Part 2: Comfortably Numb

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We walked downstairs to the gym side by side. It was nice. I smiled when I noticed no one else was in there when we arrived. This was my chance to spend some quality time with Bragnae. It was almost 10:00p.m. The feeling of night made this even more exciting. I don't know what I expected to happen tonight, but I was open to any of it.

"So, what are we working on tonight?" She asked.

"How about chest and back since your legs are sore from the ride?"

She nodded. "Sounds great."

"Have you ever bench pressed before?" I asked her. This would be a good place to start.

"Not really."

I moved over to the equipment and grabbed a few weights to stack them on the bar. "Okay, why don't you spot me first, and then you can see how to do it."

She looked apprehensive, but agreed. "I don't know how much I'll be able to spot you. This looks like a lot of weight for me to catch." She took a second to calculate the weight. "Drake, this weighs more than me."

Good to know I can easily lift you over me or against a wall when necessary. "And you probably didn't even factor in the weight of the bar, which is 45 pounds."

Her mouth gaped open. "Oh my God." Her stunned look changed into a curious one. "So, what's the most amount of weight you've ever bench pressed before?"

I laid down on the bench and got into position. "250."

She was impressed again. I couldn't help but laugh. "That's incredible, Drake."

"Thanks. I'm working to increase that." I extended my arms to prepare for my set. "Can you stand behind my head? That's where a spotter usually stands."

"Oh, sure." She moved behind me. Her thighs close to my head, and in the perfect position for me to admire the curves of her breasts.

If I wasn't careful, I could get too distracted, and hurt myself. I picked up the bar and pumped out ten repetitions before setting it back on the stand.

"You make that look easy," she praised.

"I'm just used to it." I got up and removed all the weights from the bar. "Your turn. Go ahead and lie down. You can start with just the bar, and if it's too easy, we'll just add more weight."

"Alright," she said before taking position on the bench. I watched her eyes as they traveled past the bar and up to mine for a moment.

"I'll spot you the entire time, so if it's too heavy, let me know and I'll grab it."

She nodded and swallowed before extended her arms up to grab the bar. I lifted it off the stand for her.

"You good?" I asked.

"Yep. I've got it." Bragnae raised and lowered the bar ten times before I helped her place it back on the rack.

"Great job. Let's do a couple more sets of these."

Bragnae and I worked through a few other exercises that focused on our chest muscles before making our way over to the cable machine with dual weight sets.

"I'll do this first, so you can see how it goes." I set the weight for myself on both sides, grabbing the triangular pull handle on one side before I grabbed the other. I pulled the two cables towards my chest before slowly extending back out again.

"Look's great, Drake," Bragnae said from behind me. Even with a mirrored wall in front of me, I couldn't see her face. She must've been standing directly behind me.

"Thanks, but there's not much to this exercise."

"No, I was talking about your back. Your muscles are... chiseled perfectly."

I beamed inside as I pulled the cables and weights to my chest again. I paused suddenly when I felt her hand lightly touch the bare skin of my back.

"You carry a lot of weight on your back," she said softly. "No wonder you have to keep it so strong." Bragnae brought her other hand up to rest against me.

I don't know if she did this on purpose, but I couldn't just release the cables without possible wrecking the equipment. So, I stayed that way holding the cables close to my chest waiting for her next move. My entire body was tense. I didn't even know what to say. She was touching me. Jesus.

The woman missed nothing. In the short time that we knew each other, she already knew of the burdens I carried for others. God, she's incredible.

Her hands shifted to my sides as she stepped closer to me. My heart was about to beat out of my chest. My hands began to tremble from the weight I strained to hold. I'd have to do something soon, otherwise I could injure myself.

"Bragnae," I finally managed to say.

I felt her back away as her hands left my body. "I'm sorry. I'll let you get back to it."

I slowly extended my arms again. My muscles were sore from how tensely I was holding the weight. I returned both cables to their original positions before turning around to face her. She was still standing close, looking up at me. Neither one of us spoke. We just poured our thoughts and energy from the moment prior into each other's eyes.

