Creepy Doll

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Yellow my lovelies! I had this idea watching The Haunting Hour watching the episode the living doll it was called with Lily D. Enjoy!

Up upon on a hill surrounded by black trees, with branches like reaching limbs was a small mansion owned by Stanford Pines. Stanford lived alone in that mansion with his brother Stanely who insisted that it should he open three times a week to the public to rake in some extra cash. Today their grand niece and nephew would be visiting for three months since their parents couldn't take them on their cruise vacation.

Both twins were 7 but the girl was 5 minutes older than her twin brother making her the oldest if anything bothered to ask. Ford welcomed the two as they came in with a smile while Stanely was busy with a tour group. "Grunkle Ford I made you a necklace!" The 7 year old Mabel says with a bright smile that could melt any heart holding a candy necklace she made. Ford takes it puts it on his wrist since it didn't look like it would fit over his head. "Why thank you Mabel but Grunkle?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

She nods and holds her stuffed pig. "Yeah since your our great uncle I combined them and came up with grunkle!" She beams up at him as he chuckles and ruffles her hair. "Very clever let's get you two settled in shall we?" Both twins nod and follow Ford upstairs to the second floor of the mansion. Mabel got her own room which was just plain pink and looked like a unicorn barfed in it with all the glitter and butterflies painted on the walls. Mabel squeals in delight and hugs Ford tightly before going into the room.

After she shut the door it left Ford and the younger twin to go down to the door not even 4 feet away from Mabels. Ford opens the door which was blue with stars painted onto the ceiling and detailed painting of a forest around the walls making it like it was actually in the forest. There's a small bookshelf filled with books then the bed had blue bedding with a galaxy themed blanket. "This is your room Dipper."

Dipper looks around in awe then hugs Ford. "Thanks! This is awesome." Ford smiles and ruffles the boys hair managing to get a glimpse of the boys birthmark on his forehead. It remained him of his sixed finger hands but he choice to say nothing of the matter. "I'll come get you when dinners ready sound good?" He got a nod from the boy who was already looking at the bookshelf. It made Ford chuckle softly, reminded him of himself when he was younger. He quickly closed the door and headed down into the kitchen to cook thinking maybe he should show Dipper the library this place had.

Not even an 20 minutes had passed since they got there and Mabel was feeling like exploring since she already saw everything in her room. She hops off her bed and opened the door going to Dippers door and knocking. "Hey Bro wanna explore?" Mabel waited for a reply but got none making her huff and open the door finding her brother on his bed reading a book.

Mabel tip toed over to the bed before tackling her brother startling him and causing him to give a small girly scream. Mabel rolls off him with a laugh. "You scream like a girl!" Dipper glares at her then takes a pillow and hits her with it. Mabel lays still for a moment then pounced on Dipper like a cat. "Tickles!' she shouts as she starts to tickle her brother without mercy.

"N-no Mabel hahahah please s-stop!" Dipper laughs and tries to push the offending tickling hands away from his stomach. "Say Mabels the best!" Dipper shakes his head as he continues laughing. "N-no n-never!" Mabel pouts and stops tickling her twin. "Aw your mean." She slides off the bed. "Come on bro I wanna explore this place!"

Dipper sits up and fixes his hair so it covers his birthmark once more. "I was reading and I was at a good part!" A small smirk starts to form on Mabels face as she takes the book before bolting out of the room. "Well come and get it then!" Dipper gets off his bed and hurries after his sister. "No Mabel give it back!" The girl giggles as she takes off down the long hallways like a bullet with her brother trying desperately trying to catch up. "Mabel please give it back!"

Said girl wasn't looking where she was going and runs into a book case full force making her fall back while the bookcase made a crack like sound. Dipper hurries over to his sister as she kept from crying and held her head. A creaking sound drew in their attention as the bookcase slowly swung open revealing a hidden door. Both children stare at it mostly in amazement and shock with a small hint of confusion. Mabel got up her pain now gone from her as she slowly turns the knob to the black wooden door.

