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Dippers gem will be a moonstone like the picture below but I'll change his clothes. While Bills will be a cats eye gem stone. I love Steven Universe and I thought let's combined them. Enjoy my lovelies! Also side note the lyrics for the song won't start off right away.
_--BillCipher--_ Look at the pretty Dipper Sunflower.

Steven sat bored looking out the screen to the beach where the gems were training. Well Garnet and Pearl were practicing combat but Amethyst was talking to Peridot and looked to be laughing while the green gem looked annoyed. "Probably laughing on how she names things." He laughs softly remembering when him and Amethyst asked Peridot what she called each part of the body and the only thing she named right was their butt. A loud bang from the door caused Steven to yell and fall. Steven peeked over the coffee table in time to see a little star fish drill that was blue in shape fly in and drill through the door into Garnets room.

Steven opens the screen door. "Guys there's a little drill guy in the temple!" He didn't wait for them and went into Garnets room following the little drill starfish creature down to where all the bubbled gems were. "Stop right there!" Steven shouts but ducks with a small shout when the drill aimed for his head. The creature hit and popped a pink rose bubble with a blue gem inside before Garnet caught the drill and crushed it. "Good job Garnet!" Pearl praises with a smile as the fusion dusts her hand off.

"Hey he popped a bubble." Amethyst pointed out and picked up the blue moonstone feeling like she's seen it before. "Hey I haven't seen that one before." Steven took the gem from Amethyst. "It was in a pink bubble is this a corrupt gem?" He asked curiously looking to Garnet. The gem started to glow and floated up as a white blob started to take shape. All the gems took out their weapons fearing it was an enemy that would prove hostel when reformed. Everyone gasped as a male gem stood with his eyes still closed. His hair was snow white with his body being blue, his gem was located on his forehead. He had a choker like necklace with a white stone, on his chest was a cresent moon. (The picture is what he looks like)

Pearl released her weapon making it disappear. "It can't be.." Amethyst looked to be in shock. "No way isn't that." Garnet unsummoned her gauntlets. "It is." The gem opened his sky blue eyes looking around before turning his attention back to the Crystal gems. "Dipper."

About a mile from the beach was a part of the ship that crashed weeks ago that was hidden from others view by a formation of rocks. A glow from under the part of the ship before the part went flying and a figure stood up. He looked around and his nose wrinkle in disgust. "So this dirt mound is earth." He was tall with golden hair and eyes, his uniform wad black and yellow with his cats eye gem located where his right eye should be. "Disgusting, and looks as Jaspers failed." He cracks his knuckles before spotting the temple in the distaste. "But I won't." The figure started towards the temple as the sun started to set.

Dippers POV (I forgot I use to do first person XD)

I was sitting on the couch in the living room with a small boy asking questions about what type of gem I was and if he could see my weapon. His eyes looked like they had stars in them, it reminded me of Rose. 'If what Pearl is true then this little hybrid is Rose. In sense.' I was asked to change my outfit but I didn't see the need to and they seemed to drop the subject. "So what kind of gem are you? Come on please tell me! I'll show you my lion if you do!" Now the child speaks of lions? 'I thought those lived in Africa?'

Luckily Pearl came to answer the question for me as I got up to look around, apparently I was in a bubble for a few thousand years. "Steven Dipper is a moonstone they are gems that are paired with sunstones and were the only allowed fusions that were different." I glance at the boy already knowing what he was going to ask. It made my heart clench in both dispair and anger. "Then why is he alone?" Pearl glances at me and pretend like I was interested in the toaster while she explained how my other half Mabel, a sunstone choose Homeworld over earth and left me under Yellow diamonds orders. I could see the boy look at me with sympathy and concern while Garnet looked like she was laid back but I could see the slightest tightening to her fists. She didn't like remembering that as much I did, it was a deep betrayal and I still wasn't over it. But based on what Peridot says that moonstones and sunstones are no longer made and I was the last of the great warriors Homeworld still cherishes in sending into battle. But since their were no more I guess Mabel was smashed long ago.

I know I should be crying over the fact but I couldn't really find it in myself to care at the moment. "I know what will cheer you up!" the boy known as Steven ran up and grabbed my hand looking like an excited puppy. I couldn't help but laugh slightly making him smile. "Lets to the Big Donut! It will be great and you can try something humans eat!" I let Steven drag me out the door and find myself smiling along with Steven. His smile was infectious. Neither of us noticed the piercing gaze of a single yellow eye from the rocks by the temple.

