wendy and Bill hugged us. They were upset too. Stanley and Stanford were trying to cheer us up. (It didn't work.) Mom and dad kept getting into arguments because mom was worried sick about Dipper and dad said all we could do is wait. It's times like this I need Waddles to curl up with. I called Lazy Susan if she watch Waddles for the night. She likes animals, and Waddles is a animal. I made sure to pack him a pig size sweater invade he misses me. Any way the doctor came out.
"What's the news Doc?" Stanley asked.
"He's in the ICU. He's doing better, but when the car smashed him his back jolted back against his seat and his spine was a inch too close to his stomach. We did surgery but he's going to be in pain for a couple of months."
"Anything else?" I said fast. Dad gave me a look. "Sorry."
"It's fine." The doctor smiled. "Dipper will have to wear a wrist brace because it went to far back. Not far enough to break it though fortunally. Finally there is the knee brace. He popped his knee out of place, so he'll have to wear that for a couple of weeks." Mom butted in.
"When can we see him?"
"Wait intil the morning. Dipper needs rest, and you all need to get some rest too."
"Thank you doctor." Pacifca said.
"We could all have a sleep over at the Mystery Shack. If its OK with everyone." Stanley suggested. Everyone agreed. I stood silently. Wendy hugged me.
"Cheer up Mabel. Tomorrow you can see Dipper and give him the card you've been making." I lit up like a Christmas tree.
"I know he's going to love it." We all went to the Mystery Shack. Bill was sleeping on Dipper's bed, I was on my bed and Wendy and Pacifca were on the floor. Stanford's bed was in the basement Stanley's room was below Dipper's and mine bed. Mom and dad slept in the living room. I thought I wasn't going to get any sleep but I did. I knew Dipper was going to be fine. It's a twin thing.

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