"Drake," she murmured.

I really wanted to kiss her, but something held me back. She was making it abundantly clear that she had feelings for me just by the way she looked at me. So, why the hell wasn't I doing something about it?

Just as she took a step towards me, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Liam walking into the gym. Fuck. I quickly, but as casually as I could, looked away and grabbed a nearby towel to wipe my hands as my friend strolled up to us. God, I hope he didn't think the worst of this situation. I know I would if I walked in on us like this. The atmosphere alone was thick with the amount of sexual tension and unexpressed feelings.

"Lady Bragnae. What a pleasant surprise. Getting a work out in?"

Bragnae spun on the balls of her feet so fast I thought she'd tip over from the momentum. "Liam. Hi. Yes. I thought I'd check this place out. It's a nice facility."

I wondered why she was deliberately not mentioning that I invited her here tonight. Was she trying to protect me so Liam didn't think I was pursuing her? Or did she not want Liam to think she was here with me to protect her status as a suitor?

"What brings you down here so late, Liam?" Bragnae asked. Her back was still facing me. I couldn't see her face as she spoke, but I noticed her hands fidgeting.

Liam looked at her for a moment. His eyes briefly trailing down her body and back up again. "Actually, I came down here to speak to Drake the Gym Rat about something." He looked at me next. "I figured I'd find you down here when I saw you weren't in your room."

"Oh, well, I was finished anyway. I'd better go get started on my beauty sleep for the country jamboree tomorrow." Bragnae told him.

Liam smiled down at her. "Like you even need it."

Such a cornball sometimes. I shook my head slightly at his comment while Bragnae offered a polite giggle in response. Then she turned to me. Her amber eyes bore into me with sincerity as she smiled ruefully.

"Thanks for your help with the work out."

"Anytime." I wanted to stare into her eyes longer, but I knew Liam was watching, and no doubt assessing everything happening in front of him. I would be, but then again, maybe that's just my jealous nature. I always expect the worst. But that's how I'm able to stay one step ahead of everyone and protect the ones I care about. So, I returned my attention back the towel in my hand as Bragnae turned back to Liam.

"Goodnight, guys." Bragnae hastened out of the gym as Liam responded in kind to her.

I watched her leave, and so did Liam. He kept his eyes on her until she was no longer in sight. What a situation this was. Two men pining after the same woman. One could have her any time he wanted. The other would have to suffer with the realization that he'd never be with her. I kept wishing I was the former, but I knew that was too much to hope for.

Liam turned back to face me. "Goddamn, she's hot." He blew out a low whistle, shaking his head.

Yeah, I know. You don't have to tell me. I can barely control myself when she's around. "So, what's up, Liam?"

"Well, I wanted to talk to you about Bragnae actually," he began.

Oh, fuck. "What about?"

"Earlier when we stopped at the old village to eat, I saw Tariq talking with Bragnae." He paused, trying to formulate his next words. "I... well, I just got a weird vibe about it. I've seen him look at her on more than one occasion, and it's always with... a certain wanting. And when I walked up to them, he was talking about offering her a massage because her back was sore from the horse ride. I don't know," he shook his head again. "He was standing a little too close for comfort."

What the fuck, Tariq? I remembered seeing that interaction, but I had no idea what was said. I wondered if I should tell him that. I mean, Liam did task me with keeping an eye on her, so it wouldn't be weird that I did see it. That's just me being vigilant, right? "Yeah, I noticed that tonight, too. What are you thinking, Liam?"

He sighed, and worked his jaw in contemplation. "He's not the same guy I once knew. We've grown apart over the years. I just want you to keep an eye on him. For some reason, I don't trust him around her. I just don't want her to be uncomfortable, or get into a situation that can be misconstrued by the public, you know? So, if you see that he's trying to talk with her, maybe you could step in."

"Consider it done. I have no problem telling Tariq to 'fuck off' if I need to. Bennett's safety and wellbeing is most important." That was the complete truth. Unguarded. And I liked being able to say it out loud.

