Chapter twelve

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Ivypaw curled tighter into her nest. The moon was still high, yet no sleep had washed over her. Thunderpaw was curled beside her, snoozing sleepily. Ivypaw envied him for his calm rest.

She thought about the gathering that had just happened.

She fell out of a tree. She lost the use of her leg.

She lost the use of her leg.

Ivypaw shivered, and with no rest redeeming her tired mind, she decided to take a walk. She trotted toward the entrance, shaking off weariness.

"What brings you out here so late?" Ivypaw found Mossflight guarding the entrance to the camp, her green fur swaying, and Ivypaw wondered if green fur was a Charm. Mossflight was chewing on a small mouse. Ivypaw looked questioningly at the fresh-kill. "Oh, just a. . . Midnight snack."

"Whatever. Can I take a walk?"


Ivypaw smiled and bounded off into the forest, flicking her tail gratefully at the guard. It was just her and her thoughts now.

Squirrelpaw didn't look sad. Ivypaw thought. Or broken leg-y. But yet she didn't have the mischievous gleam in her eyes, Ivypaw realized. She always used to look happy.

"Oh, fox-dung!" Ivypaw hissed. "I can't even understand my own sister anymore!" Ivypaw ran for the border that separated the two sisters. "Squirrelpaw!" She called into the night. A hint of desperation was hidden in her voice.

She neared the border and stopped suddenly when a sound played on the FallenClan border. The brambles rustled


"Squirrelpaw!" Ivypaw recognized her sister's brown, thick fur. She tried to nuzzle it, but Squirrelpaw backed away. Ivypaw's eyes widened. "What?"

"If they catch your scent on me, they'll. . . I don't even know! But I'm already useless enough, thanks to my stupid leg!" Squirrelpaw burst out. "I wish I could just curl up in some moss and die."

"Oh, Squirrelpaw. . ."

"Don't 'oh Squirrelpaw' me!" Squirrelpaw hissed. "We don't even live in the same Clan! You don't deserve CharmClan, with your stupid little bird-brained fox-hearted petty face! You probably don't even have a Charm."

Ivypaw unsheathed her claws. "You'll pay for that, you'll see, little sister." There was almost a purr behind her mew. Her sister really was evil, wasn't she?

"You just wait."


Ivypaw padded back home, nausea clouding the edges of her vision. She felt as though she had been attacked by her sister's words. She entered the depths of the forest.


Ivypaw looked up at the tree, shaking off the pain after she had bashed into the oak.

If Squirrelpaw can break a leg from this, Ivypaw thought, she's as useless as a bug.

Ivypaw kept walking, strutting through the forest.

"Hey, Ivypaw. Back so soon?" Ivypaw saw Mossflight smiling at her, bags under her eyes. "What the. . . You've got blood all over your head!"

"What? I just. . . Hit my head on a tree, that's all, you must be imagining it." Ivypaw answered, suddenly worried.

"Oh dear! We must get you to the medicine den, right away!" Mossflight stood up.

Ivypaw's pelt felt hot. "Er, no, I'll be fine. . ." Then, Ivypaw was lifted off the dirt as Mossflight hauled her into the air by the scruff of her neck. Quickly, she padded into the medicine den.

"Ambermist!" Mossflight called, urgency in her voice. Quickly, a blue-gray furred she-cat padded from the shadows, shaking herself awake.

"What in silverpelt. . .? What happened?" Ambermist's fur stuck up. "You poor apprentice! Let's get you treated right away. Echopaw!"

A black-furred tom padded from the shadows. His pelt was covered in white markings, and his muzzle as well. His white eyes shone with tired worry. "What?"

"Cobwebs, right now! Hop to it!" Ambermist hissed. Echopaw skidded off to the storage. But he was still there. Ivypaw was too tired to be confused.

"What's wrong?" Echopaw padded up, cocking his head. Another Echopaw padded from the shadows, holding cobwebs and moss in its jaws. It placed them down and disappeared.

"What was that?" Ivypaw asked, amazed.

"What was what?" Echopaw purred. "Oh, that other cat? That's my clone. It's my Charm. He appears of his own accord, but usually only when I want him to. Pretty cool, huh?" Echopaw began to dab Ivypaw's wound with cobwebs.

Ivypaw smiled. The black apprentice smiled back. Ivypaw began to feel tired. "Yeah, I guess. Pretty cool. . ."

"Oh, I think the injury is kicking in. You'll pass out now, probably. . ." Ivypaw fell into a deep, comfortable sleep.

Ivypaw wound up in TornClan, the darkness encasing her once more. The forest swirled around her; its branches seemed to be grabbing her pelt and pulling it like teeth to a piece of fresh-kill. She padded at a steady pace, up in her thoughts too far to be scared. She remembered the path from her previous times here, and quickly paced to the large uneven rock in the small clearing where Rose would be waiting.

"Hey, Rose!" She called.

"Is that really how you greet your clanmates?" Rose padded from behind the large mossy rock, and sat atop it. She began grooming her matted pelt, but it seemed not to straighten.

"Uh, yes?" Ivypaw shuffled her paws.

"What took you so long, dearie?" Rose asked.

"I went for a walk. And I saw Squirrelpaw," she confessed.

Rose bristled her fur. "Did you arrange your meeting?"

Ivypaw stiffened. "N-no. It was a coincidence."

The ginger-furred she-cat began to circle Ivypaw once more, flexing her claws. Ivypaw suppressed a shiver, forcing herself to look unmoved. "What did she say?"

"That doesn't matter." Ivypaw meowed bravely. "She said I don't deserve to live in CharmClan."

"She doesn't deserve to speak to you that way, my dear." Rose hissed into Ivypaw's ear. "The lowly FallenClan kits - no matter their age - don't have the right to speak so rudely. She is trying to do this to you to feel better about herself for not having one." Rose scoffed.

"You. . . Rose, you're right." Ivypaw felt sure now. "Squirrelpaw really is evil."

"Yes." Rose smiled. "That is why you must lead all of the Clans, even the Dynasty, so that you can keep them all in line."

Ivypaw nodded. She didn't feel scared of Rose anymore. They had the same opinions. "Okay. But how do I lead the Clans? I'm only an apprentice," she meowed.

Rose let out a soft purr. "I - we - can wait until you're a warrior. Then, you must earn your clanmates' trust. Only then can you lead."

"I understand, Rose." Ivypaw smiled, just like Rose had.

Rose leaned closer to Ivypaw, her voice only a whisper now. "Power is good," she murmured, "and you must do whatever it takes to obtain it. The feeling of other cats taking orders from you, the thought of having them follow every paw move you make. . ." Rose drifted off, and her face became wistful, as if she was only speaking to herself. Then she turned back to Ivypaw.

"And then you must execute those who oppose you. Even Squirrelpaw."



I finally got another chapter out!


Ok aNYwAYy

Introducing some new Charms :3

You'll find out Ambermist's soon

And they are kinda crazy and op, but it's my book so I do what I wanna >:)

Wow Ivypaw is fully under Rose's wing.

Ok, I think we can all agree Rose is evil?

Next chapter is. . . suggestions?

Okay bye guys see you on Friday probably!


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