3rd persons POV

Bill watched Dipper and Steven leave the temple and made a disgusted face looking at the gem hybrid. His face turned into one of interest seeing Dipper. "A moonstone? Those haven't been made in thousands of years." A smirk stretches across his face and a evil glint flashes in his eye. "Seems I found my way to completing the mission."

Dipper sat on the beach as Steven was explaining all the adventures hes had with the crystal gems. He even sang some songs like Giant women and this song he created for the Crystal gems. The donut Dipper was eating was really good even if he didn't need to eat he supposed it wouldn't be bad to eat one every once in a while. "Hey Dipper how come your male? I mean all the gems I've met are girls." Steven says and was trying not to sound rude. "I was female but when I went into my gem I wanted to be like this." Steven was about to ask more questions when Pearl comes out of the house. "Steven we have a mission!" She calls to him and Steve stands up. "Hey Dipper do you want to join?" The moonstone shakes his head. "I think I'll stay here, but you go have fun." "Okay but I'll bring you back something!" Steve runs off into temple as Dipper sits in the sand and watches the waves lap up against the sand and sometimes leave behind a shell or a rounded stone. He glanced to the side to see a group of teenagers play in the water than glances at his suit and cape. 'Maybe I really do need to change my clothes.' His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the screen door opening and slamming shut, he looks towards the door with a confused expression. 'Are they back already?'  He gets up and enters the temple. 

They send me away to find them a fortune
A chest filled with diamonds and gold
The house was awake
With shadows and monsters
The hallways they echoed and groaned

There was no one inside as far as the moonstone could tell. It all looked empty and there was no hyper gem hybrid running up to him saying how cool the mission was. 'Then who opened the door and closed it?'  Dipper walks towards the kitchen area then pauses when he hears a creak in the floor boards behind him. 

I sat alone, in bed 'til the morning
I'm crying, "They're coming for me."
And I tried to hold these secrets inside me
My mind's like a deadly disease

Dipper turns around quickly and swipes the others feet from under them making the other gem flip their body and use their hands to stay up and flip back onto their feet. "Well you're sharper than I thought you'd be. But that isn't a bad thing." The gem chuckles and Dipper gets into a defensive stance. "What are you doing here? You certainly aren't a crystal gem." The cats eye gem dusts off their shoulder. "You are correct, I'm not a crystal gem. My names Bill Cipher and you are?" When the moonstone didn't answer he hums. "Well if you are just going to be rude than I'll just call you Pine Tree."

I'm bigger than my body
I'm colder than this home
I'm meaner than my demons
I'm bigger than these bones

Dipper narrows his eyes at the other gem and didn't move from his defensive stance. "If you aren't with the crystal gems then you just be with one of the diamonds." Bill claps but it was in a mocking manner. "Of course I'm with one of the diamonds, only fools side with the Crystal gems and their tom foolery." Dipper glares at him and moves out of his defensive stance. "We want to protect this planet and all the life on it. It's not just some planet the Diamonds can play with. If that's all you have to say then get out before I make you." 

And all the kids cried out,
"Please stop, you're scaring me."
I can't help this awful energy
Goddamn right, you should be scared of me
Who is in control?

"Now why would I do that? I still have a mission to complete, and I believe you can help me and keep your friends out of the mess." Dipper just continues to glare at the other gem. "Why would I ever help you?" Bill smirks as he looks at the moonstone. "Well if you don't help me then let's just say a certain little gemling will be smashed and I'm sure you wouldn't want that now would you?" The light for the warp pad catches their attention and Bill makes his way towards the door. "If you until midnight to choose Pine Tree, if you say no." Bill glares at him with his one yellow eye. "Then I'll kill that hybrid or just drag him back to my Diamonds." He leaves the temple before the light faded and leaves the moonstone alone as he puts on a fake smile when Steven runs up to him. 'I can't let that happen to him, this is all that's left of Rose.'  Dipper looks at the three gems as Pearl runs from Amethyst who's covered in goop and trying to give her a goop hug while Garnet watches them. 'They can't loose that.'

I paced around for hours on empty
I jumped at the slightest of sounds
And I couldn't stand the person inside me
I turned all the mirrors around

Dipper lays awake on the couch while Steven sleeps peacefully in his bed and the other gems reside in their rooms. He turns his head and catches a glimpse of himself in the black reflective screen of Stevens phone that he left on the coffee table. He reaches for it then lays it face down on the table. 'If they knew about Bill could they stop him? I've never seen that type of gem before, what if he's too powerful and smashes them all and takes Steven back to Homeworld? All the Diamonds will have him smashed or experimented on.'  He gets up and looks up to the second floor part of the temple where Steven was asleep. 'I can't let that happen.' 