Liam clapped me on the shoulder. "Thanks, Drake. I knew I could count on you." He started to leave, but turned back to me. "Just let me know if you see anything else sketchy with him. I'll send him away from court if I have to. I would have done it already, but I don't really have a good reason."

"I hope he doesn't give you one, but I'll keep an eye on him all the same."

Liam nodded. "Good man. Thanks."

As Liam left me I couldn't help but feel anger towards Tariq. What a creep. I'd definitely be keeping a closer eye on him. I was already watching Bragnae more closely than I probably should, but Liam asked me too. And Bragnae needed to be protected.

Knowing about Tariq from Liam's perspective fueled the fire inside me even more. The bastard. If he even got within ten feet of her, I'd stand by her side and wouldn't leave until I knew she was safe. I shook my head in disgust. Like Bragnae would even go for a twerp like Tariq. Why did he even think he was in her league? He's fucking not.

I gripped the towel in my hand at the thought of him. Just try something Tariq. I fucking dare you.


The next day was the country jamboree. Everyone was out in the gardens playing games you might see at a festival. There was plenty of food to be had, and the place was crawling with snobby nobles. The press was not allowed at Applewood Manor while we were there, which I preferred. Fucking vultures. They'd make things worse anyway. They always did.

I kept to myself all day. I walked the grounds keeping my eye on Bragnae. Tariq was there too, but he hadn't been so bold as to speak to her again. I'd be there if he did.

Bragnae looked beautiful today. She wore a white and floral strappy dress with a brown belt around her waist. Knee high brown boots really brought her outfit together for the country theme. I smirked at the thought of her wearing a cowboy hat. I'd love to see her in one. The 'country' attire was more than enough for me. If she never wore another ball gown, I'd be just as happy to see her in things like this. It was simple, and I liked simple.

She pulled her hair into a low, side bun, and wove a white flower on the opposite side. She was absolutely gorgeous. A necklace adorned her chest. The point of the heart at the bottom of the chain drew my eyes directly to her playful cleavage. Clever aesthetic these women did to drive the men crazy. I'd give just about anything to see her breasts. Caress them. Draw her hardened nipples into my mouth and tug on them gently with my teeth. I'd make her come just by the way my hands, mouth and tongue worked against the curves of her chest.

I blew out a deep breath to calm my arousal. I was on a mission, and I couldn't exactly sneak off right now to give myself the release I desperately needed in that moment. God, how I wished I could have that release with her instead of with my goddamned hand.

As the sun set, everyone was called to dinner. This was the last event of the night, and I was not invited. I know Liam wouldn't have minded if I crashed, but I honestly didn't care to go. It was all courtly talk anyway and more fawning over Liam by his suitors. The only thing that made me reconsider going was to keep an eye on Bragnae, but Maxwell and Bertrand were there with her. And this was just a dinner. She'd be going back to her room once it was over. I'd make sure of it.

The Social Season was almost over, thank Christ. I've had just about enough of this crap. King Constantine had mentioned a few weeks ago that he'd be turning the throne over to Liam sooner than expected. So, Liam's coronation was just a couple days away. He'd have his bride and he'd be king all at once.

I sighed thinking of it all. Everything would change, and I wasn't sure I was ready for it. Most of all, I wasn't ready for Liam to pick Bragnae. I just don't know how I'd be able to handle seeing her on his arm, as queen, and walking around the palace. It would be incredibly painful.

I shunned those thoughts. I knew I'd have to revisit them later, but I didn't want to think about that now. A part of me still had that inkling of hope that I'd get my chance to be with her, but every logical part of my mind screamed at me saying it would never happen. It couldn't happen. Even if she wanted it. Liam wanted to be with her, and by the looks of it, she appeared to like him as well.

