Chapter 13 - the baby with a special mark.

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Dipsy's pov

It had been about a month since TinkyWinky was in the hospital along with the baby...damn bastard next time I see him trying to take Tinky away from me it's personal...and I will rip his head off... I asked the doctor if Tinky and the baby are alright. The doctor replied, both are alright but... I asked, but what? The doctor said, well...there's something unusual about the baby...her antenna is like TinkyWinkys but she has a pink moon and two blue star birthmark in her cheek...which is unusually extraordinary but we need to hold the baby for about a for Tinky he's alright...but he has some marks on him and he was undoubtably you can see him and the baby. I nodded before seeing both the baby and TinkyWinky who was asleep. I smiled and whispered, thank god he's okay...*I looked at the baby beside him...yeah it's a girl...I'll admit she's kinda an unusual teletubby.* I smiled and thought, she looks more like Tinky than that monster...thank God for that...she's really cute... I looked at her as she opened her dark blue eyes. I smiled and said, aww...hey there... she smiled at me as her birth mark glowed a little bright. The doctor walked in and said, excuse me sir...I know it's a bit sudden but...I may need to ask you to leave so TinkyWinky can rest... I said, I understand but...doc?...would it be okay if I give the baby a name? The doctor smiled as she said, it's one quiet gave her a name yet anyway... Dipsy said, thanks...*to the baby.* alright sweetie I'm gonna pick a name for about...*seeing her birthmark glowing like a prism and lovely as a rose so I decided what to name her.* PrismRose?..*She smiled as I said PrismRose.* love it...then I'll call you PrismRose. I smiled before I said to the doctor, thanks doctor. The Doctor said as she nod, it's no problem sir...

TinkyWinkys pov

I woke up as I saw Dipsy leave. I smiled and thought, thank you...Dipsy. The doctor said as she walked to me, your awake...the baby and you are gonna be okay.. a voice yelled, HEY DOCTOR THE FAMILY IS HERE!!.. The doctor yelled, SEND THEM IN!! Then the Doctor said to me, you just need to rest for a few weeks we're keeping the baby here for a week if that's okay. I said, please do...I hope she's okay... the doctor nodded before walked off and my parents and sister walked in before Lilly-Milly ran to me and hugged me. My mother said, my baby...are you alright? I nodded before my parents and sister hugged me as I cried.

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