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Clean Up

  VALERIE STARED INTO THE MIRROR WITH A GRIN that would send chills down anyone's back. Blood splatter covered virtually every inch of her beautifully symmetrical face as she swiped her hand down the side of her cheek. Her mother would be home soon, meaning she had to clean up fast.

It would be easy to tell her mother that Tony up and left, it wasn't unusual for him. The out of the ordinary thing would be the fact that he was never coming back. Something that made the Delaney girl happy beyond belief, he deserved every bit of what he got.

As the faucet water ran down the brim of the sink, Val couldn't help but think about how much better life would be for her now. No more wondering how it would feel to take the life of another, no more having to deal with dirty, dirty Tony, and most importantly, the knowledge that she could overpower anyone.

..and she meant anyone.

Valerie cupped her hands together, letting a puddle of water drip into her hands before splashing it on her face. She noticed how hard it was for the red spots to come off so she started scrubbing harder, angrier. She continued to do so till it was her skin that had turned her red now, not the blood of her step "father", if you could call him that, he never bothered to commit to her mother and marry her.

"You couldn't even bleed correctly." The Delaney girl mumbled through her teeth, looking at her step fathers dead body through the mirror. The girl let out a content sigh and stripped off her bloody clothes, heading for the washer.

She walked over to it, throwing each article of clothing into the machine and lazily pouring in some detergent. Hopefully, the stains would come off but, if not, she would just blame it on a period gone wrong. Men never question things like that, and her drug addicted mom wouldn't either.

"Hmph, now, what to do with him." After starting the wash, Val walked over and kicked her deceased stepfather, wondering what her best route would be for disposal of the body.

Someone had just killed Maureen Prescott a few months prior, if he was found she could surely blame it on Cotton Weary, say that Tony was also sleeping with Maureen and he killed him in a fit of rage. Or, she could play into the narrative that Cotton had never killed Maureen at all. There were endless possibilities, none of which ended up with her being caught, which was the goal.

The Delaney girl made her way to the Stereo, pressing play on the CD she had listened to a million times. It was a mix of all the most popular songs from that year, the kinds that stuck in your head all the time. 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' being the song of that played first this time.

"You'll say, we've got nothing in common. No common ground to start from and we're falling apart." The girl sang, dancing back towards the body laying on the ground. "You'll say, the world has come between us. Our lives have come between us, still I know you just don't care."

Valerie smiled as she took the mans arms and started dragging him towards the basement door. She made sure to pass the speaker and raise the volume, knowing that it was loud enough for her to hear but quiet enough that her neighbors wouldn't be mad and call the damn cops.

"And I said what about, Breakfast at Tiffany's? She said I think I remember that film and as I recall we both kinda liked it." The girl sang along, dragging Tony's body down the wooden steps towards the basement, letting his head hit every single bump. "And I said well, that's the one thing we've got."

The one part of this plan the Delaney girl hadn't thought of was disposal so, she dragged her stepfather to a big bin towards the corner of the room and used all her strength to push him into it. Once she got him in, she sighed as she noticed the blood on her hands again, and on the floor, and just about anywhere else she didn't want it to be.

Tony was still fucking her over in the after life.

Val ran back up the stairs to the kitchen where the cleaning supplies were, quick to gather soap, bleach, a bucket, and a sponge. She was again, not experienced in this at all so she was definitely winging it. Not that anyone would report Tony missing for a long time, he was a low life leech anyways, her mother would be the only one to miss him.

The Delaney girl started by cleaning the basement, working her way up to the most blood soaked area of the household. Once she made it back to the bathroom, she scrubbed and scrubbed until it was decently clean. The girl sighed, wiping an arm across her forehead.

One thing was for sure, if she were to do this again, she would not be cleaning up after herself.

Music boomed through her ears as she continued, rolling her eyes as the scrubbing got easier and easier. It was odd she felt no remorse for what she had done but at the same time, it wasn't. Some people just deserved whatever was coming to them, no matter what the punishment was.

Val was happy to serve that punishment on a silver platter.

The girl let out a dramatic sigh as she finished cleaning up the ground. The door to her home opening up at almost the same time. Her mom had come back from god knows where, she didn't have a real job so Val never really knew where in the hell she went.

"Honey, why is your music so damn loud? I have a headache." Alice Delaney asked, placing a hand over her head as she walked toward the speaker and turned down the volume.

"Maybe you shouldn't be drinking so much and you wouldn't get a hangover." Valerie smiled smugly as she secretly slipped the sponge into the bucket near her, getting up to her feet and picking the whole thing up. "Just a suggestion."

"Maybe I wouldn't drink so much if you stopped acting like a bitch." Alice retorted, letting out a sigh. "What are you wearing? Isn't Tony home?"

"He left, mother. It shouldn't be that much of a surprise." Val rolled her eyes, walking to the bathtub and pouring out the bucket slowly enough that her mother wouldn't notice the color stained into the water.

"I'm going to bed." The Delaney woman mumbled, tripping over herself as she started to walk to her room. "And Val."

"Yes, mother?" The girl asked innocently with a glint of mischievousness in her eye.

"Be a dear and make your mother a bloody mary". The woman insisted as she kicked her door open.

"Yes, mother." Valerie replied back.

Val laughed, knowing bloody Tony was right downstairs.

Here is a little intro to Val and her first kill. All the other scream characters will be introduced soon so don't worry! She has odd relationships with them all.

Also, I accidentally deleted the playlist and don't feel like redoing so rip

Opinions on Valerie?

Hope you enjoyed!

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