They had played a game of ring toss together earlier. She laughed, touched his arm, and smiled up at him with a twinkle in her eye. It was hard to watch, but it was important for me to see it. I needed a reminder of my status in this world. I'm a commoner. And I'm the prince's best friend and confidant. I couldn't let him down, and I definitely didn't deserve an amazing woman like Bragnae. Not when Liam had a chance to be with her.

She'd make a great queen. Beautiful, kind, funny. She'd be an inspiration to the whole country, and frankly, we could use it. King Constantine and Queen Regina were regal and fair, but they're also of a different time and generation. Once Liam takes the throne, the kingdom will be rejuvenated by his youth. And with Bragnae at his side, Cordonia will thrive. I have no doubt about that.

Shit. How'd I get back to this again? Frustrated with myself, I headed up to my room in the manor. I figured I'd get a work out in to relieve some of this stress, and be done in time to check on Bragnae before the end of the night. I changed clothes and headed downstairs to the gym.

Not speaking to Bragnae all day had thrown me off. I hardly recognized myself anymore. Since when did I rely on a woman to complete any part of me? I was convinced that Bragnae was some sort of mystical temptress. She cast a spell on me a long time ago, and I couldn't get out of it. But I'm not sure I wanted to either. I'm so fucked up.

I kept my work out short. I did some cardio and worked on my legs a bit before heading back upstairs to my room. I showered and threw on some jeans and a t-shirt. I was going to find something to eat, but I decided to check on Bragnae first. Maybe she'd be up for a late night snack. Who knows? She eagerly joined me last night for a work out. Maybe I'd get lucky again.

As I approached her room, I heard a big thump on the floor followed by a shrill scream. I rushed to her door and turned the knob. Thankfully, it wasn't locked. The room was dark, but my eyes were immediately drawn to activity near the bed. The full moon outside had illuminated the area just enough that I could see Tariq advancing on Bragnae.

He had her pinned against the foot of the bed. All I could see of Bragnae were her arms flailing about trying to push him off of her. Red hot anger surged through my entire body. It was the fuel that propelled me forward into the room. In three strides I was there.

I grabbed the collar of his shirt and flung him with force onto the floor where I proceeded to punch the ever living shit out of the prick. I gripped my hand around his hair to keep his head in place, straddling his chest as I worked him over.

Somehow, the bastard jabbed his hand into my ribs, which distracted me long enough for Tariq to toss me off of him.

"Drake, what are you doing in my room?" Tariq insisted. His words slurred a bit as he struggled to his feet. He reeked of alcohol.

"This is Bennett's room, asshole." I rose to my feet quickly not taking any chances. I gripped his shirt collar again and dragged him towards the door. "Don't ever try this shit with Bennett again. If you do, you'll regret it."

"Lady Bragnae and I were having a private moment, and you interrupted us, you commoner filth," he said as his eyes struggled to stay open. His nose and mouth were bleeding.

"Bullshit," I said, shoving him up against the wall. He winced from the pain. Good. I hope it hurt like hell. "She doesn't like you, and she doesn't want you. Now, get the fuck out of here, and pray to God Liam doesn't hang you by your balls in front of the entire court for forcing yourself on one of his suitors."

Tariq tried to retort, but I opened the door and shoved him out before he could. I'd make sure he was handled later, but Bragnae came first. I needed to make sure she was okay. As long as I was with her, she was safe.

I paused to catch my breath before turning around. My body shook from the adrenaline rush.

"Drake," Bragnae said softly. "Thank you."

"It was nothing, Bennett." I turned to face her. "I just had to make sure you were safe." My eyes had adjusted to the dark room, so I could see things more plainly.

Bragnae stood there, one hand clutching the wooden post of her bed closest to the door. Her face frozen with a stunned expression, her body rigid. Her body...

In the midst of all the commotion, I hadn't had a chance to look at her before now. Beating Tariq's ass and making sure the threat was eliminated was my priority. Bragnae stood before me wearing only her bra and panties. They were hot pink with white lace.

