Part 40

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Anush, What did you just say? Shivay asked his son with a bewildered expression. I'm asking you. Repeat your words. What did you just say? This time shivay raised his voice bit louder making the little boy shiver and hid his face in his dada's neck.
Anush don't test my patience. I asked what did you just say? Shivay asked pulling out from shakthi's grip. Mom, dad did you heard what did he  said? Am I heard right? Did he just told her name? Shivay asked looking at his parents faces. Khanna who standing in the entrance slapped his head and rushed to stop the fire.

Shivay that foriegn clients..Khanna entered the scene  acting casually make uping his tension voice.

Come on sir. I'm waiting for your entry only. Khanna gulped listening his friend's words.
Aren't these all your job?! No one in the house would tell him about her.Only you must told him about her, isn't?!

What is this shivay?! You are doubting your own best friend?!
Khanna sounded fake offend.
Don't act man, I knew very well about and I'm not suspecting you. I'm cent percent sure that you are the one you told about her to my son. Shivay said glaring his friend.

I didn't expect these from you shivay... heart is winching.. ah...Khanna put an act holding his right region of chest.
Stupid heart is in left region. Shhivay grinded his teeth.
Oh sorry... Khanna swapped his hand from right to left.

You are seriously impossible Khanna. You sweard on my head that you won't tell my son about her. How did you broke your promise that too on your friend?
Shivay frowned disbelievingly making Khanna fume.

Don't talk like you never broke your promise! Khanna frowned.
I never did. Shivay said proudly.
Liar! Shivay frowned listening the word liar.

Shivay Singh oberoi will never lie. Shivay defened himself.

Haww...tell these words again keeping your hand on your heart. Didn't you confess Sheela miss about the bit I wrote after promising to me that you won't spill a word out even if they cut your tongue. Do you know how much my knee painted that day of continuous kneel down. Khanna frowned.

Man that was happened in our sixth grade and over that I didn't done that intentionally just that situation made me act like that.
Shivay said clarifying his side.
And in 8 the grade you spread the news that I pissed in bed that the speed of forest fire , after  promising me you won't breathe the news to anyone. And
Oh then in our 10th grade...
Khanna started

Stop dragging the past incidents man. If I start telling your past things then this day isn't enough to tell. Shivay frowned.

I'm all ears. List one by one. Let's decide who stabbed more. Khanna said like a school kid folding his sleeves.

Ok then let's see. Who is right and  who is wrong? Shivay added glaring khanna

Figheting is ad! Anush commented peeping his head out from shakthi's neck.

Shivay glared his son listening his comment. Then is it right to pull guest's hair. Shivay asked raising his brows glaring his son.
On't rag pst. Anush whispered slowly copying his dad's dialogue.

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Precap- Anika in shivay's office

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