Naga Bill part 2

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Okay I have had a few people for a second part and my friend doll gave me a idea on how to continue it. Bare with me I'm not very good at what's about to happen so bare with me people.

Dipper felt like they have been walking for hours and the forest and the trees and everything seem to be getting thicker.

It really didn't help when he was being dragged along a still grinning naga and the forest was getting darker and darker, he didn't even recognize this part of the woods.

Bill comes to a stop at a cave that goes under ground still smiling. "Welcome to my den. Aw don't look so down Pine Tree you'll like it here." Dipper rolls eyes. "Oh this is going to be a blast I just love that I'm being kidnapped." He says with fake enthusiasm.

Bills smile doesn't faulter. 'That's the spirit kid!" The blonde naga pulls the protesting brunette down into his den.

Bill pulls the boy into the deepest part of the den with soft moss, animal furs, and some leaves for bedding on the ground. There were pretty glowing crystals on the roof of the cave giving off a gentle green light. The blonde basically throws the smaller of them onto the nest.

Dipper sits up and looks around the area then back at the blonde naga that's in the way of the only tunnel out of the den. "Uh..what now? You can't keep me in here forever." Bill comes over and wraps part of his tail around the boy. "Oh yes I can kid and your going to be my mate."

Dippers jaw drops and he shakes his head. "What?! No that's not how it works! I don't want to stay here and be your mate!" Bill gives a small growl and tightens part of his tail around the brunette. "Listen here Pine Tree I like you and I don't take interest in many things and I can make you happy if you just give me a chance."

Dipper shakes his head and tries to move away from the naga. "No! Let me go!" Bill loosens his tail from the brunette and pins him down onto the nest and rewraps his tail around his legs as the boy continues to struggle.

Bill growls as he dodges a punch meant for his face and pinches a nerve on the humans neck making him still and fall unconscious.

Letting the naga loosen his hold on the now sleeping boy. He strips the human of his clothes and throws the clothing to the side like it offended him. Bill looks over the boys body.

He examines his stomach and entrance with a nod of approvel he wraps himself around the brunette and waits for him to wake up.

A few hours later Dipper wakes up with a groan and tries to move to find he couldn't move much. He opens his eyes to see a human torso with a scaly body wrapped around his own.

Memories from hours ago come back to him and he stiffens his whole body freezing with fear and slight anger. Feeling the body next to him tighten around him he stays still as possible then breaths a sigh of relief when the naga stays asleep.

Dipper slowly inches himself out of the nagas hold and blushes lightly as he realizes he is naked. Shooting a small glare to sleeping blonde creature he finds his clothes and quickly puts them on as quietly as possible.

He slips out of the nest part of the den and feels his way around the tunnel because of the lack of lighting. He stops when he hears a screeching sound and quickly picks up his pace when he realizes it came from behind him.

He runs as fast as he can without falling and almost smilies with happiness when he sees light up ahead. Its short lived when something grabs his ankle and he gives a pained cry when he falls onto the rocky floor.

Dipper turns his head to see what grabbed his ankle and regrets it seeing a very angry naga Bill.

Bills eyes are both red with a white irises and he keeps a firm hand on the humans ankle making him wince. "Where do you think your going?" They way his voice came out in a hiss caused warning bells to off in teens head making him want to become one with the ground.

Bills anger lessens seeing the teens fear but doesn't let him go. "Its rude to try and run away from your mate kid." He hisses and grabs the teen before he can try to run again.

Dippers fear lessens and he kicks and struggles in the nagas hold. "I am not your mate let me go!" Bill pulls him back into the nest part of the den and throws him down onto it. "I say you are and I'm going to show you how wrong you are for trying to leave."

He pins the teen down onto nest and rips through his shirt as Dipper kicks and protests as he tears off his clothes. "No hey stop it!" He continues to kick and stuggle until all his clothes are torn off.

Bill grabs the now naked human and holds him down and hisses in his ear. "Don't struggle Pine Tree or its going to hurt kid."


Okay! I don't know how to do the next part so I'm going to talk to doll about it so I'll update the next part soon! And if not then I'll just make a new one shot and continue this later

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