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    Dipper was tired of Bill's stupid games he would annoy him all day and in the dreamscape. He was sick if it he barely got any sleep and he had huge bags under his eyes. He was walking back to the shack after he ran away from Bill and his dumd deer teeth. He shudders all week he was been given intestines, deer teeth, and animal hearts it was just gross and he also has been having nightmares for the past few days.

  Dipper was so turned if all of it. The best part was that he hasn't seen or heard from Bill all day. Dipper sighs in relief that is until he hears a meow come from by his feet.

  He looks down and sees a yellow and black cat, with golden eyes. The cat was rubbing against his leg and meowing. He couldn't help but melt a little he has always had a sift spot for cats so he picks him up and cuddles him to his chest. The cats mews at him and paws his noise he can't help but smile as he walks back home with the bundle of fur.

  After some begging with his sister they final got his grunckle to let him keep the cat. He may be 17 but he still loved the purring thing in his arms. He just got the collar, toys, and other things his kitty would need.

   Its has been a few weeks since he got his cat he named the cat Dorito after he found said cat eating some of his chips when he was reading. The cat was a little possesive of him he wouldn't let Waddles near him, or his sister. He would cuddle against him and meow for his attention or claw his bed post until he finally he would pet the needy cat.

   Dipper was practicing magic today he was practicing a reveal spell he thought would come in handy some day. Right when he was going to finish the spell Hus cat jumps up the moment he is done reading and the spell swarms around his cat until smoke covers his room. When the smoke clears his sees a very naked neko Bill Cipher on his bed with blonde ears and tail. He blushes and stutters "B-bill!?!?" he shrieks!!!


  Bill smirks "Hello there Pine Tree" he coos. Dipper blush brightens. "Why are you a cat?" he asks. "I was bored and your a very good owner" Bill purrs. Dipper his face is completely red then when pounces on him his blush some how gets redder. "B-Bill w-what are y-you doing!" squeaks. Bill smirks and kisses him hard on the lips. Dipper eyes widen and he tries to push the demon now neko off him. Bill finally pulls back letting Dipper breath. "W-why did you..why are you?" he asks confussed.

  Bill smirks widens and he takes Dipper's wrists and pins him down. "I like you kid you couldn't tell with all my gifts to you? Wow I thought you were the smart one" he replies.


   Dipper eyes widen and he tries to wiggle out of Bill's grasp knowing what said demon was going to do to him. Bill smiles "So you did read the pages of demon corting, good now we can get right to it!" replies with a cheery voice. Dipper's face is a mixed between horror and fear he tries to get away from Bill before he binds their souls together.

  "Nononononono Bill don't!!!" he screams. Bill just smiles like a creep. "Why would I stop I'm not stopping you can scream all you like I put a spell around the room no one will desrupt us" Bill replies. Dipper tries to break his hold but Bill just holds him down tighter his tail swishing back and forth with excitement.

  "How about we play a game? This game will decide if I take you or not. All you have to do is run and hide in the woods for an hour if you can avoid being captured you win.(he pauses) But if I win your mine!" He says in a possessive tone. Dipper nods and gets up and runs out the door into the woods away from the demon.

  Bill smirks and says "Let the games begin".

CLIFF HANGER!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA SUCKERS!!!! You have to wait for part two because I'm evil plus it was Bill's idea for a cliff hanger. REALITY IS AN ILLISION THE UNIVERSE IS A HOLOGROM BUY GOLD BYE!!!!!


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