Part 32

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Anu come to me. Rudra exclaimed happily opening his arms wide to welcome anush. Anish hid his face in anika's neck frightenedly seeing Rudra.
What happened to him? Why is he acting strange? Rudra asked Anika and for that Anika shook her head. I don't know, Rudra. he is behaving like this after returning from that wonderland. Anika said worringly looking at her son.

Now I got. I picked him in middle of his playing na that why he is mad. You don't worry Anika. I will make him normal. Rudra assured trying to taking Anish from Anika. Anish hugged anika's neck tightly frightened smelling Rudra trying to separate him from his mom.

Anush, don't trouble me. Mumma is getting late for office. I have to go, like a good boy go to uncle. Anika said. Anush lifted his head to see his mom's mouth with his watery eyes. Stop crying. Mumma will be back on afternoon. Anika said wiping anush's tears. You just stay her silently without troubling Aunty and uncle. Hmm. Anika asked lifting his chin with his finger.
Hmm.. Anish hummed forwarding hand to Rudra making Anika and Rudra surprise. Come, Rudra came out of his surprise zone and picked Anish. Say bye to mom. Bye mumma.
Rudra said waving Anish's hand.
Bye. Anika pecked anush's forehead and looked at Rudra.
Don't worry Ani. I will take care of him. You go to office Rudra assured his friend.
Anika smiled listening to Rudra and left to office waving her hand at them.


Anush stirred in his sleep and tried to cuddle into his mom but he got disappointed not finding his mom warmpth. He got up from his sleep and sat on bed rubbing his eyes with palm and found himself alone in a gigantic room.

Shivay paused typing listening to anush's sobbing sound. Anish, he closed his laptop and went to check his son. On seeing Shivay there, anush swiftly came running and hugged his legs making shivay worried.
What happened baby? Shivay asked concerncly caressing his silky hair.

Welee...u...werettt... Baby... Scaled... Scaled.. anush quaverd rubbing his face in shivay's pant.

Sorry, Shivay whispered and picked crying anush's into his arms.

Did my baby scared a lot? Shivay asked wiping anush's face. Anush  nodded hiccuping. Papa sorry, shivay said soothening his whimpering son.

It's too late. let's sleep. Hmm. Shivay pecked anush's head headed to bed.

Papa.. anush called sweety. Shivay hummed patting him lying beside him. Anush giggled and called him again making shivay smile seeing him.
What my son want? Why he is calling me again and again? Shivay asked tickling his stomach making him laugh. Stowp.. haha. Anush said in between laughing.

Oh... Are you threatening your dad? Shivay laughed tickling him more.

Yeshhh... Anush laughed.

What if I didn't stop? Shivay laughed tickling anush.

Ifee knowwwttt... Baby willee tickleee...tiklee.. anush smirked shaking his hands making shivay laugh.


Hello Rudra.. What? Hospital? Anika shouted in call loudly making the whole office look at her like a alien.
Yes Ani. We're on the way to hospital. I don't know what to do? Rudra said worridly making Anika worry. Anika hung up the call hastily and rushed from there. Workers sighed resumed thier work as it was nothing new for them.


Shivay got up from bed and covered anush with blanket seeing him fall asleep he was about to leave but anush stopped him holding his kurta's edge.
Papa.. wheele..going...going... Anush asked in sleepy voice seeing his father leaving the place. No baby I was just...
Sleewp.. anush said pointing his beside. has  some work. I'll be.. nighte. Only sleewp..sleewp... Anush said tapping the bed. Shivay sighed seeing him stubborn and laid beside him. Goodie...boy.. anush placed a kiss on shivay's grumpy face and hugged him tightly making shivay smile stroking his back.

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