We just met

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I didn't know what to do for a title so I went with this. This fanfic was inspired by @CloseTheDamnDoor if you want follow this person they are awesome and an amazing friend.

Dipper was cleaning the counter to the bar her worked at. It might only be his second day here but the owner told him he was probably the best help they had here. The only other bartender was a red head named Wendy but she rarely came into work and often got into fights with drunks.

He hums as he cleans a the counter while he waits for any customers to stop by. Mabel hops up and sits right on the counter right where Dipper just cleaned. "Really Mabel I just cleaned there." He scowls a bit while his sister just smiles. "Sorry bro bro but I'm going to be going to Grendas tonight I'll be gone for a day or two so have fun!" She runs out if the bar before Dipper can tell her otherwise.

He leans over the counter then pulls out his phone checking his messages. A blonde walks into the bar and sits on a stool. He look up lazily expectly to see some chick or old dude but takes a double take seeing the young teen in front of him.

Dipper looks up from his phone and jumps a bit seeing the man in front of him. He didn't even see or hear him come in oh well at least he had something to do now. He puts on his best show smile. "Welcome to the Mystery Shack bar what can I get you? White Island, shot?" He asks while the blonde props his head on one hand. "How about your phone number?" He says in a segestive tone.

Dipper looks at him with a faint blush dusting his cheeks. "Sorry I don't give my number to strangers so please order something or just leave." He picks up a glass and washes it with a rag. "Ooo did I annoy you Pine Tree? Well if I can't at least get your name mines Bill Bill Cipher as your service." He takes his hand and kisses it before Dipper could pull his hand back.

His blush grows slightly and he pulls his cap down over his eyes. "Dipper Dipper Pines and if your not going to order my shifts over Wendy can help you then." I move our from behind the counter and move to the back room to grab my keys but they weren't on the key rack. "Mabel." He whispers with a slight scowl.

He groans and walks back out if the break room. He jumps again seeing Bill lean against the door. "Need a ride Pine Tree?" Bill smirks already knowing the answer. Dipper looks at Bill then his phone it was still day time but he didn't really want to walk all the way home. "Fine alright let's go then."

Bill smiles in victory and leads Dipper to his motorcycle then hands him a spare helmet. "You ride a mortorcycle?" He asks as he straps on his helmet. "Yeah this is my baby I have had this bike for 2 years." He settled himself on the bike and motions for Dipper to sit behind him. The smaller male sits behind him and slowly wraps his arms around Bills torso as he starts the engine and speeds off down the road while Dipper holds on tighter.

The brunette looks as they pass by houses and looks back when they pass his. "Bill you passed my house!" He shouts over the raor of the engine. Bill looks back with a smile on his face. "Were going to my place for a bit." He answers back.

They pull over and Bill walks his bike into a garage that was connected to his house. "Go inside and make yourself at home I need to but my bike away." He opens the door to the garage while Dipper slowly makes his way inside. He stakes his shoes off by door then Dipper looks around the room in awe, everything Bill had looked expensive and for some reason golden. 'He must really like yellow' he thinks as he lays on his back on the couch. The brunette closes his eyes enjoying the peace and quiet.

Bill locks the door to his garage then walks back up to the house and pulls off his shoes by the door before stepping into the house. He looks around the living room before spotting Dipper almost asleep on his couch. Bill smirks and slowly makes his way over to the brunette and carefully straddles his waist then pins his hands over his head before lightly tickling his side.

Dippers eyes snap open and he tries to get the blonde off him as he laughs and attempts to pull his hands away from Bills iron grip. "Hahahaha!!! B-bill! S-stop!" He laughs and kicks his legs while Bill smiles and giggles a bit. "Say please~" he tease with a slight smirk. Dipper is still laughing and a few tears fall down his face from laughing so hard. "Bil-l hahaha please! Stop!!" He breaths heavy as the blonde watches him and waits for him to catch his breath. "Your..an..ass!" Dipper grounds out with a slight scowl that looks more like a pout. "And your adorable Pine Tree."

The brunette huffs and crosses his arms. "Can I go home now?" Bill taps his chin as if thinking about it. "How about...no!" He smiles innocently. "Your staying the night as punishment for not giving me your phone number." He jumps off Dipper and grabs his hand pulling him into his room. Dipper blushes and sits on Bills bed as he grabs clothes for him to wear. The blonde grabs a pair of black pajama pants, and a white T-shirt for Dipper to change into. "Here put these on." He tosses the clothes to the brunette as he goes into the bathroom to change.

Dipper sighs and quickly changes into the pajamas before Bill comes out of the bathroom wearing yellow and black pajamas. "Alright we are both sharing my bed!" He chirps with s big smile on his face while Dipper shakes his head. "No I just met you today and haven't even known you for a few hours and now you want me to sleep in your bed."

"Aw why not Pine Tree?" He pouts.

"I already said I just met you and I don't want to sleep in the same bed as you."

"Ouch that's cold Pine Tree that cut me deep."

"Well I'm not sleepy in your bed."

"Aw come on kid please just for tonight or I won't bring you home!" He crosses his arms with a smug look on his face.

Dipper bites his bottom lip and thinks it over he didn't have his car and Mabel could be gone for a few days plus he didn't have his phone charger to call a cab or even his wallet. He sighs then looks back at Bill. "Alright fine but no cuddling!" He says strictly and then lays on the far side of the bed.

The blonde grins and turns off the lights and hops into the bed with the brunette. He moves as close as he dares to Dippers while the younger man moves closer to the wall away from Bill. The blonde moves a bit closer and snuggles into Dippers back. "Bill I said no cuddling." He looks over his shoulder to see Bill already asleep while holding onto his turso. Dipper sighs and lays his head back down. 'Why do these things happen to me?' He closes his eyes and slowly falls asleep.

Yellow did you miss me? Admit it you missed me! I might have a part two! I got the idea from CloseTheDamnDoor so we will see what happens.

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