The door creaked like crazy making both cringe at the sound, both glance around making sure no one heard anything before venting into the room. The room had numerous boxes and random furniture with a thick layer of dust on every surface. Mabels attention was quicking gained by a black box that sat on the floor innocently but what puzzled her was the chains wrapped around it. "Hey Dipper look at this." She says as she kneels down and tucks on the lock that kept the chains around the chest keeping whatever inside from their view. "Whoa I wonder what's in it."

Mabel grins as she pulls a bobby pin from her hair and makes a quick work of sticking it inside and twisting it around in the lock. "Mabel that's not.." The lock was old and weirdly enough the inside was rusted badly, the bobby pin broke the weakened rusty metal inside making the lock fall off. Mabel grins in triumph. "You were saying?" She asks with a smug look no 7 year old should be able to master. Dipper rolls his eyes and crosses his arms hating to be proofed wrong. "Whatever." He mutters with distaste. Mabel lightly pushes his shoulder in a playfull manor before pulling off the chains. "Oh don't be a grumpy grump.'

Mabel opens the chest and gasps at what she sees. A doll laid innocently inside with both it's eyes closed. It had beautiful golden hair that looked soft to the touch, it looked like it was made of porcelain with how pale the doll was. It was dressed in a yellow vest with a white long sleeved shirt, it's dress pants were black along with it's dress shoes. It looked like a peaceful corpse that a undertaker had recently taken care of and was ready for burial. (Ever watch the anime Black Butler? Love Undertaker)

"Wow Dipper look at this doll." Dipper turns his attention to the doll and noticed the bow tie and top hat the doll also sported. "Why would this be locked in a chest?" Mabel asked as she picked the doll up. "Its probably worth a lot a money that's why." Dipper voiced his thought on the matter before the dolls opened making Mabel scream and drop the doll.

"Mabel!" Dipper picks the doll up that thankfully didn't have any damage done to it from the fall. "Its fragile don't drop it!" Mabel points to the doll. "But it's eyes!"
Dipper rolls his eyes. "That's because Its eyes open and close. Their suppose to." Dipper looked at the doll more closely. Its eyes were a beautiful electric blue with golden flicks here and there, it's had long eyelashes much like a girl but it seemed to suit the doll.

While Dipper inspected the doll Mabel stared at it in fear. She didn't know why but it gave off an eerrie aura that made her want to lock it away again and run as far as she could. She shakes her head at the thoughts forcing her fear down. It was just a doll what harm could it do? "Hey Mabel I'm surprised your not asking to have him yet. You love dolls." Mabel shakes her head again, she didn't want that doll, not now not ever. Dipper himself didn't see anything wrong with the doll he thought it was pretty and he kind of wanted to keep it. "Well if not then I guess I'll take him. I bet Ford and Stan won't miss it seeing as it's been in here for a while." Mabel wanted to tell him to put it back but a call stopped her. "Kids Dinner!" Stanely calls from the hall. Both scramble up and close the door before pushing the bookcase back. The twins were thankful Stanely didn't come looking for them and question where they were. Mabel wipes the dust off herself with a grossed out noise while Dipper did the same with one hand as his other arm held the doll. His female counterpart still didnt like the doll but her twin seemed to so she kept quiet about it.

Both of them run down the hall towards the stairs hurrying to the table but the boy being careful as to not harm to the doll or drop it. All throughout dinner Ford glanced at the doll on his nephews arm. He didn't know how they found the hidden room or how they unlocked that chest he put the doll in but he knew be had to get the doll away from Dipper before it caused trouble. The next time he looked the doll seemed to be staring at him with it's pretty yet soulless eyes. Its glass eyes held intelligence no doll should along with a dark threat that told him to stay away from it and from the boy or they'd be hell to pay. The look at Ford tensing slightly in fear, the doll seemed to smirk at him and its mouth was filled with sharp teeth. As fast as it came it stopped grinning and went back to it's normal position as Dipper adjusted his hold on the doll. Ford knew he now had to get the doll away from Dipper as fast as he could, for some reason the doll was already attached Dipper and that wasn't good.