My mouth went dry, my breath stilled. My eyes hungrily took in the sight of her, burning the image into my mind. I'd seen her in a bathing suit before, but this was different. It was more intimate. Her matching underwear left little to the imagination, and it taunted me like no other. Even having just wrestled with a belligerent man, the sight of Bragnae like this captivated me.

I felt a strain in my jeans. I realized we were in a dark, private room separated only by a few feet of space and a thin layer of fabric. She had to cover up. As much as I didn't want her to, I couldn't concentrate with her standing there almost naked.

"Um, Bennett," I said, looking at her expectantly.

"What?" She asked genuinely. Did she really not know she was only in her underwear?

"You're, uh, not wearing much." Fuck that was awkward.

She looked down and gasped. "Oh, my God. I'm sorry." I averted my gaze as she found the dress she wore earlier to slip on.

Because I'm apparently a creep and I couldn't resist, I stole another glance at her as she pulled the dress up over her curves. The silvery glow of the moon framed her body as she moved. It felt like a dream seeing her like that. I briefly wondered why the lights were off. Maybe Tariq flipped them off predatorily, or perhaps she was getting ready for bed.

If she was getting ready for bed, was that what she slept in? I shuddered at the thought of such thin fabric covering her most precious of parts, and how easily it would be to rip them off or push to the side for easy access. I shook off the thought. Come on dickhead. She was just sexually harassed. Don't think like that.

As soon as she was clothed again, I walked over to her – cautiously. "Did he hurt you?"

She swallowed as she looked up at me. "No. I was more scared than anything. He was awfully persistent, and surprisingly strong."

Fucking prick. "What happened? Why was he in here?"

She took a deep breath. "I was changing out of my dress when he barged in. I was startled at first and told him to get out, but then he closed the door and turned off the lights. I grabbed a vase on the table there to defend myself, but he wacked it out of my hand, and cornered me between the bed post and mattress."

I clenched my teeth thinking about the complete disrespect Tariq had for her. I'll fucking kill him.

"If you hadn't shown up... I don't know what would have happened." The frightened look on her face slayed me.

I wanted so badly to hold her to let her know she was safe and everything was okay. But she probably didn't want that kind of affection right now after experiencing this ordeal. And I didn't want her to think I was trying to make a move on her.

"I'm glad you're okay... and safe. I should probably get going." She needed to relax after this, and I didn't want to keep her from that.

I had almost made it to the door when I felt her hand grab mine. "Drake, wait. Please don't go."

I turned to face her. The fear in her eyes a minute ago was now gone. Instead she looked up at me with the same intensity she did last night. I saw longing, desire. I felt it, too.

"Drake, I..." She took her hand from mine and let both of hers gently touch my chest. She slowly slid them down to my sides. I hissed a breath through my teeth as her hand grazed the spot where Tariq jabbed me earlier. "You're hurt."

"It's fine, Bennett. Don't worry about me." If she kept touching me like that, I wouldn't be able to control myself for much longer.

We looked at each other for another moment. Then, her fingers found the hem of my shirt and started to lift it up.

"Bennett," I protested.

"Shhhh," she told me with a gentle finger pressed against my lips. "I just want to see where he hurt you." Her hands returned to the bottom of my shirt, and she slowly lifted it along with her hands up my torso.

My heart raced as I felt her warm hands slide against my skin. Apparently she wanted my shirt completely off because she didn't just hold it up. Her hands persisted until the shirt cleared my head. And I was inclined to let it happen. I knew it was wrong, but curiosity got the best of me.

Her hands returned to my side. She looked up at me as her fingers brushed over the sensitive spot by my ribs. I drew in another sharp breath, and then her eyes trained to the spot. She delicately inspected it.

"I'm sure you'll have a bruise there. Let me get some ice." She toted off to the other side of the room to an ice bucket.

"Bennett, you don't have to do that." The space between us allowed me to breathe. Now was my chance to leave before I would do something I'd later regret. I was already tempting fate letting her take off my shirt. Knowing what she wore underneath that dress didn't help the situation either.

