Part 29

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I wonder Why did dad told me to come home urgently. I hope there won't be any problem, shivay stepped down from the car mumbling to himself.

Mom why are standing outside, shivay asked confusingly spotting her mother standing outside covering her head with shawl. It's so cold. Get in. Shivay stated, BTW before a while dad called me and hurried me to home. any problem? Shivay asked.

Go inside you will understand everything? Pinky said.

Ugh. Fine. Come let's go. Shivay grabbed Pinky's hand.

Oh, my matha. I'm not going. You go, pinky startled touching her forehead. Shivay gave a bewildered look to pinky and made his way towards home.

Dad... I… shivay gasped stepping on his something. He looked down and see their brand new lg
TV shattered into pieces. What the heck! He lifted his head and seen the unpleasant scenery in front of him. His fresh and elegant living room is turned into messy. Who the hell did my home like this?, shivay raged looking at the maids and housekeeper standing there. They bowed their head down not wanting to say anything. I'm asking you something! Shivay grinned angrily not getting any answers.

Ani. He dazed listening to his son's sobbing sound coming from upstairs. He hastily climbed the stairs to the room where he's hearing his son's wails.

Anish, don't worry dad is here. Ani... He stopped abruptly seeing his son jumping up and down on bed weeping loudly. Beside the bed, his dad is begging him to stop crying giving him things. His son took the thing from his hand and threw it on the floor. Again his father giving something and his son did the same throwing.

Shivay cleared his throat after watching the throwing game for 10 minutes. He was silently watching them wondering when will they stop but seem like they have no idea of putting full stop. So he deliberately cleared his throat.

Shivay, thank God you have come. Shakti sighed looking at his son.

What happened dad? Shivay asked. I don't know son, Anish Is crying without stopping. I tried my level best to stop his cry, but it went in vain. He's not listening to me. He is behaving like I was a stranger not only me as well he's behaving like he doesn't know any of us and saying that we kidnapped him.

What? Shivay shouted listening to his dad.

Listen shivay. I didn't finish saying yet.

In Mumbai.

Anu… Get up baby. Anika called softly placing soft kiss on her sleeping son. Anush stirred and hugged her right arm. Baby, mumma have to go to office. Anika said, placing kisses on his tiny nose. Anush giggled in sleep feeling kisses on his nose. Get up, Billu. Anika said again glancing the clock.

Anush yawned and stretched his arms drowsily and opened his eyes. Mwa, anush astounded seeing his mother's face. He rubbed his eyes with a fist cutely and looked again. He's not dreaming, his mom is here. He touched anika's face with his tiny figure and giggled seeing her figure not disappearing like did before.  Anika held his tiny hand touching her face and kissed his palm. What happened baby? Anika asked seeing her son's action. Mwa, Anish squealed and jumped on Anika wrapping his legs around her waist. Anika smiled and pecked Anish's cheek.

Anish come here? Shivay called his son who is breathing heavily of his continuous crying. Anish. Shivay said sternly. Anush got scared listening shivay's voice. He quickly climbed down from the bed and hide under the bed closing his ears and eyes tightly.

Anish, shivay bend under the bed and called his son. Why are you doing like this baby? Come out. He said worringly. He sighed and decided to crawl to him. He crawled near anush and touch his hand. Anush shake off his hand and crawled out from there screaming loudly. Anish, stop. Shivay shouted peeping his head out under the bed.

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