Dipper was asleep in his bed holding the doll as slept. A shadow could be seen from under the door as the knob to the door slowly turned. The door opens slowly as to not wake the sleeping boy. Ford looks to the bed and quickly moves over, he steps and looks both afraid and puzzled at the same time. The doll wasn't in Dippers arm anymore. Ford looks around the room quickly and even under the bed but the doll wasn't anywhere to be soon. So he quietly leaves the room to look for the doll out of the room. Once Ford left the doll came out from his hiding spot from under the pillow before going back into the boys hold who in return hugged him closer to his body as he slept. The dolls own eyes closed. He could get use to this.

Over the next three months Dipper learned the dolls name was Bill Cipher from the engraving on the inside of his vest. He kept the doll with him all the time and kept him clean and from getting broken. Ford had tried many times to get the doll but it would alway disappear or be in Dippers arms. He couldn't take the doll away from him or Dipper would hate him and so would Mabel. Non of them knew of the dolls nature.

It was a cursed doll he had gotten when he was 12, their was a note inside telling anyone who had possession of the doll to break it and hide it's pieces before it grew attached to a child. You see the doll was made for a boy named Bill, he loved the doll but sadly died in his 20s from illness. No one played with Bill when he was alive, no own cared for him, loved him, married him, or even spared him a glance most of his life. He never knew why people or his parents didn't love him, all he had was his little doll who resembled him. After he died he soul was tied to his little doll, children would play with him and love him but throw him to the side once they got so something better or something new. His soul grew even more bitter as time went on He tried to steal a little girls life force and drain her so he could be human once more but the grandmother locked the doll up and sold it with a warning note. Ford had locked the doll up once he read the note but now it was free and in the arms of his nephew.

When it was time for the young pair of twins to leave Ford took the doll away from him. He could practically feel the dolls anger from being removed from the boy. "I'm sorry Dipper but Bill stays here til your next visit." Dipper was sad that he had to Bill behind. "Okay...bye Ford Stan. Bye Bill." Dipper waves before leaving with his sister. Ford takes the doll to smash it but it seemed to disappear from his grasp and hide in the mansion watching Dipper leave. The boy cared for him more than any other child had and never let go of him. He'd wait for him to come back and then put his plan into action.

It had been 5 before the twins could visit them again, both were now 12 and excited to go back their great uncles mansion. Dipper was already excited he hadn't forgotten about Bill and was sad He couldn't have taken the doll with him, great uncle Ford probably didn't want him to take the doll since It was expensive and fragile. Both twins hurry inside the moment they got their and were greeted by Stanley this time since he said Ford was busty looking for something. "Welcome back kids!" He pulls the both into a hug and noogies Dipper making the boy laugh. "Alright you munchkins go to Your rooms and get ready for dinner!" He laughs and gives them both a nudge to the stairs. "Your rooms are still the same."

Mabel sends a grin to her brother. "Race ya!" She takes off up the stairs before she even finished her own sentence and Dipper chases after her. "No fair you cheated!" Mabel just laughs and makes it to her room first. "I win!" she slams her door shut to start putting her stuff away. Dipper huffs both to catch his breath and out of belief that she cheated. He goes into his own room and closes the door then sets his bag down.

Dipper grins at what he sees on the bed, the doll sat on his bed with a little note beside it that read 'Welcome back.' he hurries over and picks the doll up. "Hey Bill I missed you." He hugs the doll and takes the note off the bed. It was probably from Ford and he set the doll and note on his bed as a form of welcome back since he was busy. How the poor child didn't know how wrong He was.

That damn doll was back! Ford didn't know where the doll hid for 5 years but the moment Dipper came back it showed up right back into the child's arms. He was going to take it away from Dipper if he had to before something bad happened.