Before I could reach for my shirt, she had returned with ice wrapped in a towel. "I do have to do this, Drake. You're hurt, and it's all because of me." She gingerly placed the ice against my skin.

I hissed another breath. It fucking hurt. Any time there was a blow to a bone, it always hurt ten times worse than if it was on muscle. Goddamn it. I looked down at her seeing worry on her face. Instinctively, my hand covered hers – the one that wasn't holding the ice. She had rested it on my chest.

"Hey, Bennett, look at me." I waited until I saw those beautiful amber eyes. "None of this if your fault. You didn't invite Tariq in here to force himself on you, and you damn sure didn't make him punch me in the ribs."

"I know, but..."

"But nothing. I came in here because you needed my help. And..." I swallowed knowing more words followed. They'd be coated with feelings. Feelings I hadn't shared with her yet. "I wanted to protect you. I always want to protect you, and keep you close. I wish I had met you in some other way. Then, all of this would be different." I hesitated for a moment to summon my courage for the rest. "I... I care about you, Bragnae. ... A lot."

My chest tightened as I held my breath waiting for her response. I couldn't believe I just said that, but it felt wrong not to. The soft light in the room was just enough to see the candor in her eyes.

"I care about you, too, Drake." She leaned in closer than she already was. "So much."

"You do?" I could hardly believe my own ears.

"Yes," she said softly, dropping the towel of ice to the ground. Her hands slid up my chest and looped around my neck. Her body pressed tightly to mine. "I want to be with you."

Now I was in shock. I stared at her in disbelief. "You... you want to... be with me?"

Bragnae nodded as she simultaneously stood on her toes and pulled me in until our mouths connected. Her full lips felt soft against mine as we shared a tender and slow kiss that made my heart swell. I had waited what felt like an eternity to kiss her, never believing it would actually happen. It was the most incredible kiss I'd ever experienced.

She sank back to flat-footing again peering up at me. I was in a daze, and happy as a fucking clam. "I never thought I'd ever get to kiss you."

"And now that you have?" She asked in a whisper.

"I want more."

The look in her eyes told me she did too. Like a ravenous animal, I spun her around pushing her against the door as I took her mouth in a deep, wanting kiss. She returned it with the same vigor as I had. God, it was exhilarating. It felt so good to kiss her, to feel her body pressed up against mine.

Her hands ran through my hair, gripping and pulling at it as I worked my tongue through her parted lips, finding hers in a tangle of need. My hands didn't know where they wanted to explore first. Part of me was still stunned that I was even doing this, and the other part was calling for a Code Red. This wasn't a drill, it was real. It was everything I'd fantasized about, but more. My imagination didn't even come close to what it actually felt like to touch or kiss her. It was so much better.

The little moans that escaped her throat drove me wild. I pressed into her more feeling my dick harden. And that's when my fucking conscience decided to take over. Liam's face flashed in my mind prompting me to pull back, but not enough that I left her embrace.

I took a second to catch my breath. Her lips were swollen from the kiss. She was fucking irresistible. "We shouldn't." I looked at her with pleading eyes hoping she would agree. I wasn't strong enough. Not anymore. I needed her to tell me to leave because I couldn't on my own.

"What are you afraid of, Drake?" She asked, still panting.

I raised my hand to stroke the side of her cheek. "Not being able to stop."

"I don't want you to." Before I had a chance to think, she stood on her toes again and pulled me in for another kiss. This one with a fiery energy that awakened my soul.

I gave in to her, and it felt incredible. She wanted this, too, apparently just as much as I did. There was no way I could stop even though in the back of my brain the thought of Liam kept trying to change my mind.

I ran my hands down her body, lifting her up against the door so our faces were at the same height. She moaned against my mouth as we continued our fury of kisses. I nestled myself between her legs, grinding my hips into hers. Another moan from her made my dick harder than it's ever been.

I pressed myself against her not giving a fuck if she felt the raging boner she gave me. Hell, I wanted her to feel it. At least this way, there was no mistaking how I felt for her. Where my words might get muddled up or betray me, my dick could stand hard and long against her letting Bragnae know my true feelings.

