Chapter Twenty-One

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Normally I'm an introvert. I can handle living with Sawyer and Liam because technically, they don't share space inside my house. I'm an only child and prefer online interaction to the real thing.

Except when it comes to Cata.

It's Sunday afternoon, and I'm watching her pull on a black tank top dress. Swipe shiny lip stuff on her mouth while looking at herself in the full-length mirror. She's now looking at her shoes. It's a fascinating ritual to me, and I'm interested in it all. The other two women I've been with, I wasn't with them long enough to watch them primp and get ready. I only had sex with them. They were nice enough women, but after we'd slept together, I felt awkward. Not fascinated, like I am with Cata.

Not comfortable, like am with Cata.

Cata's brows furrow when she tries on one pair of shoes, and then another. A smile breaks out on my face while watching her. When I'm around her, it's like she's this more evolved and slightly mysterious being from another planet.

"Which do you like? These?" she shows me a black, strappy sandal with a flat heel.

"Or these?" She slips on a higher-heeled shoe.

What am I supposed to say? I'm a guy who owns two suits and a drawer full of track pants and T-shirts. "Umm, those?" I say, pointing at the low sandal, then at the other pair. "Or those? They're sexy. I guess. I'm not sure."

I pause and shift the pillow behind me. Shoes are a mystery, and I'd prefer to think about something more concrete, like food. "What do you think about going to Tampa next weekend? I heard there's a new place to get wings."

Cata cocks her head. "Wings?"

"Yeah. Chicken wings." I grin.

"Next weekend?"

"Yeah, next weekend."

A little smile crosses her face.

"What?" I ask.

"You're planning into the future."

"Why wouldn't I?" God, women are baffling. Of course I am.

Shrugging, she runs a brush through her long hair. "I guess a part of me wondered if this was a weekend fling for you. I don't get the impression you've made future plans with any of those women on Tinder."

"I've never wanted to make future plans with anyone but you. Don't be so self-conscious."

She laughs. Her hips sway as she walks into the bathroom.

She's right. I never bothered with asking those girls I met on the dating app if they wanted a future. Because I didn't feel compatible. Or maybe I was waiting for Cata.

She walks back out and sits on the edge of the bed. I stare at her, smiling goofily. I could stare at her for weeks.

"I do want a future," I say softly, picking up her hand and kissing her palm.

Everything about her captivates me. It always has. It was like this when we were younger, although back then, she was less feminine. It sounds odd to say that since she was so sexy to me even back then. But when we were teens, she wore jeans and shorts and carried herself like a geeky tomboy, because that's what she was.

My skin tingles as I think about how I caressed her body throughout the night. Cata's grown up, all woman. But it's not her curves that make her more feminine, although I adore those. It's the details, the things that make her opposite of me. The nail polish and the pretty earrings. Her flower scent and the little dresses that show off her legs. She's still got her sexy-Goth style, but it's more sophisticated, sensual. It's as if before, I had responded to her only in a teenage hormonal frenzy, and now I appreciate her femininity. Worship it, even. The feelings I have for her make me feel surprisingly gooey inside. And protective.

"I'm going to get us coffee. You let me sleep in yesterday, so stay in bed," she says, sitting on the edge and kissing me.

I run my fingers through her silky hair. "Don't be long."

She bounds off the bed and out the door. I wait a moment, then whip the covers off my naked body and fly to the closet. I have about fifteen minutes to open the safe that sits on a shelf, take out my phone, call Sawyer and have him disable Cata's Gamerhouse email.

If she receives an email with the same photo of her that I did, all hell will break loose. I don't want the weekend ruined, not after we've gotten so close. It's been the most perfect weekend of my life. Hopefully, I can find out where it came from and put a stop to any further harassment without her ever knowing.

Heart pounding in my ears, I open the huge, walk-in closet door, where the phones are nestled in the safe. My cold fingers press the combination of numbers to unlock the door, then grab my phone and power it up. I stare at her laptop, fighting the urge to open it and check if she's received the damned email.

I don't, because the last thing I want is to invade her privacy. I'm not interested in monitoring Cata's online movements – or her real-life ones, either. I only want for her to avoid the humiliation she'll feel again if she sees the photo. I want to protect her.

"Dude," I say when Sawyer picks up. "What did you find out about that email?"

His voice is sleepy. "Nothing, yet. I need more time."

"Okay, fine. But you need to do me another favor. Don't ask why, and don't tell anyone else, okay?"

He groans. I've obviously woken him.

"Disable Catalina's email account. Wipe the whole thing off our system."

"But-" I hear him groan again, then I hear the soft voice of a woman.

"Do it. Now. I'll give you an extra shift off."

"Fine, dude."

We hang up. Relieved, I brush my teeth and jump in the shower. A few minutes later, the sound of the door clicking shut makes me grin.


"I got a you a muffin," she calls out.

"Come here. I have something for you."

The bathroom door's open and I hear her sandals slap against on the tile floor. I open the shower door a little and peek out.

"I know you've already taken a shower, but..." I wiggle my eyebrow suggestively.

She heel-toes her sandals off and pulls her dress over her head. A few steps later, she's out of her underwear and bra and under the spray, wriggling her breasts against my chest. I suck in a breath as my hands cup her curves.

"I guess we have to do something while the coffee cools down." She kisses me, and I'm hungry for her. Again.

I'm more certain than ever that I'm doing the right thing with her emails. The instinct to shield her is fierce, and I'll do anything to keep her happy. She sinks to her knees, and the wide showerhead sprays us both with rivulets of water.

Oh God, this woman. I would give anything for her.

I groan and cradle the back of her head with my palm.

Her mouth is warm and tight and my mind goes blank when she moves her mouth up and down my shaft, making my orgasm come with a roar, and my voice chases it.


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