New life with the blonde man

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Dipper will be a neko but he stays a kitten all the time in the pet store so nobody knows what he is and Mabels the owner of the store and Dippers favorite person since he came to the pet store. So let's see what I write my lovelies.

A small bundle of brown fur with ears and a little tail sleeps peacefully in his cage curled. The kittens ear twitches as the sound of a the store door being unlocked.

A girl with long brown hair and pretty brown eyes. She smiles as she ears some birds chirp and tweet as she comes in and a few dog's bark for attention.

She flips the sign to open and starts cleaning up and giving all the animals their food and let's the dogs into the play area in the building.

Inside the cage the brown kitten stretches and waits for Mabel to come to his cage and if he could smile in this form he could.

Mabel reaches the small brown kittens cage who's name was Dipper. She discovered him at the pet stores door with a note telling of the kittens name and to find him a good home.

Mabel smiles and sets the dish of tuna in the kittens cage. "Hi Dipper good morning." She gets a mew in reply and she awes at him. He was just so cute he was a little ball of brown fluff with light brown eyes that seemed to have different shades to them. She pets his head making him purr before moving on to feed the rest of the animals.

Dipper happily starts eating his tuna. 'There's no way in eating that gross dry stuff they call cat food.' he thinks to himself and had a small smug look as a few cats look at his tuna with hungry eyes.

He pushs his bowl further int the cage so he can eat in peace. The bell at the top of the door chimes as signaling a person came into the store. The puppies from the clear pen bark and whine as they press against the glass and move as the man walks in hoping to grab his attention so they would pick them. The other sleepy puppies just lay asleep as the others play and flop over them.

The man walks over to Mabel and clears his throat. The brunette turns around and smiles at the blonde. "Hello sir can I help you?" She asks sweetly and wipes the stray feathers off her green sweater with black puppy paws on it.

"Yes actually I was looking a pet and I'm not talking about a pet that would be too much of a hassle."

Mabel smiles. "Oh then you would probably want a cat we have many to choose from!" she chirps and they walk around the cages of all the cats. A few hiss at Bill when he passes and a few try to get his attention by rubbing against the bars. The rest of them are either asleep or just plain not interested in the man looking through the bars of their cages.

The guy stops at Dippers cage and Dipper looks at him as he finishes his tuna. The man had yellow hair that looked golden when the light from the window hit it and his white shirt looked neat and clean while his jeans were black along with his shoes. He had multiple tattoos along his arms and had his ears pierced with golden triangles. His eyes were a golden color with small slivers of blue into the mix.

Dipper thought the man was breathtaking but he didn't want him to be picked he liked it here and hoped one day Mabel would take him home with her. She brushed him and ways talked to him and even gave him tuna and actual chicken and Turkey instead of that canned crap they called cat food.

Bill points at Dipper muc to his silent horror. "This one." The brown kitten who's actually a neko hisses at Bill. Mabel looks sad for a moment at losing him and Dipper silently hopes she says he's not for sale.

'Please don't let this happen Mabel!' He screams in his head and gives her the best kitty eyes he can and hopes it helps her sway into his favor. But much to his horror she agrees and helps the man known as Bill as he tells her grabs some things he would need for a kitten.

While Mabel rings up the price Bill opens his cage and scoops him up before he can bite or scratch at his hand and places him in a blue cat carrier.

Dipper scratches at the carrier and looks at Mabel and sends her a pleading look not to sell him and to quickly take him away from this man.

Either she didn't see his face or thought this was best for him. She gave him a collar with his name on it. As he's being carried he meows and paws at the bars. 'Mabel please donblet this man take me! Look at me and save me!' He meows again but Mabel only smiles at him tho it looked a little sad.

Bill sets the carrier in the passenger seat and closes the door. Dipper paws at the bars and tries to get out. 'oh no he's taking me home for real! Mabel please come save me! Stupid paws and my small form without thumbs!'

Bill gets in the divers seat and makes sure the cat carrier won't slide along the seat before starting to drive back to his house.

Dipper gives up at trying to escape the carrier after a few minutes. He was far away from the pet shop now and what was he going to do if he did get out anyway? He internally sighs and lays down curled up in a ball at in a corner of the carrier away from the opening of it.

Without much to do and the mostly smooth ride he finds himself falling asleep before they reach the blondes home.

Bill parks in his drive way and pulls the key out of the ignition. He grabs the carrier and the bags with the kittens things in it then unlocks the door to his house and steps inside.

He sets the carrier down and opens it then smiles at the small kitten asleep curled up in the carrier. Bill goes through the bags and sets up everything.

A small bang woke Dipper up and makes him jolt awake then press against the carrier waiting for any danger. When nothing happens Dipper slowly moves to the opening of the carrier and peeks his head out. The home he was in smelt like cinnamon and something sweet. Maybe the tattooed man made a pie.

Gaining a little more courage he steps out of the carrier and onto the white fluffy carpet. Oh this was nice. Dipper lays down and rolls on the carpet and sniffs it. He could sleep on this. Dipper gets back up when he hears foot steps and quickly runs into another room.

Bl had wood flooring in here so it made him scit across the floor a little and Dipper quickly ducks back into the living room and hides under the couch.

"Kitty? Where did you go?" Dipper snorts in his head. 'You won't find me and I'll just be a pain so you take me back to Mabel.'

Bill sighed then pulls out a laser pointer from the toy bag. If the kitty didn't want to come out then he can find out where it went. He shines it on the carpet and moves it around.

Dippers eyes fall on the dot and feels the need to chase it. 'No I must resist!' that thought goes out the window as it comes closer to the couch and moves away again. Dipper bolts out from under the couch and chases after the red dot. 'Come back here!' he yells in his mind and it comes out as a mew as he keeps chasing it.

He didn't see the blonde walk closer nor hear his chuckle as he pounces where the dot was. 'Ha I caught it!' he cheers in his own mind then lifts his paws and the lights not there.

Bill picks up the kitten after he turned the laser pointer off. "Found you." He takes out the collar and tries to put it on Dipper but he kept moving and scratching at his hands. "Ow stop and hold still." he sets the kitten down on the couch and holds him down with one hand and puts the collar around Dippers neck.

Bill smirks slightly as he watches the kitten try to bite and wiggle out of the collar. "That's not comming off and come on I bet your hungry." Bill scoops him up again and Dipper naws on the collar then stops. 'I hate this man..' he grumbles in his head and hopes Mabel told him what kind of food he eats.

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