It had been a week and Ford couldn't get any openings to get the doll. At night it hide when he went into Dippers room and during the day the boy never let go of the doll. What was worse it seemed Mabel was tired with bags under her eyes and her skim was really pale. This wasn't like her, she slept well at night but in the morning it seemed like she never slept at all. In the next week it was happening to Stanely as well, Ford couldn't explain it at all...then it happened to him. Dipper was the only one who didn't suffer anything like they were. It was both baffling and a bit disturbing. But after almost a month it all gradually stopped which the three were thankful for and so was Dipper.

2 weeks later and a thunderstorm started startling Dipper awake with a small scream. He went to hug Bill for comfort but he found the doll was nowhere in sight. Dipper panicked slightly thinking the doll fell and broke on the floor. He jumped out of bed and looked all over the room when he it wasn't on the floor or under the bed. Dipper leaves his room to go into Mabels thinking maybe she took it, but when he opened the door the room was empty.

Lightening strikes with a loud booming thunder making the windows practically shake at its force and volume as Dipper looked all over for any signs of his great uncles and Mabel. All was silent but for the rain belting itself against the windows like it wanted to break the glass just to flood the manor. Tree branches from a few near by trees tap and scratch at the glass like claws of predators and the small sound of Dippers bare feet on the carpet.

In a time like this the boy wished He was holding Bill, the doll brought him comfort and for some reason loved Mabel always claimed the doll gave off an evil aura every time it came anywhere near her or anyone else besides Dipper. A thud from the closed door beside Dipper made the poor 12 year old nearly jump out of his own skin. He reaches for the cold door handle and slowly turns it opens it. What he saw made his blood run cold and his body freeze. A fire was burning in that hearth of the fire place but what made him freeze were the three dolls on the floor.

They all resembled his great uncles and his sister but what was scary was the fact that they were still bits of flesh that had yet to become porcelain. A man stood over them and small little beams of wispy light were coming off his family and into the man. The man was wearing the same clothes as his doll was and his hair was the same as the dolls as well. The wisp beams drained into the man making his family completely into dolls. The boys attention was caught when the man picked up the dolls before throwing them into the fire. "No!" Dipper runs forward to save them but a hand grips his wrist stopping him.

The flames eat the clothing first before starting to consume the rest, the fire started to turn blue as he ate away at the dolls of his family. A hand gently grips the boys chin and has him face the now living person of what use to be a doll. "Hello Dipper~" he purrs with half lidded eyes. Dipper pulls back from him and takes steps backward towards the door. " killed them.." he says with a shaky voice. "Well yes I did." He starts to stalk closer as Dipper kept moving back which seemed to flash a hint of sadness to flesh through Bills eyes. "But why?" Dipper didn't know when tears started to stream down his face but it made sense with just losing his family.

"They wanted to take me away from you and to keep you away from me. I've never been loved like the way you've loved me those past months and these weeks. I can't lose you I just can't." He suddenly grins and his eyes seemed to flash with a new emotion Dipper didn't understand. Bill lunges forward to grab the boy but Dipper moves back and runs down the hallway.

Dipper keeps running not being able to tell if Bill was chasing him because of thunder and rain happening outside. He hurries into a room and closes the door as quickly and quietly as he could. Dipper could hear humming coming from the room he was in that gradually turned into singing.

You are my sunshine my only sunshine

Dipper looks for a lock to lock the door so he could keep Bill out but just his luck. There wasn't a lock.

You make me happy when skies are grey

He could hear the footsteps getting closer to the room he was hiding in. Dipper quickly hides under the bed since it was the only place to hide.

You'll never know dear how much I love you

Bill reached the door and opens it before stepping into the room. He closes the door behind himself and his eyes land on the bed. He slowly walks over before getting on his knees. The blanket was lifted and Dipper was staring into the electric blue eyes of the now living man who use to be his doll.

Please don't take my sunshine away

The Bill grinned and Dipper screamed.


Boom done! There will not I repeat Not! A second part. I'll leave it up to your imaginations on what happens next.

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