Chapter Seventeen

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I'm feeling invincible when I Face Time Cata later that night after I'm done gaming. Everything I've worked for is about to pay off. Everything I've ever wanted is within reach. I feel primal, raw, on top of the fucking world.

"Are you coming over?" is the first thing out of her mouth. No hello, only an intense, sexy stare. I laugh. She's the cutest when she's eager.

"Do you want me to?"

"Of course I want you to. Are you joking?" That's Cata's signature line.

I laugh. "Are you waiting for me in bed?"

"Answer me," she pouts.

"So demanding and impatient. Jeez."

I watch her huff and shift against her pillows. She's wearing a little white tank top, and I can see the outline of her nipples. They're puckered and hard. My cock responds, and I think about tilting the camera to show her but decide against it.

Waiting two weeks to have any kind of physical contact has been the best thing for us, and for my desire. I'm constantly horny around her, and in some fucked-up way, it's inspired me into being hyper-focused on my business -- and on winning her back at all costs. Both goals require patience and a reminder that it's the long game that matters. Not temporary, short-term pleasure. I came so close to that earlier on the sofa with her, though. She was too tempting in her little dress and her wildflower perfume.

The video's jumpy when she rearranges herself on the bed, and I catch a glimpse of her bare legs and black lace panties. Combined with her long, blonde hair and dark glasses, the whole package is like my kryptonite.

I groan out loud. "You're teasing me."

"No, you're the one who teased me this afternoon. So I'll stop teasing now if you hang up and drive to my house. Are you coming over?"

"No." I grin. This is going to be fun, what I'm about to tell her.

The corners of her mouth turn down, and her voice stops being playful. She moves the phone closer to her face. "Why?"

"Because I have to get some rest tonight because I'm going to Miami tomorrow."

She moves the phone away from her face and tilts her head. "What? Explain."

"Do you remember how I said that I've been in touch with that company about selling Gamerhouse? Well, the CEO emailed me earlier this week. I didn't want to tell you until I had everything lined up. He's going to be in Miami and wants to meet."



"Oh. So I guess I won't see you this weekend." It's so cute, how disappointed she sounds.

"Well, I asked if I could bring my Vice President of Communications along, and he said yes."

A huge smile spreads across her face. "Diego!" she squeals. "That's amazing!"

"I need you there."

"So I'm the Vice President of Communications? Did I get a promotion?"

"Yes. You did. Which means I'll pick you up tomorrow morning at eight. We have to be at the executive airport by nine-thirty. Sergei and Sahara have booked a private jet for us."

Her mouth drops open but nothing comes out, and the video on the screen goes black.

"Sorry! Sorry! I dropped the phone," she shouts, the screen flashing and moving until she comes back into focus.

I can tell by her grin that she's impressed. Excellent. Now comes the really good part. "Pack enough for the weekend, baby girl. I've reserved a suite for us on South Beach at the Tides Hotel."

She laughs and looks so sexy when she tilts her head back and flops against her pillows.

"No way!" she squeals.

"Is that okay?" I ask in a mock-serious voice. "I thought we could have a mini-vacation. Go to that good comic book store that we went to that one time in high school. And do ... whatever else we want."

She smiles big and tosses her hair.

I let the idea of us, in a luxury hotel suite, hang in the air. I watch her inhale deeply.

"Cata, if you want to stay here, that's okay, I can do this alone—"

"No. I'm going. It's perfect. I want to be there for you," she says quickly. Her brow then furrows a little, and I watch her gorgeous body climb out of bed and go to her desk, where she turns on her laptop.

"What are you doing?"

She tilts the camera toward her face, which has this sexy-serious look. "I've got work to do. I want to make sure we're prepared with some facts and figures about Gamerhouse. I want to put together a highlight reel of clips, too."

Cata rattled off a list of statistics and details and reports that we might need, things that I didn't even think of.

"I'll take care of it all," she said. "You get some sleep."

As I hung up the phone, I felt a mix of pride, lust, and relief.

Of all the women I could have fallen in love with, I picked the smart one.


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