I wasn't going to fuck her against the wall. Not for our first time. It needed to be special. It needed to be on a bed. So, I pulled her away from the door, and carried her over to the four-post bed and dropped us down on it. We situated our bodies more evenly on the mattress, not once breaking our connected lips.

On our sides, I pulled Bragnae closer to me, breathing in her sweet scent. Her body warm against mine. It was as if our mouths were designed for each other. They fit so perfectly together.

I slid my hand from her calf to her thigh, hooking her silky, smooth leg over my hips to bring her even closer. Bragnae pushed herself off the mattress and onto me, landing my shoulders flat against the bed. I fucking loved when a woman took charge. Fuck yes.

She hovered over me, not quite resting her body on mine as she seized my mouth for another round of hearty kisses. My hands found the back of her thighs roaming up and over her ass, bringing the skirt of her dress up as I gave her cheeks a generous squeeze.

My dick throbbed as it begged to be released from its denim captivity. My hips involuntarily thrusted up towards her. I needed to feel the weight of her body on me. On my dick. God, I needed that.

My hands continued up her body and found the zipper of her dress. I pulled it down as much as I could before she finally rested herself on me. The warmth of her core heating my hips distracted me from my task. I badly needed to readjust my dick, and get it out of my pants.

As if she heard my thoughts, Bragnae sat up running her hands slowly down my bare chest until they reached my belt. The top of her dress had loosened, and the way she sat prompted the straps of the dress and her bra to slide off her shoulder. Her hair fell forward in her face as she concentrated on undoing my belt.

I caressed her toned thighs as she popped open the button to my jeans and lifted her pelvis to pull my zipper down. I groaned as her fingers grazed my dick, which made her lean in for another hungry kiss. She hovered over me again, so I reached between us to pull my dick up and against my pelvis. It was much more comfortable this way and easier to pop out when she was ready. I kept it tucked beneath my briefs for now.

While my hand lingered in the area, I boldly decided to rub my fingers over her satin panties. I desperately needed to feel her. I wanted to know how wet she was. I rested my palm against her mound and let my fingers dance over her heat. Her panties were indeed wet. Fuck. I could come now just knowing I made her this way.

Bragnae broke our kiss to release a trembling moan. "Oh, Drake."

God, I loved when she said my name. My fingers inched their way to slip inside her panties, but she moved away, resting herself on my hips instead. A tiny bit of panic set in. Maybe she didn't want to go that far tonight. Fuck. I hoped she didn't think I was rushing her. Maybe we shouldn't even do this. How would I explain this to Liam?

My goddamn conscience spoke up again as I gently pushed her away. "Bennett, maybe we shouldn't..."

She silenced me with another kiss. "Drake, relax. It's okay. We'll just keep it PG-13 for tonight," she said before pulling my jeans further down my hips. Bragnae straddled me again, shifting her body until my erection sat perfectly between her legs. She grinded her still concealed pussy against my dick slowly keeping her eyes locked on mine the whole time. I let out a shuddering groan reveling in the heat and delightful pressure from her molten core.

I actually preferred the 'Rated R' version of this, but maybe it was best to keep skin contact out of it. At least until we figured this out. I had no idea where we'd go from here. We had definitely crossed a line and there was no going back. All I knew in that moment was that I didn't want this to stop.

Bragnae moved her hips up the length of my shaft one time before resting at the base of my dick again. I shuddered with anticipation. Her hands propped on my chest as she stared down at me. Her gorgeous hair falling in her face again. She shimmied completely out of her dress straps, letting the fabric pool around her stomach. The pink and white bra made its appearance again. This time I was close enough to see it... and touch it, rather the ample breasts it supported.

Her nipples were hard and visible. I licked my lips wanting them in my mouth – at the very least between my fingers. Bragnae removed my hands from the sides of her hips and placed them over her breasts. I cupped and kneaded them immediately making her tilt her head back and close her eyes. She looked like an angel.

