The watery depths part2

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Sup my people so after this one who wants me a write either a Trans Dipper or a creepypasta Billdip one shot? If you all want a Creepypasta one should Bill be either Eyeless jack, Laughing jack, or Jeff the killer? Or should I just make part three to The watery depths? Or maybe even write part three to Ancient discovery? Your choice readers.

Bill slowly opened his eyes with a groan. He felt sore and his shoulder was killing him. He slowly sits up and carefully moves part of his shirt to see what made his shoulder hurt so badly.

On his shoulder we deep bite marks that looked between a shark and a vampire fish. The last few hours come back to Bill in a instant and he looks around.

He wasn't underwater and the siren wasn't anywhere to be seen. It looked like he was in a cave, the walls were a dark grey and light seemed to come from the water near where Bill was sitting.

The cave walls were high but he could see where the cave ended so that means the only way out was to swim through the water which was something the blonde didn't want to do.

But what catch his eye in the cave were the mounds of gold, silver, jewels there were all over. Bill thinks back to all the stories of this island.

"This must be why they either come back empty handed or don't come back at all.." he murmurs. All along the sirens were the only ones who could get the treasure because it was in a underwater cave.

Bill slowly sits all the way up, he licks his dry lips then looks to the water. It was probably day time with all the light that was reflecting in the water. Rubbing the bite mark to help ease some of the pain he vagly wonders how long he had been down there and where the siren was?

The blue tailed siren probably wasn't going to eat him as far as we could tell. If he wanted to eat him he would have. But why keep him alive in the first place? Weren't sirens suppose to be beautiful creatures that killed humans for food?

He was pulled out of his thoughts hearing a splash and turns to the water.

There was the siren who pulled him under last night with a fish in its mouth.

Bill moves away and watches the creature as it climbs up using his arms onto the stone floor of the cave. He drops the fish and moves it over to the pirate.

Bill wrinkles his nose at the raw and still moving fish. "I'm not taking that." He kicks the fish back to the siren.

The blue tailed siren picks the fish back up and dives back under the water leaving Bill alone in the cave again.

Bill sighs and relaxes the best he can in the cave. The blonde was not going to eat raw fish he still had some pride left and he was not eating a raw fish no matter if he was hungry.

He hears the splashing again and the siren pops back on the cave floor with a wooden crate. Bill recognized it as one of the food crates filled with dried meat and a few different fruits.

His stomach growls and he eyes the siren by the crate. He vagly wondered how the sire climbed up onto his ship and got the crate from the kitchen.

The siren pushes it beside Bill and looks at him expectingly. The blonde eyes the crate then at the siren. It was creepy how he watched his every move with those big brown eyes.

He puts one hand on the small crate and moves it over to him. Bill opens it and grabs a piece of dried meat and begins to eat it.

Now if only he had water then Bill would be able to fulling think. He didn't notice the siren move closer to him or when he moved behind him.

After he finished the dried meat he grabs a apple and takes a bite and takes another bite. It felt good to eat the apple and with them being mostly water it helped with ease the pain on his slightly dried throat.

He finishes off the apple and looks around. Where did the siren go? He didn't hear a splash so that means he didn't leave.

His answer came when he feels a body goes against his and knock him down onto his stomach.

Bill looks over his shoulder intending to glare and shout curses at the creature on top of him but stops seeing the sirens once brown eyes glow blue.

The siren slips him onto his back and nuzzles the blondes neck making clicking and chirping sounds.

Bill feels a bit creeped out and goes to move away from the siren. It moves its tail around his legs and wraps his arms around his torso keeping his arms pinned at his side.

Bill starts to struggle. "Let go and get off me!" The siren lifts his head with his eyes still glowing blue and sings.

It sounds like a lullaby a mother would sing to their child when they couldn't sleep but it sounded a little more like a haunted melody. Bills eye lids started to droop and his body seases to struggle and goes limp. His eyes slowly close against his better judgement and he succumbs to sleep.

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