•| chapter 14 : Nicest Way Of Saying Fuck Off

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"those who don't believe in magic will never find them"

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THE HORSEMEN ARE waiting in the green room, waiting for their time to get on the stage. Danny is sitting on a single seater, Henley and Merritt are sitting on the couch to his left while the couple comfortably wrap around each other on the couch on Danny's right.

"Do me a favor, visualize your most adventurous sexual experience," Merritt says to Henley, Danny makes a face while his hands are shuffling the deck of cards that he always has wherever he goes.

"Get out of my head you perv" Henley replies to the older man, "Well, no, if I stay out of your head, I'm never gonna get into your pants," Merritt exclaims.

"Ugh, disgusting" "That's my cousin" "Too much information," The other three Horsemen said at once.

"Well... I'm not the only trying to get into somebody's pants here" Merritt said pointing over to the younger horsemen.

"You know the difference is, he already got into my pants," Athena said looking at the oldest horsemen while Jack blushes while playing with a strand of her curled hair.

The other three made disgusted faces and groaned while Athena laughs at their antics and just leans in closer to her boyfriend.

"Pardon me for intruding" A voice interrupts all five heads turn towards the door. "I just wanted to wish you, good luck tonight," Thaddeus said.

"What, so you can try to expose us later on your little website?" Danny says in a condescending tone. "And on demand" Thaddeus adds. "Steady Atlas" Athena said, getting up from her spot but stopped a few feet from Thaddeus. You're not getting into our head you low class magician

"That's not going to happen" Henley scoffs.

"Oh no?" Thaddeus gives her a sly smile. "Operating on a special plane because of the eye?"

Merritt glances over towards Henley and Jack.

"So you do know about the Eye, interesting" Athena voices out after a while.

"I heard it's a lovely place" He continues "Lots of star shine and moonbeams. Makes any magician's wish come true"

Athena chuckles before walking closer to him. She folds her arms and looks at the older man. "Yeah, or so I've heard, and I bet you would like to go there sometimes hmm?"

"Let me guess, this debunking magicians horseshit even started, because you are so desperate to see the star shine and moonbeams. So desperate to get all your wishes to come true, so you do everything you can to get their attention." She taunts him, walking closer to him."Tell me Mr. Thaddeus Bradley, am I warm?'

Just for a second, she sees something flash in his eyes but he quickly masks his facade.

The youngest magician in the room unfolds her arms with a mischievous grin on her face, knowing she got to him even if it's for a second.

"Careful Mr. Bradley, you're going to piss them off" She continues walking back towards her friends.

"You've come a long way, much further than anyone would have expected of a bunch of wannabes and has-beens."

"Oh!" Merritt stands up from his spot on the chair and walks over to Thaddeus. "If by "has-been" you're referring to me, I just wanna say I'm flattered because I always considered myself a never-was."

"Do you mind if I do a quick read on you?" Merritt says as he picks up his suit jacket

"By all means"

"Uh okay" Athena leans forward as she watches the scene unfolding in front of her. "Okay, I'm picturing a little boy. He wants to be a great magician someday, and though he's good, he's not quite good enough. So he ends up at the bottom of the entertainment food chain, feeding off of those who have the talent that he never did. Tell me, am I getting close?"

Thaddeus has an unamused facial expression as he didn't answer the question asked.

"Wait" Danny stands up from his seat, "Before you go, I'm working on something new. Do you have a second?"

Everyone stood up from their seat and walk closer to Danny. Jack doesn't let go of his girlfriend's hand as they walk.

Thaddeus turns his attention to Danny. "Okay name a card"

"King of Hearts"

"Knew it," Athena and Merritt said at the same time, before giving each other a high five

"Okay" Danny snaps his left finger and look at the deck, pretending to wait for something to happen. He jerks the deck forward before giving it a blow.

Danny cocks his head in confusion and looks up in fake embarrassment "It's up your left sleeve" Thaddeus says smugly.

"Is it?" Danny asks looking into his left sleeve. All the other horsemen lean in to have a little look. "Nope don't see it up there,"

"Hey, what about check that fancy coat's pocket?" Jack continues

The girls look at each other hiding a smirk that starting to take over their expression.

Thaddeus reaches in his pocket and pulls out a Kings of Hearts card with the words SUCK IT written on it.

"Consider it as the nicest way for us to say fuck off and have a nice day," Athena adds.

"Anyway, thank you so much for coming by, but this is kind of a talent only area, so..."

"Break a leg," Thaddeus says, "Hey you break something too okay?" Merritt adds as the older man walks out of the room

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