• | chapter 07 : Not surprised how everything you say is bullshit

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"the difference between pizza and your opinion is that I actually asked for pizza"

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ATHENA LETS GO of the person's hand and cross her arms on her chest. The guy flails his arm around to get rid of the pain. Athena raised her eyebrows looking at him, that's the worst way possible to get rid of the pain.

"Here's a tip, don't jump on people like that"

Athena turns round to walk back to her apartment, The guy quickly catch up to her, "Come on Athena, we're friends right?" He said, Athena stopped walking and narrows her eyes at him.

"First time we met, you stole my wallet, so excuse me if I don't know that, what you did was an act of friendship, Jack." The young girl hissed at him. Jack scratches the back of his neck nervously and lets out a nervous chuckle.

"Yeah about that," He trails off, Athena crosses her arm against her chest and gives him a pointed look, "Listening," She replies to him.

"Can't we just put all of that behind, start again?" He said and lend out his hand to shake Athena's, while she just looked at it and walk around him.

Jack's hand fall to his side and he had a smirk on his face, he turned around only to see that Athena is already far from him.

He stuffs his hand into his jean pockets and licks his lips before walking in the other direction to get home, Jack learned something on that night.

He learned that Athena is not one to be messed with

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The next morning, the magicians agreed to meet at a nearby diner, around the corner of the apartment where they all met. All of them is there except for one little blonde bombshell.

"Okay, where is this girl?" Danny asks Henley, "Cant you wait? God, have patience!" Henley hissed at Danny. While waiting for Athena, they ordered something to eat.

"Okay, here is your food, BLT extra cheese for jack, hamburger with no lettuce and extra cheese for Merritt, chocolate waffle with ice cream and whipped cream for Henley and fish and chips with the side of bullshit for Danny," Someone said and serving the four magicians their foods, they all look at the waitress in shock, except for Henley.

"You're a waitress too?" Merritt asks Athena, "Girls gotta eat." She replies before grabbing a chair and sit at the head of the table. "You're late," Danny said to her, Athena narrows her eyes at him before opening her mouth, "You're an asshole, but you don't see me complaining now, do you? Besides, the diner is packed today," She replies him.

"You sure you should be here, we can wait till your shift ends?" Jack offered the blonde. "No it's okay, I'll manage," she said. "Someone's gonna get fired," Merritt said while munching on his fries. "She owns this place idiot," Henley said and continue to eat her waffle.

"You're bluffing," Danny said, "Check the menu, what's the place called." Athena challenge Danny. Jack looks at the top of the menu and it said Knight's Diner. "Your family name is Knight?" He asks. "Yup," She said and grab one of Merritt's fries, which he groaned in protest, and stuffed it in her mouth. Danny scoffed but said nothing.

Athena has a smug look on her face, proving Danny's wrong is satisfying. "So what's the plan?" Athena asks the four magicians. "Well, we're hoping for you to give some ideas." Henley said Athena looks at her cousin weirdly before Danny speaks up, "Why would you want her to think? and 'we'? There's no 'we' on this" Danny protests.

"Not surprised how everything you say is bullshit, cause you're a control freak" Athena said without looking at him and shrugs. The older magician narrows his eyes at her, not wanting Athena to kill Danny, Jack quickly speaks up. "Okay, guys, let's think of a plan" . "Already got one" Athena speaks up.

"What?" Jack said, "I said, I already got one, keep up" She replies him. "So? What's the plan?" Merritt asks the young girl. Athena smirks before telling them the plan,

What's the plan you ask?

That's for you to find out.

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