She was too far away. I sat up and captured her lips with my own before kissing down her neck and then to the curves of her chest. With one of my hands supporting her lower back, I focused the other on slowly pushing the fabric away from her right breast. I kissed every inch of bared skin that I exposed until I found the taut bud at the peak of her curves with my mouth.

Her head fell back even more as a whimpering moan left her body. I massaged the fullness of her breast as my tongue flicked her nipple back and forth several times. She must have enjoyed it because her hips started grinding against me again. Her breathing grew ragged while her fingers ran lazily through my hair. It felt so good to hold her like this. I desperately wished to be inside her.

"That feels so good, Drake," she said softly. Her eyes still closed.

My dick twitched reminding me not to forget about him. Bragnae's hips moved slowly against my shaft, but I needed more. As much as I wanted to dedicate more time to lavishing her chest with my mouth, I kissed my way up to hers again, bringing the attention back to our lower halves.

My hands found her hips, and together we moved her body against mine. Bragnae picked up the pace, propelling herself up and down my length, massaging it with heat and determination.

I blew out a breath on my way to losing control. "Fuck. That feels incredible."

"Yes, it d—... yes," she said, moving her hips even faster. She looped an arm around my neck, keeping her face close to mine. When we weren't sharing unbalanced, breathy kisses, we were looking into each other's eyes. It enhanced the experience considerably.

I tightened my grip around her lower back, pulling her against me more. Her mouth fell open and quivered, still grinding her hot pussy over my very eager dick. I used the strength in my forearms to help her move faster.

"Right there, Drake. Please don't stop." What a sweet sound it was to hear Bragnae beg me to keep her on track to coming.

"I won't." She was so sexy. I loved that she knew what she wanted. Too many times I'd be with a girl who was too timid to tell me where to guide my fingers or what position they preferred to get off. It was exhausting always being the one to have to make all the decisions or first moves.

She squeezed my shoulder. I knew she was close. I kissed her briefly once more before watching the satisfaction unfold on her face.

"Ohmigod," she panted just before releasing the most beautiful and sensuous cry of pleasure I'd ever heard. Her eyes fluttered shut and her head fell back as she reveled in her newly found bliss.

My imagination didn't do this moment justice either. To say it was a privilege to watch Bragnae have an orgasm would be an understatement. I was insanely turned on watching her come, especially since I was the one who helped her get there.

As she recovered from her release, I kept a steady, but less intense pace than before knowing she'd be a little sensitive. I was close too. I needed her to move a little faster, but I'd wait.

A few seconds later, Bragnae used her weight to get me to lie back on the bed. She leaned in for another show-stopping kiss before setting a new pace to help me find mine. My hands flew to her hips again pushing and pulling her over my dick. It was feeling really good.

Soon, I felt a tightening in my balls as I approached the edge of all my desires. As if she knew to make the moment even better, Bragnae kissed me again, catching my bottom lip between her teeth. I gritted my teeth and exhaled a long groan, finally finding the release I'd been waiting for since the moment I laid eyes on Bragnae at the bar in New York. It gave me the relief and satisfaction I only dreamed of having.

I really would have loved to feel her from the inside, but at least this ended with both of us coming, and that was fine by me. She rested her cheek against my chest for another minute while she caught her breath. I wrapped my arms around her as I enjoyed the warmth and weight of her body on mine.

"I'm glad we did that, Drake. I know it was unexpected, and it's certainly not becoming of one of Prince Liam's suitors, but I couldn't wait anymore." She raised her head to look at me. "I hope you don't regret it."

I cupped her face with my hand. "No. I wanted that as much as you did. But we do have to figure this out."

She smiled. "We will." She dipped down to kiss me again. "We're heading to Ramsford tomorrow. My home turf. Maybe we can find more time to talk then."

"Sure, Bennett. I'd like that." I took a moment longer to look at her. She had a relaxed, sexy glow about her that I'd never seen before. And I couldn't wait to see it again.

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