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We're on the beach at dawn. Even though we celebrated the half-billion dollar deal with Sahara at the Iguana with our friends, we're up early. It's my first day I'm officially free of Gamerhouse and in my mind, the first day of the rest of my life with Cata.

"Want to start with a sprint?" she asks.

"One...two...three, GO!" I yell.

We race down the semi-dark beach, laughing. Zelda's nipping at our heels. Once we reach the rock jetty we all stop to catch our breath.

She reaches up to stretch, laughing as she reaches to the indigo sky. I grab her roughly in a hug and spin her around and Zelda barks twice.

"What are we going to do with all of our free time now that we don't have Gamerhouse?" she asks.

"I have some ideas." I set her down and kiss her forehead. The sun's coming up.

"I do, too," she laughs. We walk back toward the mansion. It's not mine anymore. I signed the deed over to Sahara. I'm officially a homeless millionaire. It feels beyond weird to even think that. I almost don't even want to say the words out loud. Like my good luck could evaporate like the mist that's in the air on the beach this morning.

I squeeze her hand. "Seriously. I have a plan. For the next few months, anyway."

She squeezes back. "And that plan is?"

"I'm taking you on a road trip. Out west. Go to Graceland. Maybe the Grand Canyon. Up to Canada, to see the mountains there. Look at the stars, the desert, anywhere you want. Liam and Sawyer are going to hold down the fort. Look for some new gamers for the house."

Cata pauses and stares, serious.

"What?" I ask.

"A road trip? What about Zelda?"

I shrug. "She's coming with us. I was thinking we'd trade the Porsche for a hybrid camper van. Better gas mileage. It's like a high tech vehicle. We can live the van life. Be nomads."

She squeals and wraps her arms around me. She stops and untangles her fingers from mine. "Really?"

"Yeah, baby. I wanted it to be a surprise. But I couldn't resist telling you. We leave tomorrow. Or whenever. I mean, if you want. Or do you think the van's too small for the two of us?"

Cata does a little dance, then hugs me. "AHHHH! Thank you! No. The van's just right. You know I've been envious of all those people on Insta who travel around the country in vans."

I grin. "I know. I've been watching you."

"You're pretty amazing, have I told you that today? What's after our road trip?"

With her arms still around my neck, she pulls back. The little crease in between her brows is back. I can tell she's worried. About us. Our future.

"Where will you go?" Her voice is low.

I study at her. The sun's peeking over the horizon now, a creamsicle kiss on the placid water. It makes Cata's hair sparkle with threads of white gold. Like I imagine an angel's hair would look.

"You mean, where will we go? You, me and Zelda?"

She smiles a little, then nods. Zelda barks and does a little hop when she hears her name, and Cata and I laugh.

"Does it matter where, if we're together?"

She shakes her head. "I'd go anywhere with you."

I grab her by the waist and she lets out a loud laugh. Hugs me tight, sending shimmers through my body, like she always does when she touches me.

"You aren't going to mind dropping out and living off the grid for a while? You won't be a big-time gaming celebrity."

I shake my head."Don't give a crap."

"You won't miss being online day and night?"

I shake my head again. "I'm sick of being indoors. I want to live in the real world, outside. I've wanted this for a while, but I haven't had anyone to be real with. Until now."

"I love you, sweet boy."

I reach for her and bury my face in her wavy hair. A mist of Gulf water hits my bare arms, cooling my skin. I hug her tighter when I think about everything we've been through in the past few weeks. Everything that brought us together, and all that drove us apart.

"How about we go someplace really remote? Someplace without internet access. Someplace we can totally unplug."

She giggles and rains kisses on my neck. "Is there such a place?"

My body tingles from her low murmur and I draw her closer.

"There is. Somewhere. And we're going to find it, together."

- THE END - 

Thank you for reading DIRTY GAMES!

If you enjoyed this book, why not check out my Paradise Beach Series? Start with the prequel novella, ALL I KNOW!

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