Troubles of a super hero

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Okay okay I just found out who deadpool is and I came up with an idea with a friend where Bills going to be deadpool and Dipper spiderman!

Spiderman aka Dipper Pines makes it back to his apartment through his window after just stopping a robbery. "Stupid Robbie's do they ever learn?" He pulls off his mask and runs a hand through his messy brown curls.

"Have a rough day kid?" A voice asks from his bed and Dipper jumps then scowls at the red and black ani-hero. "Bill what the fuck! I told you to stop breaking into my house!"

He just shrugs. "I didn't break in...actually no I did!" He starts laughing like its thr funniest joke on the planet. Dipper scowls and opens his trunk here he likes to keep his spideman uniform and places his mask inside. "Well good for you Bill now get out of my get out of my damn house!"

Bill folds his hands behind his head while still in his uniform. "Nah I like your house and I like you Pine Tree!" Dipper huffs and moves into the bathroom to change. "When I'm done you better be out of my house or else I will hang you on the flag pole again!"


Dipper steps out of the shower and quickly gets dressed as he steps out of the bathroom drying his hair. "You better have left or I'm hanging you outside." He says as he puts his suit away. Bill sneaks up behind him still wearing his suit and tackles him to the ground. "Ah! Bill you ass get off me!" The brunette shouts while trying to get Bill off him. "Not unless you give me a kiss!" The insane anti-hero coos under his mask.

Dipper huffs and glares up at the red masked blonde. "No get off me before I web you to my ceiling." The brown eyed male warns while Bill pokes his nose. "If you do that I can be with my spider forever!" He chirps while the smaller male sighs and raises his hand and shoots a web so Deadpool is webbed to his ceiling.

"Hey! Pine Tree let me down!" He wiggles in the webbing as Dipper stands and places his hat on his head. "Well I'm going out have fun." He moves to the door as Bill pouts behind his mask. "Can I come too?" He asks. "No." Dipper closes the door and goes down the street and takes a sighs in relief. But what he didn't see was that Bill was following him to the store.

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