Sugar high

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     I got this idea from Thestars12346 so thank them for this one shot. Enjoy! And beware Bill on a sugar high can't ever be good.

   Mabel pulled out a packet of Smile Dip and ripped open the top and dumped some in her mouth when someone pulled it out if her hand. "Mabel I though I told you your not allowed to eat this its illegal to even have it!" Dipped scolds his sister as she pouts. "But Diiiippppeeeerrr its ssooo gooood!" She whines and flops onto the floor. "I need it!" She puts her hands together with puppy dog eyes hoping he will give her the packet back.

   He just frowns and throws away the packet of Smile Dip. "No I will not have you having another stomach ache and deal with you when your all drugged up on it." He goes to his room where they switched their bodies the first summer. Mabel waited for the door to close before pulling out another packet from who knows where and opening that one.

    Bill walked into the shack to start his shift when he saw Mabel opening a packet of some sort if candy. "Hey shooting star what do you have their?" He walks up to her and taos her shoulder while she turns around to fave him. "Oh just some Smile Dip do you want some?" She asks showing him the packet of the sugary powder candy.

    Bill takes it and inspects the back and front of it before picking up the candy sit and pulling out a big glob of the sparkly and rainbow colored candy. "This looks like your mind colorful and way to sparkly to be good." He gives it a small lick then perks up. "I take it back this is good!"

    Mabel smiles abd watches the demon eat the while packet into its gone. "Aw shooting stat its all gone!" He whines with a pout on his face. She pulls out another packet and hands it to Bill as he tears it open and dumps it into his mouth.


   Bill was giggling on the ground staring at the ceiling like it was the most funniest thing on the planet. "Hehe..*hiccup* pine trees are made of icecream....I'll save you princess circle!" He giggles with a stupid smile on his face. Mabel covers her mouth and quickly knocks on Dippers door. "Dipper Bills here and he's acting like a crazy person!" She laughs and looks back into the gift shop as Bill has a staring contest with the jar of eye balls.

   He opens the door and looks at his sister. "When doesn't he act like crazy person he has even said himself he was insane." Mabel pulls his arm and drags him into the gift shop just as Bill was glaring at the Jackalope. "You think you can defeat me *hiccup* deer lord well I'm better then you in even way. Pine Trees..*hiccup* mine you crazy deer rabbit thing." He slurrs a bit and knocks the fake display off and laughs like a mad man.

   Dipper blushes a bit being called his. "Mabel what did you do to him?" She rocks on her heeks with a smile on her face. "I might have given him some Smile Dip." She says in a innocent tone while Dipper stares at her in disbelive. "You gave a Bill Cipher a being of pure energy a packet if Smile Dip?" He asks slowly trying to see if this is a dream or reality. She looks at the ground. "More like 8 or 9 possible 10...." she trails off looking at the wall while Dippers mouth hangs open. "You gave him 10 packets?!"

   She nods with a sheepish smile. "He wanted more and I gave him more but just look at him Dipper now you can tell him you like him without the fear of him rejecting you!" She tries to lighten the mood when Bill tackles Dipper to the ground. "Ah Bill get off me Mabel help!" He tries to push the demon off as he hugs his middle. "Mabel seriously help me get him off me!"

   His sister just laughing and pulls out her camera and takes a few pintures. "Bill please get off me!" He tries to push him off again but he just hugs his middle tighter. Bill lifts his head and gets closer to Dippers face. "You hold the key to my heart I must get it!" He mutters and opens Dippers mouth and grabs his tongue in his hand. He swats the hand away. "Ew Bill gross and your on a sugar high your not in your right mind...actually you never are but get off me Bil..!" He was cut off as he the demon places his lips upon the humans and forces his tongue into his mouth.

    Dipper blushed a bright red as Bill kisses him. Mabel smiles and takes a picture with her camera. Bill finally pulls away. "I have now claimed you in the name of Cipher!" He giggles then flops onto the floor as he crashes from his sugar high. Dipper quickly stands and chases Mabel for the camera. "Mabel give me that camera!" He shouts at his sibling as she runs into her room and locks the door. "Wait until Pacifica sees this!"

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