Chapter 4

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*Dipper's pov*
Okay. Today's the dance and I have to ask (y/n) out. But how? Let's make a plan. Then I unraveled a long sheet of paper. "Step o-" I didn't even finish my sentence when Bill came in the room.
"Hey Pine Tree!" Bill yelled. "What are you writing?"
I panicked. "U-ummm... Nothing important." I said as I put the plan behind my back.
"Come on Pine Tree!" Bill said as he grabbed the sheet of paper behind my back.
When Bill finished reading Bill said, "You should know that this plan is not going to work. Remember last time with Wendy?"
I could tell he was kinda jealous for some reason. "Fiine... I won't follow this plan." I said as I ripped the plan into shreds.

*Bill's pov*
If Dipper's the one who ends up dancing with (y/n), I obviously won't be happy. Then I saw Dipper and (y/n) talking downstairs. "Hi (y/n)!" I said cheerfully.
"Hello!" (Y/n) replied.
"Hey." Pine Tree replied.
"Hello!!" Mabel yelled at my face as she burst out of nowhere.
I was shocked. I tripped over my own shoe and fell down. Then (y/n) came to me and helped me up. I saw Dipper secretly glaring at me. I just smiled. "You okay?" (Y/n) asked.
"Im fine! Thanks! And by the way... you know the dance t-that's coming up right?"
I asked nervously.
"Of course I do!" (Y/n) said. "Why did you ask?"
"Because... I want to ask you something." I said.
"What is it?" (Y/n) asked.
"May you come to the dance wit-" then Pine Tree lost it again.
He dragged me out to the forest putting his hand over my mouth.

*your pov*
What's up with them lately? Oh well. "(Y/n)! Want to go watch another movie?" Mabel asked.
"Sure!" I said. "I will go get the popcorn like last time!"
"I will choose the movie!" Mabel said as she ran to the television.
When we got ready, me and Mabel sat down on the couch and started the movie.

*Dipper's pov*
"Why were you going to ask her out?" I asked. "Do you like her too or something?"
Bill then said," I do like her. But I don't what to start a scene. Okay? I promise I won't ask her again." Bill then had his fingers secretly crossed. But I didn't know that.
"Fine." I said with a sigh. Then I went back to the mystery shack.
Bill just sat there.

Tell me, do you want Dipper to go to the dance with you or do you want Bill to go with you? If none of you say anything I will choose Dipper. Bye-bye!~

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