Prologue - confession

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Tinky-Winkys pov

I was so nervous but I had to confess my love for Dipsy...he's so handsome...besides LaaLaa has that whiteTeletubby and Po has that shadowtubby...which is weird... but any way it was a perfect opportunity to tell Dipsy how I feel... I saw him talking with his brothers Tipsy and Finley. I was so nervous as I walked off I saw my sister Lilly-Milly as she said, where are you going big brother? I replied, ehh...nowhere Lilly... Lilly-Milly was the only one besides my mother who knew my crush on Dipsy. Lilly said to me, come on Tinky you know you can tell him how you feel...besides I'm sure he will feel the same way. I said, I hope your right little sister. I nodded knowing she was right... I walked to him nervously as his brothers left then he saw me as I gasped and looked away from him as I blushed a bright red. I walked to him and then I stopped in front of him as I said timidly, I...I...Dipsy?...I...
there's something...I...I wanna tell you...for...for...for a while now... he looked at me and said, okay what is it Tinky? I said timidly again, Dipsy...I...I...I...I...I love you.. Dipsy blushes and said, Tinky-Winky...*I waited for him to reject me or at least say he doesn't feel the same way but instead I heard what made my heart pound* I don't know what to know...I feel the same way as you...*he puts a hand on my shoulder as I looked at him* I asked, do?...*he nodded his head* Then he took my hand as I worried if anyone knows about us I will cry and be embarrassed. Dipsy asked, hey...what's wrong Tinkywinky? I replied as I had tears in my eyes, because...I'm scared...what people would think of us if they... he interrupts me as he caressed my cheek,'s okay...if anyone asks we'll face it together whether they like it or not... to be honest I had a crush on you since I first saw were the light of my whole life. I blushed pink as I smiled and said, Dipsy...I don't know what to say... Dipsy hugged me as the wind blew. But little did I know that things will become dark soon. And that's only the beginning.

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