I'm bigger than my body
I'm colder than this home
I'm meaner than my demons
I'm bigger than these bones

Dipper leaves the temple and walks out on the beach as he tries to think if that best thing to do in this situation. 'If I agree to what Bill says what will happen? I can't imagine what he could possibly need me for. I've been bubbled for so long I wouldn't know how to help if he asked. What if all he wants is information?' The moonstone groans and throws a rock into the water. "This is so frustration!" He sighs and runs a hand through his pure white hair. "I don't want to..but I have to if I want to keep this little world they have safe."

And all the kids cried out,
"Please stop, you're scaring me."
I can't help this awful energy
Goddamn right, you should be scared of me
Who is in control?

Dipper paced along the beach for hours til he looks up at the postion of the moon. 'It's just about midnight, I've made my choice but where's Bill?'

I'm well acquainted
With villains that live in my bed
They beg me to write them
So they'll never die when I'm dead

Apparently if you speak of the devil and the devil shall come, Dipper didn't remember where he heard that from but it seemed to fit what happened. After his last thought Bill walked out of the ocean with a yellow bubble filled with different gems. "Have you made your decision Pine Tree? Are you going to help me?"

And I've grown familiar
With villains that live in my head
They beg me to write them
So I'll never die when I'm dead

Dipper didn't want to answer him but knew he had to if he wanted Steven and the others safe. "I have, and yes I'll help you but only if you promise me you won't smash my friends or Steven or take them to Homeworld."

I'm bigger than my body
I'm colder than this home
I'm meaner than my demons
I'm bigger than these bones

Bill grins and he lets the bubble float in place. "You have my word that I won't, now." The cats eye gem holds out his hand towards the moonstone. "Care to fuse with me Pine Tree?" Dippers eyes widen and he takes a step back from the cats eye. Bill must have thought he was going to run, and to be honest Dipper did feel like running, he hadn't fused for so long and moonstones never fused with any other gems besides sunstones. He didn't know what would happen if he fused with the cats eye. "Now now Pine Tree you already agreed to help me and if you back out now everything I just agreed to will go up in flames and I'll smash those Crystal gems once and for all." Dipper sighs then steps forward and reluctantly takes the others hand and yelps when he's pulled into the others chest. "Good choice~ now." He moves an arm around Dippers waist. "Let's fuse." Their dance reminded him of the waltz but at a faster pace, even if he was about to fuse with a total stranger who sided with the Diamonds the thrill of being one with another gem was enough to get him to smile as both their gems glow before their bodies turn white and start to melt together. 

And all the kids cried out,
"Please stop, you're scaring me."
I can't help this awful energy
Goddamn right, you should be scared of me
Who is in control?

Their gems as the only thing to be seen in the white glow as it grows and the white form starts to take shape. Four arms grow for the shape along with two long legs and their gems settle on the form. Dippers moonstone settles in the middle of the beings forehead while Bills cats eye takes up the place of the top right eye. The white light breaks off the bodies solid form like glass before fading slowly smaller and smaller as it falls to be sand, like glittering stars. The being takes a breath, it comes out as a white mist and three eyes open to take in their soundings. Bills cats eye and his eye take up the first pair of eyes and Dippers eyes are below his and all three eyes blink in sync before a giant grin forms across their lips showing off pointed white teeth. The four arms come up to hug their new body in glee before seeing the lights to the temple come on. "Time to get to work. Bye bye Crystal Gems~" the fusion walks into the water and disappears beneath the waves before anyone could see it. 


God this took me forever to write! *flops on the floor* I decided not to be lazy and finish this up. This one shot was a draft in my book for so long I decided to finish it so I could finally stop looking at the red letters on the side of it that said draft. I'm sorry to my lovelies that it takes me so long to write but I'm a really lazy person and I usually get distracted by TV and rping or taking naps when I'm finally at home after school. Again sorry for taking so long and I'll try to be less lazy and write more. I have so many ideas for one shots but I just get lazy and don't write them but I'll try my best to write more! Thank you all for reading and I'll try to get up the second part to new world up tomorrow or maybe sometime this week. Again thank you for supporting me and reading my one shots, til next time my lovelies! 

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