Part 22

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Anika sir is calling you inside one of the staff informed Anika.
Ok. Anika closed the file which is she checking and goes to her boss cabin. “Sir may I come in”.she knocked the door.
Yes on hearing her boss's answer Anika enters into the cabin and gulped seeing his boss sitting with face like a thunder.
Sit, boss said with a frown.
Without speaking anything anika sat on the chair looking at his face.
Boss opens the drawer which is attached to table and took a file from that and forwarded it to Anika.
“Sir what is this” Anika asked her boss fidgeting with her fingers.
Open and look boss forcefully placed the file on anika's head.
Sir did I did anything wrong?
Anika asked boss.
Yes Anika, you have done a big mistake and for that you have to bear this punishment.
Boss replied coldly making anika's leg tremble in fear.
Open it boss ordered her.
Anika nodded and opened the folder with shaking hands. She sighed in relief seeing Wonderland's tickets there.
He he, did you liked my surprise?
Boss asked Anika.
Sir what is this?!
Anika asked with a frown.
Don't you know, these are tickets for wonderland
I knew it, But why you give this me.
Anika asked.
Oh! come on Anika you are working for my company without looking day and night. You also need some break na. So just go to wonderland and enjoy with your son without carrying about your works
Boss said with a smile.
Sir are you hiding something from me
Anika asked doubtfully.
No. Anika. Why I am going to lie to you(wiping his sweet beads)
Umm then okay sir. Thank you.
Anika stood up from the chair.
Anika one sec.boss called Anika.
Have this money boss handover bundle of notes to Anika.
Sir what is this? I don't want this.
Anika swiftly replied.
Anika?! Hold this.
Boss forcefully placed money on anika's hand.
If you want more than feel free to ask me, I'll credit it in your account. Okay?!
Sir. I.
Ha, Anika! I forgot to give your flight tickets.
Boss run towards hair desk to being that.
Sir that is not needed. You already gave me enough money. I'll buy tickets from this.
Bosa-Shut up!and here is your flight tickets. Have safe journey and wonderful weekend.
Anika hesitated took the tickets .
Boss smiled widely seeing Anika going.he swiftly took his mobile phone and texted done to someone.

In London

Anish is sitting on shivay's stomach and trying to wake him up. is wakey.

Shivay hugged anish in sleep and made him lay on him.
Shiv- sleep baby.

Ani- no sleepy. sleepy.wakey.wakey.

Shiv- Alright fine.
Shivay opened his eyes and kissed his baby's cheeks.
My baby is hungry.

Anish noded hugging shivay's neck.

Shiv-come.papa will make baby's favorite milk. Come let's go.
Shivay picked Anish in his arms and goes downstairs to prepare milk for Anish.

Shivay placed Anish in kitchen slap and boil milk for him.

Ani- pa.fastuu.

Shiv- awww.2 mins baby.
Till then, you eat this biscuit, okay
Saying Shivay give biscuits to Anish.
Anish clapped his hands and started eating biscuit dipping it in the water.


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