Ancient discoveries part 3

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Hello my lovelies~ here's a part you've all been hoping for! Most of this idea came from my friend doll or Ciphers-Obsession because that's her user name. So you can thank you for most of the idea of this one shot. Sorry if it's a little crappy I usually just go with the flow when I write a one shot I usually make it up as I go. Music helps with my imagination. So enjoy!

Screeching is heard from most of the temple making whoever was still alive cringe. But it made the aliens lift their heads and dash towards the screeching as if it was a command. All of them run towards it but one lone alien with a slight yellow tint to his black skin and blue lines running over his body. He lays beside a green pod attached to the wall. Inside of it was what was once a teen with brown hair and eyes with the Big Dipper across his forehead. 

But now the glowing green pod contained what looked like a member of the alien race but with a few different features. It had dots with lines connecting them going side ways up its head forming the Big Dipper. It was a bit smaller than all the others and lines like Bills ran down its body but it was yellow instead of blue and it's skin was tinned a slight blue to its black skin.

Cracks slowly form on the surface of the pod and the alien known as Bill moves away as it cracks fully spilling the green goop and newly transformed alien onto the floor. If he remembered correctly its name was Dipper but that's all that came to the young new alien. He couldn't remember nothing else but his name or what he thinks is his name. 

Slowly gets on shaky limbs he manages to get on all fours without collapsing. Even without eyes as the race had none he could see the other before him clearly and he was confused. He felt as tho his knew him and old instincts told him to run and get away while his new ones spoke he was safe with this being. He ignored his old instincts which seemed to be fading with each passing moment and slowly moves closer to the other.

Leaving a small distance apart for respect and slight caution. He didn't truly know if this other being was truly safe and wouldn't harm him. Dipper forces himself to keep still when the other moves forward fearing fleeing might cause him harm. He keeps perfectly still as the other moves around him and seems to be examining him.

When the other being moves back in front of him Dipper shrinks down a little under the gaze of the other if he could even call it that since again they had no eyes. It surprised him when the other nuzzles his head and seems to be purring as it did this. Dipper found it oddly soothing and calming amd he leans into the other without a second thought.

The other purrs louder and Dipper finds himself doing the same and moving so he's basically cuddling on the ground with the other. He may not remember his old self but this wasn't so bad.


Bill as the other called himself was nice to him and showed him how to hunt and work his tail. He found it kinda difficult to get it to respond right but he finally mastered his tail. Next was his tongue. It freaked out the younger alien when he saw the second set of jaws that worked as a weapon and as his races tongue.

The little spider like creatures were weird way crawled around and jumped down on the two legged creatures and wrapped their tail around its lack and latches onto the creature face. They fell asleep and the thing fell off and died. 

Dipper found it weird but watching a new little new born come out of the creature was a weird sight too. The two legged creature died soon right after and the new born slid away. But if that was how they were all born then how was he born so big? 

The question left his mind quickly finding he liked the way things were and he didn't want to pry. Next was meeting the queen of this race. She was bigger then all of them even bigger than Bill. She basically told her young what to do and the others fond they always followed her order. But Dipper and Bill were fine and just did their own things instead of listening.

One day he decided to go bring back prey and show Bill how much he was thankful for teaching him and staying by his side.

He made his way out of the temple through a secret passage and out into the forest. He was glad it was dark it made him blend in with his surroundings. Quietly he makes his way towards a cabin that was close to a town. This place felt fimilar, he shakes his head and doesn't dwell on it he was on a mission and he was completely it.

Dipper gets on his hind legs and walks upright til he made his way behind a little shed where he heard chopping beside it. He gets back on all fours and climbs to her top of the shed and looks down at the red haired male creature splitting wood with a weird weapon. 

He moves his tail and waits for when he sets the object down to place more wood on the stump before  striking and impaling the creature he was told were called humans with his tail. 

He sinks it in further so it doesn't make too much noise and raises his tail with the human still on it towards him. Dipper could see the fear clearly in its eyes and face. He felt no sympathy for the weak creature and opens his mouth revealing the second set of deadly jaws in his mouth. The human tries weakly to escape but it was hopeless to even try so Dipper decides to end it quickly. 

His tongue launches forward and sleight through the humans skull and out he back of its head. It's struggling stops as it dies quickly. Dipper slides his tongue back into his mouth and the little jaws close on it and he closes his mouth. He lets the now dead human slide off of his tail with a sickening crunch onto the ground. 

Dipper jumps down from the shed and drags the dead human back to his room in the temple that he and Bill shared. He drops the body on the ground and again it cracks. It must have broken more bones  again from the fall but it was fine it was already dead. 

Bill looks over at him and Dipper sits proudly next to his kill amd makes no move to approach the other out of disrespect. Bill moves over and Dipepr remains still as he examines his kill and even rolls it over to inspect the damage to it. 

When he feels Bill nuzzle him he knows he has done a good job and he nuzzles back and cuddles with the other til they fall asleep. 


Yay I made it! Hope you all liked it and happy new year my lovelies! 

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